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- 1 - 2010 年年 11 月月 25 日外交部发言人洪磊举行例行记者会日外交部发言人洪磊举行例行记者会 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Leis Regular Press Conference on November 25, 2010 2010 年 11 月 25 日,外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会。 On the afternoon of November 25, 2010, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei held a regular press conference. 洪磊首先发布消息: Hong Lei started the conference with an announcement: 国家主席胡锦涛的特使、国家民族事务委员会主任杨晶将应邀赴中非出席 12 月 1 日举行的中非独立 50 周年庆典。 Mr. Yang Jing, Special Envoy of President Hu Jintao and Minister of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission will attend on invitation the celebration that marks the 50th anniversary of independence of Central Africa on December 1. 问:第一,朝韩交火事件发生后,美国等国纷纷对朝鲜炮击延坪岛表示谴责,中方对此持何立场?第二,美韩将于 28 日起在黄海举行联合军演,中方对此有何评论? Q: First, after the exchange of fire between the DPRK and the ROK, countries including the US condemned the DPRKs firing of artillery shells on Yeonpyeong Island. What is Chinas position? Second, how do you comment on the US-ROK joint military exercise in the Yellow Sea which is to start from November 28? 答:关于第一个问题,中方高度关注有关事件,对事件造成人员伤亡和财产损失感到痛心和遗憾,对事态发展感到忧虑。我们一贯主张有关各方应通过对话协商、以和平方式解决争端,共同致力于维护半岛和平稳定,反对任何损害半岛和平稳定的行为。中方强烈呼吁朝韩双方保持冷静克制,尽快进行对话接触,避免再次发生类似事件。有关各方都要多做有利于局势缓和、有利于半岛和平稳定的事情。我们愿与有关各方一起为此做出努力。 Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Software http:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.- 2 - A: On your first question, paying great attention to the incident, China expresses grief and regret over the casualties and property losses that the incident has caused as well as concern over the development of the situation. Holding that parties involved should settle their disputes peacefully through dialogue and consultation to be jointly committed to peace and stability on the Peninsula, we oppose any act that undermines peace and stability on the Peninsula. China strongly calls on the DPRK and the ROK to keep calm and exercise restraint, conduct dialogue and contact as soon as possible to avoid recurrence of similar incidents. All parties concerned should do more to ease the situation and contribute to peace and stability on the Peninsula. We are ready to work with other parties towards this end. 关于第二个问题,我们注意到有关报道,对此表示关注。中方在有关问题上的立场是一贯和明确的。 On your second question, we have taken note of relevant report and express concern. Chinas position on the issue is consistent and clear. 问:据白宫官员透露,美方希于近日与中方进行高级别沟通,讨论朝鲜半岛局势等问题,你能否证实这一消息?中方将采取哪些措施缓和半岛局势,维护半岛和平稳定?希望美方采取哪些措施? Q: According to the White House, the US expects to have high-level communication with China in the coming days to discuss the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Could you confirm? What specific measures will China take to ease the situation and safeguard peace and stability on the Peninsula? What measures do you expect from the US side? 答:中美两国一直就朝鲜半岛局势及相关问题保持着密切沟通。中方认为,在当前形势下,有关各方都要多做有利于局势缓和、有利于半岛和平稳定的事情。中方愿与有关各方一起为此做出努力。 A: China and the US have maintained close communication on the situation on the Peninsula and related issues. China believes that under the current circumstances, parties concerned should do more to ease the situation and contribute to peace and stability on the Peninsula. China is ready to work with other parties towards this end. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Software http:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.- 3 - 当前形势下,尽快重启六方会谈十分紧迫和重要。我们希望有关各方共同努力,在六方会谈框架内通过对话协商妥善解决各方关切,实现半岛和平稳定及东北亚的长治久安。 Under the current circumstances, its imperative and important to resume the Six-Party Talks as soon as possible. We hope relevant parties make joint efforts and properly address each partys concerns through dialogue and consultation within the framework of the Six-Party Talks so as to realize peace and stability on the Peninsula as well as enduring peace in Northeast Asia. 问:中方是否与朝鲜就有关问题进行过沟通? Q: Has China had any communication with the DPRK on the issue? 答:中方与有关各方保持着密切沟通。我们一贯主张有关各方通过对话协商、以和平方式解决争端,共同致力于维护半岛和平稳定。 A: China stays in close communication with all parties concerned. We always maintain that relevant parties should settle their disputes peacefully through dialogue and consultation to be jointly committed to peace and stability on the Peninsula. 问:朝鲜和韩国都表示是对方先开火,中方对此有何看法? Q: The DPRK and the ROK accused each other of opening fire first. What is your opinion? 答: 相信大家都注意到当事方对事件起因有不同说法。 中方呼吁朝韩双方保持冷静克制,尽快进行对话接触,避免再次发生类似事件。 A: As you have noticed, parties involved made different claims about the cause of the incident. China calls on both the DPRK and the ROK to keep calm and exercise restraint, conduct dialogue and contact as soon as possible to avoid recurrence of similar incidents. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Software http:/www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.- 4 - 问:朝鲜近日向美国专家展示了铀浓缩设备,你有没有进一步表态?有消息称其中部分技术经中国转至朝鲜,你对此有何评论? Q: About the DPRK showing its uranium enrichment facilities to the US scientist, do you have anything more to say? Its said that part of the technology comes from China. How do you comment? 答:我们认为,各国都应认真、准确执行安理会有关朝核问题的各项决议。中方一直以负责任的态度认真履行国际义务,并根据安理会有关决议精神,致力于推动实现
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