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0新概念英语第三册 Lesson 10 The Loss of the Titanic 教学详案牡丹江市第一高级中学李平myzlp163.com1教学详案教学详案执教老师李平执教对象牡丹江一中高二一班教学内容New Concept English Book 3 Lesson 10教学内容分析:教学内容分析:(一) 教材分析 本课选自新概念英语,这一经典教材一如既往向读者提供一个完整的、 经过实践检验的英语学习体系,使学生有可能在英语的 4 项基本技能听力、 口语、阅读和写作方面最大限度地发挥自己的潜能。 本文出自新概念的第三册,学生在学完中级以下的水平的教材后,就进入 巩固和扩展阶段。以前学到的语言技能要不断的练习,同时还要学会进一步地 深入学习。理解、口语、阅读和写作 4 项技能还要进行强化训练,但是许多练 习不是机械的。本册就是基于以上几点编写的。(二)教学内容分析 本文是第十课 The Loss of the Titanic, 全篇比较简短,计 250 词。文章共分 两段,第一段讲了“泰坦尼克号”的一些背景知识,第二段主要讲其沉没过程。 “泰坦尼克号的沉没”这一 20 世纪的历史大悲剧是大家所熟知的,其影片中的故 事让人们百般回味而仍感意犹未尽。学生对文章的内容也非常感兴趣。但对其 具体的了解,尤其是怎样用英文描述其细节是我们有待加强的地方。学生情况分析:学生情况分析:学生是高二学年英语基础非常好的学生。他们有一定的语言表达能力,词 汇和语法知识也掌握得比较好,在课堂上会积极回答各种问题。学生已有的认 知水平和能力状况可以在教师的引导下完成教师所布置的教学任务。但在学习 过程中还不能独立完成一些相应的项目和安排。需要教师进行指导,使学生在 说、写两个方面的技能有一定的提高,同时掌握一些新的词汇及用法。教学预期目标:教学预期目标:按课程标准确定课堂教学目标三维目标。具体到英语学科应包含以下几个 方面:语言知识目标、语言技能目标、学习策略目标、情感态度目标及文化意 识目标: (一) 语言知识目标本单元要求学生除掌握必要的单词、词组和句型以外,同时要求学生掌 握一些和船有关的话题,并掌握一定的关乎航行和表达方式。 (二) 语言技能目标2通过本单元的学习,培养学生良好的“听、说、读、写”的技能,使学 生能运用所学知识解决相关情景中一些类似的问题,并能结合所给任务,综合 运用新旧知识解决问题,完成任务,在此基础上鼓励学生大胆地根据各自的语 言基础与能力,有个性地解决问题。 (三)情感目标 1激发并提高学生学习英语的兴趣,使其乐于接受新鲜事物,勇于尝试; 体现课堂教学“主体者”的身份,使其参与到教学环节中来,成为积极学习的 主人。培养学生之间合作相处的感情,乐于合作的精神,和自主学习的意识。 培养正确的求生方式,培养学生良好的自助和互助的态度。教学重、难点:教学重、难点:Key words and expressions: watertight, colossal, lookout, flood, tragic, abandon, plunge, collision, etc.Topic: talk about the loss of the TitanicClauses: different clauses教具准备:PPT、录音机、磁带等教学过程教学过程 I Leading I am very happy to give you my lessons. And I am also very lucky because I survived another day. Nowadays there are so many disasters every day every where. For example, recently, an earthquake struck Japan and the radiation is still very serious. Several years ago a big tsunami hit India and many people lost their lives. Also, many years ago, a very large ship was travelling across the atlantic. Every one was enjoying their trip. But suddenly, something happened. Lets watch the video and see what happened. While watching, pay attention to what you see, what you hear and your feeling. Ok. I think its a tragedy. The ship sank. Can you think up words related to what you have seen, what you have heard and your feeling now. (students answer: horror, terrified, my heart will go on. The ship hit an iceberg. Touched by their love story, frightened, scream, mass, tragic, its a great pity, ) Today, we will come to our passage, the loss of the titanic. 设计意图: 由视频导入文章,由所看,所听和所想引入词汇。 II Before-reading First lets come to our new words. You will look up the words in groups of four, 3and try to find out the part of speech, english meaning and examples, if possible. Students give their answers. Divide the students into 4 groups, the first 4 students in each group look up words in group 1, the second 4 look up words in group 2 . Look up the words in their dictionaries: Group 1: colossal, plunge, tremble Group 2: flood, slight, tragic Group 3: compartment, faint, float Group 4: abandon, horror, liner e.g. flood n. v be filled with water. In large numbers. The room was flooded with moonlight. Teacher gives the explanations of some other words. Watertight, iceberg, lookout, collision, lifeboat Exercise about the vocabulary. colossal, watertight, compartment , float, tragic, liner, iceberg, lookout, collide, slight, tremble, faint, abandon, plunge, lifeboat 1. If there had been more lifeboats, more lives could have been saved. 2. The ship began to sink because 5 of her 16 compartments had already been flooded. 3. You have a slight fever; you only need to have a good rest. 4. If she cared about me, she would never abandon me. 5. If the aims of two countries collide, there may be war. 6. The train accident was tragic. Two conductors and ten passengers were dead. 7. The great liner , Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. 8. While the Titanic was sailing across the icy water of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. Listen to the tape and get a general idea of passage; answer some questions about numbers. 1.When did Titanic sail from Southampton to New York? 2.How many passengers was the ship carrying? 3.What did the captain realize? 4.How many people lost their lives? 5.What would have happened if only two of the 16 watertight compartments had been flooded?4设计意图: 本过程中注意体现下列原则: 1)突出学生的主体地位。 2)不同学生的字典不同,答案不同,互相参考、学习。 3)不同的词所需作出的解释不完会相同。 4)给学生足够的时间说出自己的答案。 5)老师所给词汇再一次突出课文内容。 6)及时检测所学词汇。 7)了解课文大概内容,回答有关数字方面的听力问题。III While-readubg Read the passage, check their listening and find the different clauses. Adverbial clause At the time, she was not only the largest, for she had sixteen watertight compartments. Even if two of these, she would still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down Fours days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy water After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned . The noise had been so faint that no one thought that th
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