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Germany: Diabetes Market Page 1 of 5Let us help you export.export.gov The U.S. Commercial Service Your global business partner.800-USA-TRADESUMM ARYSummaryWorldwide diabetes is becoming a serious problem. With obesity, and other health problems becoming much more common in society, diabetes is affecting an increasing number of people. There are approximately 246 million diabetic people worldwide, with around 50 million in Europe; 3.6 million died due to diabetes-related complications in Europe in 2007. Germany ranks number six worldwide in the number of diabetic people, which is surprising considering its relatively low population of 82 million.The global diabetes market was worth USD 27.3 billion in 2008 and was led by insulin analogs which captured 45.0% of the market followed by glitazones with share of 22.8%. The United States is the largest global diabetes market with sales of USD 12.9 billion in 2008, equaling 47.6% of the world market. Highest growth in sales can be found in several early emerging economies such as the UAE with a 59.7% growth rate.Germany for years has been thought of as trailing in diabetic research, and product development. The United States for example invests 50 dollars for every dollar invested in diabetes research/product development in Germany. This is evidenced by the amount of new products coming from the United States in the last few years. Germany is however trying to turn this trend around and is moving away from focusing on treating diseases after they occur and is turning its attention to preventative medicine. As little steps, such as daily exercise, proper diet, and early diagnosis, can have a large effect on both the probability of acquiring and on being able to live with diabetes. Through its investments throughout the next few years Germany is expected to improve its reputation in diabetic research; and the number of German diabetics is expected to decrease to European standards. Early diagnosis and disease prevention is only one part of the total diabetes market. Many people are already sick and are looking for new less invasive ways to test and manage insulin levels. There are many new products which are trying to enter the market such as non-invasive human insulin (insulin patch, inhaled insulin), new drug classes in the oral anti-diabetics (OAD) market, and no-blood insulin testers, which all take advantage of new technologies to battle diabetes head on. These products have ample opportunities to succeed in the German. The German market is already saturated with “normal” insulin testers, and other widely distributed products. American companies which have innovative, new, technologically advanced products have good chances to export those to Germany. These products are likely to succeed as not many newly patented products have been developed in Germany. American companies are well advised to partner with existing German distributors. Germany: Diabetes MarketAnette Salama September 2010Germany: Diabetes Market Page 2 of 5Let us help you export.export.gov The U.S. Commercial Service Your global business partner.800-USA-TRADEMarket Overview In the European Union (EU) the prevalence rate for adults (20 to 79 years old) rose from 7.6 to 8.6 percent between 2003 and 2006, accounting for 31 million affected people. Germany has the largest number (7.5 million) of diabetics within the EU. Germany also has a prevalence rate of around 8% which is also the most out of any European country. Many experts, however, speculate that in comparison to other European countries, Germany will have a lower percentage of diabetics per capita than many of its neighbors in 2030.Diabetes mellitus is one of the most frequently diagnosed metabolic diseases in western industrial nations. Around 90% of all diabetes cases are diagnosed as type 2 diabetes, while only 5% of those diagnosed are shown to have type 1 diabetes.Next to the typical diabetes complications of eyes, nerves, kidneys, and feet, type 2 diabetic people are also at a high risk for heart and angiography complications. Therefore it is particularly important for these patients to request early tests for these issues. Besides these two main forms there are many other forms of diabetes, the most common of these being gestational diabetes.Table 1: Number of people with diabetes (20-79 years), 2010 and 2030 Country/Territory2010 millionCountry/Territory2030 million 1India 50.81India87.0 2China43.22China62.6 3United States of America26.83United States of America36.0 4Russian Federation9.64Pakistan13.6 5Brazil7.65Brazil12.7 6Germany7.56Indonesia12.0 7Pakistan7.17Mexico11.9 8Japan7.18Bangladesh10.4 9Indonesia7.09Russian Federation10.3 10Mexico6.810Egypt 8.6 Source: IDF Diabetes Atlas 4th Ed.0%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%Table 2: Prevalence Rate of Diabetics in Europe* concerns popuplation aged 20-79 years oldSource: Deutsche Bank Research:Diabetes- der Germany: Diabetes Market Page 3 of 5Let
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