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ECONOMICALRECEIVERS Installation and Operation InstructionsRMODEL AD1641M/S SERIES INDOOR ECONOMICAL RECEIVERS080012 07125658592005L2464The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the product s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.EQUIPMENT MODIFICATION CAUTION Equipment changes or modifications not expressly approved by Manufacturer, the party responsible for FCC compliance, could void the users authority to operate the equipment and could create aThe equipment has been tested and complies with the limits for a Class A digital device, according to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment operates in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and, if not installed and used according to these instructions, may cause harmful interference toOperation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference. If this equipment is used in a residential area, users must correct the interference at their own expense.hazardous condition.radio communications.FCC COMPLIANCEUNPACKINGAND INSPECTIONUnpack carefully. This is an electronic product and should be handled as such. Compare the items received with the packing list with your order.Be sure to save: 1. The shipping cartons and insert pieces. They are the safest material in which to make future shipments of the product. 2. The IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS sheet. 3. These Installation and Operating Instructions.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product.MAINTENANCE User maintenance of this unit is limited to external cleaning and inspection. For specific recommenda- tions refer to the IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS sh- eet packaged with this product.INSTALLATIONAND SERVICE If you require information during installation of this product or if service seems necessary, contact our Repair and Service Department. You must obtain a ReturnAutho- rization Number and shipping instructions before returni- ng any product for service.Do not attempt to service this product yourself. Opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltages or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified personnel.Qa101 FThe installation of this product should be made by qualified service personnel and should conform to all local codes.To reduce the risk of fire shock hazard, do not expose this product to rain or moisture.RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPENCAUTION:TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK,DO NOT REMOVE COVERS(OR BACK).NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE.REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNELAD1641 SERIES目目 录录 设备介绍 1设备介绍2设备功能3设置、操作 4设置5自检功能7安装、连接、通电 9安装 10连接 11通电 14附录 15AD1641M/S 系列解码器至云台、 镜头连接 16AD1641M/S 系列解码器至云台连接17AD2130/2150系列主机与AD1641M系列解码器的典型连接 18AD2130/2150系列主机经 AD1691-16 型与 AD1641M 系列解码器的典型连接 19AD2050/2052 系列主机经 AD2091 与 AD1641M 系列解码器的典型连接 20AD2130/2150系列主机与AD1641S系列解码器的典型连接 21AD2130/2150系列主机经光端机与AD1641S系列解码器的典型连接 22AD2130/2150系列主机经光端机与AD1641M系列解码器的典型连接 23AD2078/2079/1676 键盘与 AD1641S 系列解码器的典型连接 24常见疑问解答 25技术指标 26 本公司拥有更改产品设计与规格的解释权,届时恕不另行通知。 此版权属制造商所有,未经制造商许可,任何单位或个人均不得以任何形式或任何手段复制或抄袭本书的部分和全部内容。 请保存好完整的机箱条形码,以便得到快捷的售后服务。 1 室内经济型解码器Device Summarization警示: AD1641M/S 系列室内经济型解码器提供 230V/24V 恒 速云台、变倍镜头、一组备用控制等。 AD1641M/S 系列解码器输入控制码有四种:曼码、 232 码、键盘码。供给电源有两种:AC 230V 和 AC 24V,用户应按具体要求选择。 安装要由有资格的服务人员进行,并应当遵守相应 规定。必须避免无关人员不当操作引起故障。并且 维护人员要预先考虑,避免由于掉落物,外来人员 破坏,建筑物振动或其它相似原因引起故障发生。 如果您在安装调试使用过程中遇到疑问和故障时, 可向技术服务中心咨询。 保存完整的机箱条形码,才能得到快捷的售后服 务。 2 室内经济型解码器设备概述设备概述 AD1641 系列室内解码器是与 AD2130、AD2150、AD2050/2052、AD168 系列矩阵主机 配套使用的一种前端控制设备。解码器提供 230V 或 24V 恒速云台驱动、可变镜头控制以 及一组备用开关。解码器带有自检功能,可在不接控制码传输线的情况下,检测解码器 的各项功能是否正常。 AD1641 系列室内解码器根据输入控制码的不同可分为 M 型解码器(曼码)、S 型解 码器(232 码、键盘码),其中 S 型解码器提供 RS-232、RS-485 两种接入方式。供给电 源有两种:AC230V(型号后缀带“X”的解码器)和 AC24V(型号后缀带“F”的解码 器),用户可按具体要求选择。各型号解码器外壳丝印示意图如图 1: 图 1 3 室内经济型解码器解码器的控制信号可以经控制码传输线直接从矩阵主机或控制码发生器获得。为了使 每一个解码器能正确接收属于自己的控制信号,必须给每一个解码器设定一个唯一的地址 号。 在 AD2052/2050 和 AD168 系统中,当摄像机数量超过 64 个时,需要给摄像机的地址 号进行分组定义。每 64 个地址号为一个组。在 AD2091 控制码分配器上需设定相应的开 关来区分这些摄像机组。 注意:不同的组之间的解码器不能连接到同一条控制码总线上。 注意:不同的组之间的解码器不能连接到同一条控制码总线上。 例:系统 1
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