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八年级英语(下)导学稿八年级英语(下)导学稿 Unit2 What should I do? Section A 1a-2c 一一 Learning aims: 1. Master the new words: keep out, play, argue, wrong, style, out of style, could, call sb. up, ticket, surprise, on the phone, 2. Master the key sentences: Whats wrong?Whats the matter? 二二Important and difficult points: New words and the key sentences in this lesson 三三Guides: Guide 1.1)请看 1a 的句子,通过自学,了解每个短句子的意思,完成 表格,看哪组学生完成得好。 (5 分钟) 2) 看 1a 中的问题,两人一组编对话。 Guide 2.请看 1b 的听力要求,听录音。看哪些同学完成得好。 (3 分钟)Guide 3.请看 2a&2b 的听力要求,听录音。第一遍边听边理解,第二 遍边听边做。独立完成 2a&2b 的听力练习,看那些同学完成得好。 合作探究合作探究 探究一探究一 -What should he do? -Maybe he should say he is sorry. maybe 是_,通常作状语,在句中出现不影响谓语动词的数和时 态,可用在句首,也可用在_。 may be 是_动词 may+动词原形作谓语,动词原形可以是系动词 _,也可以是实义动词 do. 【巩固练习巩固练习】 1. _ you are right.也许你是对的。 2. You _ _ right. 也许你是对的。 3.He is at home now , _.他也许现在在家。 4.You _ know me.他可能认识我。 探究二探究二 I dont want to surprise him. 1)surprise 在句中是_词,意思是“_; _ ” , surprise 还可作_词用。2)surprising 作形容词用,指事物的性质。 surprised 作形容词用,指人的感受。 【巩固练习巩固练习】 You always _ me.你总是使我吃惊。 He told me a _ result.他告诉我一个出人意料的结果。 He is _ at the news. 他对这个消息感到吃惊。当堂检测当堂检测 一翻译短语。 1.不让进入_ 2.与争吵_ 3.怎么了?_ 4.在通话_ 5.过时_ 6.打电话给_ 7.一张球票_ 二选择填空。 ( )1Maybe you should _.A. call him up B. call up him C. call on him D. call him in ( )2. Im going to ring him up in an hour. A. call you B. shout at you C. phone D. make a phone call ( )3.That _ our English teacher. A. maybe B. may be C. be D is may ( )4.Dont argue _ your little brother. A. with B. for C. from D. against ( )5.How did Susan get so much money?She _ it _ her friends.A. borrowed, to B. borrowed , for C. borrow, from D. borrowed, from ( )6. _ ?My bike doesnt work. A. Why are you here? B. How do you do ? C. Whats wrong? D. Whats this?八年级英语(下)导学稿八年级英语(下)导学稿 Unit2 What should I do?Section A 3aSection B 2c 一一Learning aims: 1Master the mew words: pay for, part-time job, either, bake sale, Teen Talk, tutor, original ,the same as, in style, haircut 2Master the key sentences: I need some money to buy gifts for my family. My friend has nicer clothes than I do. 二二Important and difficult points New words and the key sentences in this lesson. 三三Guides Cuides1: 默读 3a 并完成题目;听录音,然后学生大声朗读 3a,并 找出难点;小组讨论难点并释疑,看那组同学完成得好。 Cuide2: 请看 3b,两人一组练习对话,3 分钟后看哪组同学完成的 好。 Cuide3: Section B 1a/1b 根据题目要求完成 1a,然后两人一组练习 1b。看哪组同学完成的好。 Cuide4: 2a/2b/2c 请看 2a/2b 的听力要求,听录音,第一遍边听边理 解, 第二遍边听边做,独立完成 2a/2b 的听力练习,然后通 过听力信息两人一组练习 2c 的对话,看哪组同学完成得好。 合作探究合作探究 探究一探究一I need to get some money to pay for summer camp.我需要一些钱支付夏令营的费用。1) need 在句中是实义动词,意思是“_” ,常用句式结构为_ 。例如:We _ ask the teacher about it.关于这件事我们需要问问老师。I _ _find a good job.我需要找份好工作。)pay for 是固定词组,意思是“_”How much did you_ _ the bike?你花了多少钱买这辆自行车?I _200 dollars _ the watch.我花了美元买了这块手表。探究二探究二You could borrow some money from your brother.borrow 是动词,意思是“_” ,常与介词_连用,近义词是_,常与介词_连用,意思是“_” 。He _ a book _ me .他向我借了一本书。Please _ 100 Yuan _ me.请借给我 100 元。当堂检测当堂检测一句型转换。1. Whats wrong with you?(改为同义句)2. How much did you spend on your books? (改为同义句)3. He wrote a letter, too. (改为否定句)4. You should ask your parents for some money.(改为否定句)5. My clothes are out of style. (改为反义句)二用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I am _ to hear the _ (surprise) news.2. Tom often helps his mother to have a bake _(sell).3. Kate _(pay) 10 dollars for her friends birthday present yesterday.4.You need _ (get) a new job to make more money.Unit2 What should I do?Section B (3a-Selfcheck)Learning aims1. 掌握词汇:except, upset, fail, get on, return2. 掌握句型:Everyone else in my class was invited except me ,and I dont know why.Im very upset and dont know what to do.自主学习自学指导 1. 3a. 请同学们大声朗读 3a,3 分钟后判断正误。看哪些同学读的准并做的准确。自学指导 2. 3b. 请同学们看完 3a 后,认真思考,给 Lonely kid 想一些建议,3 分钟后,看哪些同学提的建议好。自学指导 3. Self check. 请同学们 10 分钟内独立完成。自学指导 4.自我检测. 请同学们在 8 分钟内独立完成,看哪个同学完成的又快又好。合作探究探究一Everyone else in my class was invited except me , and I dont know why.1. else 是副词,意思是“另外,其他” ,放在不定代词或特殊疑问词后,无比较级。2. except 是介词,意思是“除之外” ,通常与名词,代词连用。巩固练习 1I dont know where Tom has gone. Youd better ask _.A. someone else B else someoneC. other somebody D. anybody else2. We go to school every day _ weekends.A. on B. in C. except D. besides探究二Im very upset and dont know what to do.What to do 是复合不定式作宾语。当句子的主语和宾语从句的主语一致时,宾语从句就可以用特殊疑问词加 to d0 来替换。巩固练习I dont know what I should say in the meeting.= I dont know _ _ _ in the meeting.探究三My friend is angry with me.1. be angry with sb. 生某人的气2. be angry about sth. 对某事生气巩固练习The teacher was angry _me when I was late.A. about B. of C. with D. at当堂检测一一单项选择 1. His backpack is the same _Janes.A.
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