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1计数型测量系统分析计数型测量系统分析主要是针对检验人员的分析2 数据收集的范围是?数据收集的范围是?- - 合格品 50%,不合格品50%40%为明显的合格品, 40%为明显的不合格品20%为不容易区别的 数据需要收集多少?数据需要收集多少?- - 一般需要收集 30100个左右.检验者数样本数各样本的反复评价3 502以上测量体系的评价基准是多少?测量体系的评价基准是多少?- - 一般计数型测量系统的目标是90% ,或具有90%以上的再现性和反复性一般事项一般事项常用50 以上3测量系统分析步骤测量系统分析步骤1、收集样本,确定分析计划(反复测量次数,操作者数 等)1、收集样本,确定分析计划(反复测量次数,操作者数 等) 2、确定产品属性标准(pass、fail)2、确定产品属性标准(pass、fail) 3、随机性的对所有样本进行测量3、随机性的对所有样本进行测量4、Minitab分析(excel表格分析)4、Minitab分析(excel表格分析) 5、分析结果并决定后续措施5、分析结果并决定后续措施50 Samples3 Appraisers2 Trials4测量1测量2测量1测量2测量1测量2 1不良不良不良良品良品不良不良 2良品良品良品不良良品良品良品 3良品良品良品良品不良不良良品 4不良良品良品不良良品不良不良 5不良不良不良良品不良不良良品 6良品良品良品良品良品良品良品 7不良不良不良良品不良不良良品 8良品良品良品良品良品良品良品 9良品良品良品良品良品良品良品 10不良良品不良不良良品不良不良 11良品良品良品良品良品良品良品 12不良不良良品不良不良良品不良操作者3零件真值操作者1操作者2例子例子q 收集样本收集样本(12(12个零件个零件,3,3名操作者名操作者, ,测量反复测量反复2 2次次) )参看参看excel formDecision Measurement System Effectiveness Miss Rate False Alarm Rate Acceptable for appraiser 90% 2% 5% Marginally acceptable for the appraiser - may need improvement 80% 5% 10% Unacceptable for the appraiser - needs improvements 5% 10% 方法一:检验结果输入相应的计算表中方法一:检验结果输入相应的计算表中MSA for Attributes Procedure 1MSA for Attributes Procedure 1Operator 1Operator r Trial TrialTrial Trial Sample Attribute 1 2 1 21Pass 2Fail 3Fail : nPass1) Prepare n samples(准备n个样本)2) Define sample(确定样本是否合格)3) Perform inspection over r operators (or testers),with k replicates (操作员进行检查,并重复检查)Note: Randomize operator trials For each operator- trial, randomize samplesMSA for Attributes Procedure 1MSA for Attributes Procedure 1For each sampleoperator combination Appraiser Score = 1if Trial 1 = Trial 2 Appraiser Score = 0if otherwise The appraiser score reflects the consistency of an operator in assessing the sample unit. Attribute Score = 1if Trial 1 = Trial 2 = Attribute Attribute Score = 0if otherwise The attribute score reflects the consistency of an operators assessment of the sample unit against the true attribute of the sample unit.MSA for Attributes Procedure 1MSA for Attributes Procedure 1Operator 1Operator r Trial Trial Appraiser AttributeTrial Trial Appraiser Attribute Sample Attribute 1 2 Score Score1 2 Score Score1Pass Pass Pass 1 1Pass Fail0 0 2Fail Pass Fail 0 0Fail Pass0 1 3Fail Fail Fail1 1Fail Fail1 1 : nPass Fail Fail1 0Fail Fail1 0nScoreAppraiserAppraiser%n1ii=nScoreAttributeAttribute%n1ii=For each operatora)b)MSA for Attributes Procedure 1MSA for Attributes Procedure 1Overall Screening Effectiveness Overall Appraiser Score = 1if all appraiser scores = 1 Overall Appraiser Score = 0if otherwise Overall Attribute Score = 1 if all attribute scores = 1 Overall Attribute Score = 0 if otherwiseMSA for Attributes Procedure 1MSA for Attributes Procedure 1Operator 1Operator rOverall Appraiser AttributeAppraiser Attribute Appraiser Attribute Sample Attribute Score ScoreScore ScoreScore Score1Pass1 10 000 2Fail0 00 100 3Fail 1 11 111 : nPass 1 01 010nScoreAppraiserAppraiser%Effectiven1ii=nScoreAttributeAttribute%Effectiven1ii=Effectiveness of Screening Process(过程检验的有效性)a)(检查者)b) (属性判别)Exercise 6Exercise 6A Black Belt seeks to assess the capability of the Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) machines used in PCB assembly.The study was made over a)50 units (37 Pass, 13 Fail). b)2 machines c) 2 replicates per machine- unit treatment.The data can be found in MSA -Attributes.XLS.Example 6Example 6接受标准决策决策 Measurement System 有效性有效性 漏检率漏检率 良品误检率良品误检率 可接受 90% 2% 5% 零界接受 建议改善 80% 5% 10% 不接受 需要改善 5% 10% 14StatQuality ToolsStatQuality Tools Attribute Agreement AnalysisAttribute Agreement Analysis (属性一致性分析属性一致性分析)在Minitab的工作栏中输入数据在Minitab的工作栏中输入数据零件真值操作者测量值 1不良1不良 2良品1良品 3良品1良品 4不良1良品 5不良1不良 6良品1良品 7不良1不良 8良品1良品 9良品1良品 10不良1良品 11良品1良品 12不良1不良 1不良2良品 2良品2不良方法二:方法二: MinitabMinitab分析分析15输入测量值输入测量值输入零件输入零件输入操作者输入操作者输入已知零件真值输入已知零件真值数据堆叠时使用数据堆叠时使用16数据未堆叠时使用数据未堆叠时使用17Minitab Session解释Minitab Session解释Assessment Agreement Appraiser # Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CI 1 12 10 83.33 (51.59, 97.91) 2 12 6 50.00 (21.09, 78.91) 3 12 8 66.67 (34.89, 90.08) # Matched: Appraiser agrees with him/herself across trials. Each Appraiser vs Standard Assessment Agreement Appraiser # Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CI 1 12 9 75.00 (42.81, 94.51) 2 12 5 41.67 (15.17, 72.33) 3 12 8 66.67 (34.89, 90.08) # Ma
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