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定从完成句子练习湖北真题完成句子湖北真题完成句子1.(2008 年湖北高考,3)The city _(我成长的) is very hot and damp in summer.(grow) 2. (2009 年湖北高考, 10 ) Learning strategies, to _ (老师们 认为) importance, have not yet drawn enough attention of students.(attach) 3. (2010 年湖北高考, 7 ) My mother was so proud of all_(我所做的) that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing. (do) 练一练练一练1.The city _(我参观的)last year is very beautiful. (visit) 2. The most important thing _(我们应该注意的) is the first thing that I have said. (attention) 3. The program of VOA _(代表) Voice of America is popular with many English listeners. (stand)4. This morning Andrew, _(其父是一个医生), told me about his new teacher.(doctor)5. His younger sister teaches in a secondary school, in front of _(流淌着一条小河). (flow)6. Peter was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _(这让其他人不高兴). (make)7. Oh, your dress is very special, _(那会使你显眼) in a crowd. (stand)8. The farmers, _ (我曾在他们的农场教书), are now very rich. (teach)9. We feel relieved that we have reached a stage_(每一个人都可以享受平等权利). (enjoy)10. Last month, part of Central China was struck by snow storm, _(它的影响)people there are still suffering. (effect)11. John is a man _(你可以放心信赖的). (depend)12. Yesterday I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _(它的价格很合理).(reasonable)13. The important thing_(我们应该注意的)is the first thing that I have said.(attention)14. I used all the money _(你借给我的).(lend)15. This is the book _(我正在找的).(look)16. This is the boy _(没有他的帮助)I couldnt have passed that difficult exam.(help)17. He was educated at the local high school, (在那之后他继续) to Beijing University.(which)18.The growing speed if a plant is influenced by a number of factors, (大部分因素我们无法控制).(beyond)19. Last week, only two people came to look at the house, (他们都不想买).(neither)20. Chans restaurant on Baker Street, (曾经管理不善),is now a successful business.(which, run)21. Today, well discuss a number of cases (英语初学者不能恰当使用语言).(fail)22. It is reported that two schools, (正在修建的) in my hometown, will open next year.(build)23. The media can often help solve problems and draw attention to situations _(需要帮助).(need)24. It is said that the price of that beach house,_(你盼望买下的),has fallen by a further 20 dollars a square metre.(look)25. We shouldnt spend our money testing so many people, _(大部分都很健康).(most)26. Were just trying to reach a point _(双方都能坐下来) and talk.(sit)27. Music is a universal language, _(使成为可能)for Jay Chou to be popular on America. (which)28. Finally, we arrived at a temple, _(在庙前有) a few big old tree. (stand)29. Most teenagers _(沉溺于玩) the computer games cant control themselves. (addict)30. The girl _(她的包被抢) is telling the police what has happened. (rob)31. He has made another wonderful discovery,_(我认为是至关重要的) to the development of science. (which, important)32. The factory produces half a million pieces of cotton clothing every month, _(其中 80%销往国外). (sell)33. Tom is running hurriedly in the _(黑猫消失的方向)now? (direction)34. He is the only man on the group _(在灾难中幸免). (survive)35. The largest island is called Britain,_(与法国分开) by the English Channel. (separate)36. His brain was badly hurt in the accident,_(导致) a failure to speak normally. (lead)37. The village _(我长大) is a very beautiful place in the mountains. (grow)38. The bike_(他请人修过的)broke down again.(have)39. 213.We had to interrupt the boy_(专心读书的) by the road to ask him the way. (absorb)40. He isnt such a man _(像他从前那样).(as)41.The committee consists of 20 members, (其中四分之一)are women.(quarter)42The factory (他曾经工作过的)is in danger of closing down because of poor management. (work)43.The hospital (附属于那所大学的)has played an active role in rescuing since the Wenchuan Earthquake.(attach)44.There are many kinds of birds on the island, and over 140 species of snakes, _ (其中许多) are extremely dangerous. (many)45.She was so desperate to find that there wasnt a person _(她能求助的). (turn)
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