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1四年下册英语复习听力专项练习四(听力最后两题)一、听录音,填单词,对话读三遍。 Mikes mom is giving a call to him. What are they talking? Please listen and write.Mom: Hello. May I speak to Mike?Mike: Yes, speaking.Mom: Mike, whats the weather like in Beijing?Mike: Its _.Mom: Put on your _, please.Mike: Thank you, mom. I want to wear my green _, too.Mom: Good! Its _ here.Mike: So daddy can go out and _ ball games.Mom: Yes, you are right.二、听录音,填空。 Sarah has got some presents on her birthday. What are they? 请听录音,在横线上写出所缺的单词,短文读三遍。Hello. I am Sarah. I have got 5 presents. Look! This is a _. Its purple. That is a _. Its nice. There are _ socks in the purple box. I like the _ pants and the _ shorts.三、听录音,把句子补充完整,对话读三遍。 Amys friends are talking about their birthday presents, too.请听他们的对话。 Amy: My dear friends! I have got a new _ on my birthday. What about you? Sarah: I have a pair of _. They are pretty. But theyre too _. Ben: I have a shirt on my birthday. But its too big. Mike: I have a pair of slippers. Theyre nice, but they are too _ . Chen Jie: I have a skirt. Its expensive, but its too _. Amy: How much is it?班别: _ 姓名: _ 学号: _2Chen Jie: Its 90 yuan. 四、听录音,把句子补充完整,对话读三遍。 John and his friends are talking about the animals on the farm. Amy: What can you see on the farm?John: I can see two _. What about you?Amy: I can see five fat _.Mike: Look! There are many _, too.John: They are cute. Can you see a _ eating a carrot, Amy?Amy: Yes, I can. Its so lovely. Whats that in the pool?Mike: Oh, its a _. 五、听录音,填空。 Amy is telling us her school timetable. Have you got it? 请听录音,在横线上写出 所缺的单词,短文读三遍。Hello. I am Amy. I am a student. I study at No.2 Primary School. School begins at _ oclock. I have _ lessons a day. I have _ at 9:00. I have _ at 11:00. I have PE _ at 4:30 in the afternoon. I learn and play with my friends. I like my school very much! 六、听录音,填空。 Amy is describing her school. Can you help her? 请听录音,在横线上写出所缺 的单词,短文读三遍。_ is my school. Look! _ is beautiful. The _ is green. There are many _ in the classroom. You can see lots of _, too. 七、Ken and Ben become good friends. Now Ben is introducing his school life.3请听录音,填空,短文读三遍。 I am Ben. I study in No.1 primary school. I _ at _ oclock. I have _ and English every day. Tom is my best friend. He likes wearing _. We often play _ after class. We go home together. 八、听录音,选答语。 请听对话,选择答语并将其大写字母编号写在横线上,对话读两遍。Mom: Mary, look at that dress. Its wonderful. Mary: _ Assistant: _ Mom: Yes. _ How much is that dress? Assistant: _Mom: Oh, thats expensive. Mary: _Mom: Sorry, Mary. Its too expensive. 九、听录音,选答语。 John is happy on the farm! Shes talking to Miss White. 请听他们的对话,选择答 语,并将其大写字母编号写在横线上,对话读两遍。John: The farm is so big. Are they sheep? Miss White: _ John: Are these lambs? Miss White:. _ John: Look at the hens. They are fat. Miss White: _ John: _ Miss White: One hundred. John: Can you see the donkeys? Miss White: _十、听录音,选答语。 A. Its ninety-nine yuan. B. Mom, I like it. C. Yes, it is. Its very nice. D. How much are they? E. Can I help you? F. I want a dress for my daughter.A. Yes, they are B. No, they arent. They are goats. C. No, I cant. D. How many cows can you see? E. Yes. I can see many cows, too. F. How much are they? 4Sam is happy in the school! Hes talking to the visitors. 请听他们的对话,选择答 语,并将其大写字母编号写在横线上,对话读两遍。 Sam: Welcome to our school! _Thats my classroom. Visitor A: _ Sam: There are forty-nine. Visitor B: _ Sam: Yes, we do. Visitor A: Do you have lunch at school? Sam: Yes! _ This way, please. Visitors: Oh! _ 十一、听录音,选答语。 这是 Mike 早上的活动,请听对话,选择答语,并将其大写字母编号写在横线 上,对话读两遍。 Mike: Oh! Its 6:30. _ Mom: Breakfast is ready! Mom: Hurry. Its 7:10. _ Mike: Oops. Teacher: _ Students: _ _ Mike: Im ready! 十二、听录音,选答语。 Chen Jie and her friend Tim are talking in the phone,请听对话,选择答语,并将 其大写字母编号写在横线上,对话读两遍。 Chen Jie: Hello! Tim: Hi, Chen Jie. _ Chen Jie: Not much. Tim: _ Chen Jie: Its rainy today. _ Tim: Its sunny and hot. Chen Jie: Oh, no! My pictures! Tim: _ Chen Jie: Its windy now. _ A. Your school is beautiful. B. Do you have a library? C. The canteen is on the first floor. D. How many student
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