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网址之家:一起导航网 http:/www.17learn.cn淘宝返利网、第一返利网 http:/www.d1fanli.com1关于状语从句难点释疑关于状语从句难点释疑状语从句是高考中从句考查的热点之一。下面就状语从句的一些重、难点问题 进行小结,供同学们复习参考。 一、时间状语从句 1. 在“hardly / scarcely . when / before .”, “no sooner . than .”句型中,主句常用过去完成时,从句常用一般过去时;如果否定词 hardly, scarcely, no sooner 置于句首,主句必须实行主谓语的部分倒装, 即主语与助动词倒装。如:He had hardly / scarcely arrived when / before it began to snow.(= Hardly / Scarcely had he arrived when it began. ) 他刚到,天就开始下雪。Mary had no sooner left the room than they began to talk about her. (= No sooner had Mary left the room than they began .) 玛丽刚离开房间,他们就开始谈论起她来了。2. when, while, as 的用法。这三个词都意为“当时候”。三者有时可以通用。如:When / While / As we were playing happily, our mother came back. 我们正玩得高兴时,妈妈回来了。但三者也有区别: (1)when 引导的时间状语从句既可以表示时间点,也可以表示时间段,因此 when 从句中的谓语动词既可以是短暂性动词,也可以是延续性动词。如: When I arrived at the airport, I found the plane had taken off. 当我到达机场时发现飞机已经起飞了。(短暂性动词)She can write only when / while the baby is asleep. 只有婴儿睡着的时候,她才能写作。(延续性动词) (2)while 引导的时间状语从句表示时间的延续,常表示一段时间,即从句中 的谓语动词通常是延续性动词,而且经常用进行时。如: 网址之家:一起导航网 http:/www.17learn.cn淘宝返利网、第一返利网 http:/www.d1fanli.com2We must keep silent while others are studying. 当别人学习时,我们必须保持安静。 (3)as 多用于口语,强调“同一时间”,一般译为 “一边一边”, 有时还有“随着”之意。如: The class took notes of what the professor taught as they listened to him attentively. 同学们一边记笔记一边专心听教授讲课。As spring warms the earth, all flowers begin to bloom. 随着春回大地,百花开始绽放。二、地点状语从句 区分 where 引导的是定语从句还是地点状语从句,关键在于看它前面有没有表 示地点的名词。如果有,where 作关系副词,引导定语从句;如果没有,where 作连接副词,引导地点状语从句。如:你最好在有问题的地方做一个记号。You”d better make a mark at the place where you have any questions.(定语从句,先行词为 the place) You”d better make a mark where you have any questions. (状语从句)三、目的状语从句 1. in order that 与 so that 都意为“以便;为了”,从句谓语一般 使用情态动词。in order that 引导的从句可置于主句之前或之后,而 so that 引导的从句一般置于主句之后。如: I”ll speak slowly so that / in order that you can understand me. 我说慢一点儿以便你能听懂。 In order that we might see the sunrise, we started early. 为了看到日出,我们早早就出发了。 2. 当主句和从句主语一致时,目的状语 从句可以直接转换为不定式。如:He got up early in order that he could catch the bus. (= He got up early in order to catch the bus.)网址之家:一起导航网 http:/www.17learn.cn淘宝返利网、第一返利网 http:/www.d1fanli.com3为了赶上公交车,他起得很早。四、让步状语从句 though 引导的让步状语从句可倒装,也可不倒装。as 引导的让步状语从句必须 倒装。倒装时,把表语形容词、名词(名词前不用冠词)、状语副词或谓语动 词等提前到句首,主、谓语不倒装。如:Though he was angry, he managed to speak calmly. 尽管他很生气,但讲话还是很平静。 Child as / though Tom is, he knows a lot. 尽管汤姆还是个孩子,但懂得很多事情。Hard as / though he tried, he didn”t pass the exam.尽管他努力了,但考试还是不及格。Try as / though he may, he never succeeds. 尽管他努力了,但总是不成功。 五、状语从句的省略 如果状语从句中的主语与主句主语一致而且含有 be 动词时,从句的主语和 be 动词可以同时省略。如: Don”t speak until (you are) spoken to. 除非有人和你谈话,否则不要讲话。 While (I was) in Beijing, I visited the Temple of Heaven. 在北京时我参观了天坛公园。 Some flowers shut up at night as if (they were) to sleep. 一些花在晚上合拢了花瓣,好像要睡觉似的。Exercise: 从方框中选择适当的连词(词组)填空。其中有多余选项,且有的选项不止使 用一次。网址之家:一起导航网 http:/www.17learn.cn淘宝返利网、第一返利网 http:/www.d1fanli.com4as, though, when, where, in order that, for, because, since, that, so that, while1. I read the letter _ I walked along the river. 2. Poor _ he was, he was never selling his honor at any price. 3. _ he could arrive on time, he caught a plane. 4. _ she got off the train, there was a nearly full moon. 5. Corn grows best _ the ground is rich. 6. Hardly had he begun to speak _ the audience interrupted him.7. _ her family was poor, they would never ask for help.8. _ the weather gets cooler and cooler, some birds will fly to the south to spend the winter.Key: 1. as Key: 1. as 2. though / a3. In order that 3. In order that 4. When 5. where 6. when / before 6. when / before 7. Though 8.
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