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六年六年级级(上)英(上)英语语期中期中测试测试卷卷( (60 分分钟钟 100 分)分)姓名:姓名: 班班级级: :听力部分(听力部分(40 分)分)一、一、选择选择你所听到的内容。你所听到的内容。(10 分分)( ) 1. A. lighting the candles B. blowing out the candles C. making a wish( ) 2. A. fly B. die C. lie ( ) 3. A. first floor B. third floor C. fifth floor( ) 4.A. doe B. hoe C. toe( ) 5. A. open the window B. close the window C. close the door二、根据所听二、根据所听问问句句选择选择相相应应的答的答语语。 。 ( (20 分)分)( ) 1. A. She is running. B. We are playing games.( ) 2. A. Id like some tea. B. Yes, please.( ) 3. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, please.( )4. A. Yes, of course B. Its very big.( )5. A. Its over there. B. Im in class 5.三,听三,听录录音,音,补补全句子。全句子。 ( (10 分)分)( ) 1. Its the bedroom.A. beside B. in C. on ( ) 2.Where is the ?A. bathroom B. bedroom C. art room ( ) 3. May I ? A. turn on the light B. turn off the light C. have a look( ) 4. Clean the , please.A. blackboard B. classroom C. have a look( ) 5. A mouse is the table. A. in B. on C. under笔笔试试部分(部分(60 分)分)四、四、补补全全单词单词。 。 ( (10 分)分)1. make a p o e call 2. lis en to m sic3. w t r 4. b s d 5. pricti e nglish 6. t ll a oke7. libr y 8. pla gro nd9. play the p a o 10. draw a pi tu e五、按要求写出五、按要求写出单词单词。 。 ( (6 分)分)1. is(复数) 2 . we (单数) 3. three (序数词) 4. fifth (基数词) 5. play(现在分词) 5. dig(现在分词) 六、六、选择题选择题。 。 ( (10 分)分)( )1. Nice to see you again.A. Me too. B. Welcome. C. Thank you. ( )2. What class are you in?A. Its on the second floor. B. I think so. C. Yes, youre right.( )3. Whats your name?A. My name is Wang Ting. B. Im 12. C. I like music.( )4. What are they doing? A. They is playing games. B. They are play games. C. They are playing games.( )5. What you like to drink?A. do B. are C. would( )6. is your birthday?A. Why B. When C. What( )7. May I have a rest ?A. Yes, you may not. B. No, you may. C. No, you may not.( )8. What are you doing ? A. He is practising English. B. Im practising English. C. No, youre not.( )9. I have a look ?Yes, of course.A. How B. May C. Am( )10. I have music Friday.A. in B. on C. of 七、七、连词连词成句。成句。 ( (4 分)分)1. me around you show let (.)2. my find cant classroom I (.)3. is dining this the room (.)4. bedroom on the second floor is my (.)八、在八、在错处错处划划线线并将正确答案写在括号内。并将正确答案写在括号内。 ( (10 分)分)1. Miss wang is digging a hole. ( )2. betty has a new bag. ( )3. Am i beautiful? ( )4. We dance on saturday . ( )5Where is the diningroom ? ( )九、判断正九、判断正误误,正确的填正确的填 T,错误错误的填的填 F。 。 ( (20 分)分)We have a fish tank in our living room. There are seven goldfish in the tank. My father puts green plants in the water. My mother puts rocks on the bottom. I put a snail in the tank. The snail keeps the tank clean. ( ) 1. We have a fish tank in our dining room.( ) 2. There are six goldfish in the tank.( ) 3.My mother puts rocks on the bottom.( ) 4.I put green plants in the water.( ) 5.The snail is in the tank.
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