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1初中英语必背七年级上册 U1-6 1. Whats your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is Tom. 2. Whats this in English? Its a pen. How do you spell it? 3. Good morning/afternoon/evening! 4. How are you? Fine,thanks. 5. Wherere her keys? Theyre under the bed. 6. Are his books on the chair? No,they arent 7. Do you have a basketball? Yes,I do. 8. She doesnt like tomatoes. 9. Thanks for the photo of your family. 10. Lets play volleyball. That sounds good. 11. Nice to meet you. 12. Is this your pen? 13. Call Alan at 495-3688.U7-12 1. How much is the blue shirt? Its nine dollars. 2. How much are these pants? 3. What color do you want? Blue. 4. When is your birthday? My birthday is December 25th. 5. How old are you? Im 12 years old. 6. Do you want to go to a movie? Yes,I do./No,I dont. 7. What kind of movies do you like? I like action movies. 8. Can you dance? Yes,I can./No,I cant. 9. Can I help you?/What can I do for you? 10. What can do you? I can swim. 11. What club do you want to join? I want to join an art club. 12. What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six oclock. 13. What time does he often go to school? He often goes to school at about seven oclock. 14. Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is English. 15. Why do you like English? Because its interesting. 16. She thinks they are very exciting. 17. What a funny time to eat breakfast! 七下 U1-4 1. Where is your pen pal from? Hes from Australia. 2. Where does he live? He lives in Paris. 3. What language does she speak? 4. I think China is a very interesting country. 5. Is there a post office near here? Yes,there is./No,there isnt. 6. Where is the pay phone? Its on Center Street. 7. Bridge Street is a good place to have fun. 8. Lets see pandas first. 9. Why do you like koalas? Because theyre kind of cute. 10.What (other) animals do you like? 11.What do you do? Im a teacher.212.What does he want to be? He wants to be a reporter.U5-8 1. What are you doing? Im watching TV. 2. Is Nancy doing homework? No,she isnt. 3. Whats he waiting for? 4. What are they talking about? 5. Here is a photo of my family. 6. Hows the weather? = Whats the weather like? 7. Its cloudy/sunny/windy/snowy/rainy/hot/cold/warm/cool/humid. 8. How is it going? Great./Not bad./Terrible./Pretty good./Just so so. 9. Thank you for joining CCTVs Around The World show. 10. Some are taking photos, others are lying on the beach. 11. Look at tis group of people playing beach volleyball. 12. Everyone is having a good time. 13. What does he look like? 14. She is medium build and she has long hair. 15. She never stops talking. 16. I dont think hes so great. 17. What kind of noodles would you like? Beef and tomato noodles. 18. What size bowl of noodles would you like? 19. Hed like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.U9-12 1. What did you do last weekend? I play soccer. 2. Where did you go on vacation? I went to summer camp. 3. Did they go to Central Park? Yes, they did./No, they didnt. 4. How was your vacation? It was pretty good. 5. What do you think of sports shoes? I love/like/dont mind/dont like/cant stand them. 6. Dont run in the hallways. 7. Do you have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, we do. / No, we dont. 8. It was time to go home. 9. I found a small boy crying in the corner. 10. That made me feel very happy.八上 U1-3 1.How often do you exercise? Every day. 2.What do you usually do on weekends? 3.I sometimes go to a beach. 4.She says its good for my health. 5.How many hours do you sleep every night? 6.I try to eat a lot of vegetables. 7.My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. 8.So maybe Im not very healthy, although I have one healthy habit. 9.Whats the matter? I have a sore throat. 10.You should drink some hot tea with honey. 11.You shouldnt eat anything. 12.I hope you feel better soon. 13.Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle and its important to eat a balanced diet.314.What are you doing for vacation? Im visiting my grandmother. 15.When are you going? Im going on Mondy. 16.Who are you going with? 17.How long are you staying? 18.He plans to have have a very relaxing vacation. 19.I hear that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing. 20.This time I want to do something different.U4-6 1. How do you get to school? I ride my bike. 2. How long does it take? It takes about forty minut
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