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专四作文真题1992My View on Reading Extensively泛读好还是精读好(To read extensively or to read intensively)Bathed in so many worthy books, every one is faced with the option of reading method. Some think that we should read extensively. It is their conviction that, reading extensively could easily enlarge knowledge, widen interests and enrich lives. On the other hand, with the sharp increase in information today, we are not allowed to read word by word. It seems an impossible mission to accomplish digesting carefully every material. Therefore, what we need nowadays is to read extensively. However, some people, on the contrary, hold the opposite point of view. In their eyes, we benefit much more from reading intensively. Only by following every word are we able to comprehend the hidden meanings. Besides, without intensive reading, we are likely to miss a good many wonderful expressions, thoughtful words and even truths. Thus, they suggest chewing a book mouth by mouth rather than simply swallowing it at a time. As far as I am concerned, we ought to learn to read extensively as well as intensively. It is not often possible, to read in merely one way. Instead of trying to read every line and word in newspapers and magazine, wed better summarize the main idea. And when it comes to literature, art, science articles and others like these; it is wise to read them intensively. 有选择地读还是广泛地读?有选择地读还是广泛地读?How should we read? Should we read selectively or extensively? Everyone has his own view.Some people think we should read selectively. They argue that with the development of modern science and technology, more and more books are published. It is impossible for us to read all the books. Whats more, there are many bad books that are poisonous to our mind, and we shouldnt read them. Since we cant read all the books and we shouldnt read bad books, we must read selectively.But others may not agree, they emphasize that todays society is not what it was. If one man has many kinds of knowledge, he will have more chances to succeed. If a man knows much in one field but knows nothing in other fields, he may be useless. Since we must have many kinds of knowledge, we must read extensively.Whos right? I think both of them have something right. But I think we should read extensively first. We should read books in many fields, and read selectively in one field.1993 My Idea of Becoming a Teacher in the FutureWrite the composition in 3 paragraphs. In the first paragraph, state what your view is on becoming a teacher in the future. In the second paragraph, give at least two reasons to support your view. Finally, in the last paragraph, give a brief summary of what you have discussed in the preceding paragraphs.1993TV: a good thing or a bad thing?TVBlessing or Curse?Few things in the modern world have so much influence on people as the television does. Being besieged 包围 with TV news, absorbing teleplays, well-masterminded programmes, one can easily conclude that TV is a real blessing to the human society, offering affluent entertainment and information. Yet, convenient and helpful as it is, the television also brings negative effects.To begin with, TV makes people more passive than before: since everything on TV is ready-made, there is no space for audiences initiatives. The news has been carefully edited, teleplays well shot, programmes rehearsed, so all you need to doand all you can do is to sit on a comfortable sofa and look at the screen. Though a lot of people enjoy doing this, the undoubted truth is that people are becoming more passive simply because there is no interaction and no efforts on them. Television also contributes to the fact that people nowadays are more distant to each other. Since most of our free time is taken away by the act of watching TV, we can no longer find enough time to visit friends, call on relatives or go to interesting places. This is also true within a family, parents and children and other members are less close to each other, because family get-togethers and conversations are disturbed by TVwhen one member is watching TV, he would like others to keep quiet.Of course I am not denying the great conveniences and huge benefits the TV brings us, but to make it a really blessing to us, we should try to avoid its negative effects. 1995 Nowadays it has become fashionable for college students to take a part-time job in their spare time. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend. 1996 Every college student would agree that life in college is not the same as it was in the middle school. Now, you have been asked by the Students Union to write a passage entitled: The Main Difference Between My College Life And My Middle School LifeWhen studying in middle school, sheltered under the wings of parents and teachers, and following what they required, I always wished I were a free eagle flying in the sky. After I entered college, I was overjoyed to find out the main difference between college life
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