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Cloud Computing Standards, SLA and Certification in Europe Main challenges for European Companies China Cloud Computing Conference 2013, Session Cloud Computing International Standards and Accreditation Forum 5-7th June, 15:50-16:10 Peking, China Dr. Tobias Hllwarth (Austria) Vice-president EuroCloud Europe Four (4) Questions What are the main challenges for European SMEs on both provider and consumer side? 1 2 3 4 What kind of ac;vi;es around Cloud-Standards, Cloud-cer;fica;on, and legal framework can be expected from ISO, the European Community and EuroCloud Europe? What are the main EuroCloud ac;vi;es? What are the possible solu;ons to support the challenges of Cloud adop;on? Introduction Tobias Hllwarth, Vienna, Austria Chairman, EuroCloud Austria Vice President, EuroCloud Europe Hllwarth Consulting Vienna Cloud Consulting Group ICT Advisory Network Experience Vienna University of Economics and Business Austrian Standards Institute (ASI) Head of Austrian ISO delegation (SC38) Managed Services for SME Outsourcing consulting for large enterprises Cloud Consulting Book “Cloud Migration” Four (4) Questions What are the main challenges for European SMEs on both provider and consumer side? 1 2 3 4 What kind of ac;vi;es around Cloud-Standards, Cloud-cer;fica;on, and legal framework can be expected from ISO, the European Community and EuroCloud Europe? What are the main EuroCloud ac;vi;es? What are the possible solu;ons to support the challenges of Cloud adop;on? European SMEs Type Employees / turn-over Enterprises Employees Gross value added * (in Mio ) Page 6 Source: Eurostat/National Statistics Offices of Member States/ Cambridge Econometrics/Ecorys. 2012 GVA = an economic measure of the value of goods and services produced in an area. It is output minus intermediate consumption without taxes, including subsidies European SMEs Type Employees / turn-over Enterprises Employees Gross value added * (in Mio ) Micro 250 50 Page 7 Source: Eurostat/National Statistics Offices of Member States/ Cambridge Econometrics/Ecorys. 2012 GVA = an economic measure of the value of goods and services produced in an area. It is output minus intermediate consumption without taxes, including subsidies European SMEs Type Employees / turn-over Enterprises Employees Gross value added * (in Mio ) Micro 250 50 43.000 42.300.000 2.591.000 Total Page 8 Source: Eurostat/National Statistics Offices of Member States/ Cambridge Econometrics/Ecorys GVA = an economic measure of the value of goods and services produced in an area. It is output minus intermediate consumption without taxes, including subsidies What is an European SME? Type Employees / turn-over Enterprises Employees Gross value added * (in Mio ) Micro PaaS Private IT Data Bridge Private Cloud SaaS Collaboration Market Place SaaS Collaboration White Lable DC #1 IaaS national IaaS WW PaaS Identity Cloud Challenges by Service Catergory 1 Efficiency of service provisioning a Usage of scalable architectures c Resource management vi;es around Cloud-Standards, Cloud-cer;fica;on, and legal framework can be expected from ISO, the European Community and EuroCloud Europe? What are the main EuroCloud ac;vi;es? What are the possible solu;ons to support the challenges of Cloud adop;on? What is missing? TRUST EXPERIENCE KNOW- HOW Why standards, certifications, audits? Best Practice Standards Certification Trust Experience Know-How TRUST CLOUD Is driving Innovation, new solutions and more cost-effective services STANDARDS Strong Restrictions Legal barriers Higher Complexity Rising costs Relevant standardization areas Type of standard Examples Technology File PIG, HIVE Protocols ngs 2 to 4 ;mes per year Global relevance Vocabulary Contractual elements Integra;on in exis;ng standards Global players Dura;on Scope Contract and SLA + - Work of European Commission DIGITAL AGENDA 101 actions, in 7 pillars help to reboot the EU economy enable Europes citizens and businesses to get the most out of digital technologies. Pillar I: Digital Single Market Pillar II: Interoperability on Pillar VI: Enhancing digital literacy, skills and inclusion Pillar VII: ICT-enabled benefits for EU society Work of European Commission DIGITAL AGENDA Pillar II: Interoperability vi;es around Cloud-Standards, Cloud-cer;fica;on, and legal framework can be expected from ISO, the European Community and EuroCloud Europe? What are the main EuroCloud ac;vi;es? What are the possible solu;ons to support the challenges of Cloud adop;on? EuroCloud Competence EuroCloud Star Audit EuroCloud Benchmark EuroCloud SLA critieria catalog EuroCloud Guidelines EuroCloud CLOUD QUALITY INFORMATION PYRAMID Well known certification standards ISO/IEC 27001 specifies requirements for the establishment, implementation, monitoring and review, maintenance and improvement of a management system - an overall management and c
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