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硕士学位论文xx 盐业综合服务平台战略分析A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of EMBAStrategic Analysis of Enshi Salt Industry Integrated Services Platform 摘摘 要要近年来,国家对盐业管理体制的改革意向日趋明确,“政企分开、专营放开、逐步市场化”的行业体制改革方案已经初步成型。不言而喻,这将会对国有垄断盐I业企业产生巨大冲击,习惯于以“计划管理、行政管理、专营管理”为主要经营管理手段的传统盐业产销体系将面临全方位、大范围的市场洗牌。在这种形势下,盐业公司改革传统商业模式,利用自身在核心产品和客户体系、营销网络和服务体系等方面的优势,打造全新的区域商贸流通业务模式,实施综合服务平台平台化战略,无疑具有非常现实的意义,这不仅是国有企业创新商业模式、提质增效的有益尝试,更是关系到盐业公司在行业体制改革后如何继续生存发展的重要课题。本文作者是地市级盐业公司管理人员,地市一级盐业公司是整个食盐专营、盐业管理体系中承上启下的重要一环,是直接管理基层一线营销单位的中级机构,这种中级机构既能够覆盖一定市场区域,又没有完全脱离市场一线而彻底行政化,但是它在资源配置、投资决策等方面又没有完全权限,这就导致地市一级盐业公司在面对盐行业改革时求生存、谋发展的可选之路并不多。其中,整合优势资源、构建新型商业模式、直面市场竞争则是地市级盐业公司比较可行的道路之一。本文以作者所在的地市级盐业公司-湖北省 xx 州盐业分公司为研究对象,运用战略理论和分析工具,对行业形势、市场环境、产业政策、企业自身关键资源和能力等因素进行分析,对市州一级的盐业企业如何利用自身市场地位、资源优势、现代技术进行梳理,对盐业公司传统优势渠道如何建立新型产业协同关系,延伸和拓展产业价值链,实现企业转型升级发展进行研讨,并提出了“以食盐专营产品为纽带,通过互联网、大数据分析和智能物流技术构建区域性消费品集散与物流综合服务平台”的战略建议方案。本文引用了湖北盐业和 xx 盐业公司部分内部资料作为研究的数据资料。关键词:国有企业改革 xx 盐业 综合服务平台 战略转型IIAbstractRecently, the intention of the management system reform in salt industry has become increasingly clear in our country. The reform plan that includes separation of enterprise management from government functions, salt governmental monopoly broken and marketization gradually has preliminarily been forming. Speak for itself, the reform will have a huge impact to salt industry State-owned enterprises which has been used to taking plan management ,the administrative management and monopoly management as a major management for a long time. The traditional salt industry Production and marketing system will face being reshuffled comprehensively in a wide range. Under this circumstance, it is very significant to do strategic analysis to the transformation of traditional business structure of salt industry. And it is an important subject about how salt industry company will survive and develop after transformation.The author is an administrator of prefecture-level salt industry company. The prefecture-level salt industry company is an Intermediate agencies which administrate the grass-roots level marketing unit directly, so it is an essential part in the whole salt marketing and management. It Has a certain market foundation ,which means it is not administrative independently from market. But it hasnt absolute authority in the allocation of resources , investment decision-making and other aspects, which means ,based on various conditions and factors, it hasnt much choice of survival and development when facing salt industry reform.One of the feasible path for prefecture-level salt industry company is Integrating the advantage resources, transforming business model and meanwhile facing market competition. The author taking his own workplace ,Enshi Salt Industry Branch in Hubei Province, as a research object has made an analysis to industrial situation, market environment, industrial policy and other aspects applying business model, strategic theory and analysis tools. The prefecture-level salt industry enterprise can take the advantage of its own market position, resources, advanced technology to convert business model and to establish new collaborative relationship under traditional advantage so that Industry value chain can get extension and expansion. IIIIn the paper the author has proposed strategic solutions about how to establish a platform of Logistics distribution through internet ,data analytics and Intelligent logistics technology. This article has referenced partial internal data in Hubei salt industry company and Enshi salt industry branch.Key words: The reform of state-owned enterprises, Enshi salt industry , business modelIV目目 录录摘摘 要要.IAbstract.II1 绪绪 论论1.1 选题背景与意义 .(1)1.2 国内外平台战略的研究与发展概况 .(3)1.3 论文的主要内容与结构 .(6)2 环境分析与平台战略定位环境分析与平台战略定位2.1 xx 盐业公司发展概况 .(9)2.2 外部与内部环境分析 .(12)2.3 综合服务平台战略定位 .(17)3 关键资源与能力分析关键资源与能力分析3.1 运营模式与盈利能力 .(20)3.2 核心产品与客户体系 .(23)3.3 营销网络与服务体系 .(25)4 战略实施与评估战略实施与评估4.1 业务、资产、组织结构的重组和整合 .(28)4.2 技术支持策略 .(30)4.3 战略实施与绩效评估 .
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