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1庄氏英语高考寒假特供试卷8第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分)分)第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并涂在答题卡上。21. I cant remember when exactly Professor Wang left _ town. I only remember it was _ Friday. A. the ;a B. the; the C. a; a D. a; the22. Was it _you came to the countryside that you knew _ a happy life the farmers were living?A. until; how B. not until; that C. not until; what D. when; that23. Would you please tell me something about the stamps on show? Oh, They are 100 dollars_ of stamps. Theyre _.A. worth; worthy to buy B. worthy; worth buyingC. worth; worthy to be bought D. worthy; worth of being bought24. All the people_ killing the animals which are protected by the country will be sentenced to death in five days. A. who are charged of B. charged with C. are charged with D. charged for 25. Dont worry about the child any more. Next to him _ a lady, _ he can turn when he is in trouble. A. sits; whom B. sits; to whom C. is sitting; with whom D. was sitting; to whom 26. It was very _ of you to send me some postcards when you were on holiday in Australia. A. considerable B. innocent C. considerate D. unconscious 27. Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop only for a blouse? Oh, she was very _ about her clothes. A. curious B. pleased C. worried D. particular 28. You are always scolding him, arent you? Yes, all he did_ harm to his health. A. does do B. do do C. does did D. do does 29. _ be sent for immediately? A. Do you suggest which doctor should B. Which doctor do you suggest that should C. Which doctor do you suggest D. Do you suggest which doctor that should 30. The temple, _ the 5th century, is easy to get to by boat. A. dates back from B. which dated back to 2C. dating back to D. which dates back from 31. I _ more information I needed, but my computer broke down.A. had got B. would get C. might have got D. have got32._ many times, but he still cant understand it.A. Having been told B. He has been told C. Though he had been told D. Being told33. How wonderful the progammes of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are! Indeed, watching the games held in our own country was an unforgettable moment, _ I will always treasure. A. one B. that C. it D. what 34. _ has finished the work ahead of time will be rewarded though we dont know who it will be. A. Those who B. Anyone C. Whoever D. No matter who35._ property, were among the richest people in this city. A. In search of B. In spite of C. In place of D. In terms of第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 3150 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡上。Do you live your life according to strict rules? Do those around you like to give you instructions or advice?It may be _36_to listen to their voices, but Taiwanese pop star Ken Wu (吴克群) also prefers to _37_ his own heart and emotions. “The best thing for everyone is to live in a _38_ way,“ he said, “You dont need too much consideration or burden on your mind. _39_ who you are.“He showed up on April 20 in Beijing to give love and care to the children with _40_disabilities at a Nokia charity event. “_41_ is a big part of my life. I couldnt imagine days without it,“ he said, “One of my friends has a _42_ for singing, but unfortunately lost his hearing its a painful_43_. So I wish to bring beautiful sound back to those kids who cant hear.“Wu also talks to _44_ about his new single Laotze Says (老子说), which was _45_ in Taiwan on April 26. He says that he admires the wisdom of the ancient philosopher (哲人), and _46_with things advocated in Tao Te Ching (道德经), like living naturally.“In this song, I just encourage young people to have their own path in_47_,“ he said, “They can decide_48_ they want to be like.“ Wu has always been_49_ in his music style. He refuses to stay on the same _50_ for a long period of time.At first _51_, the name of the song Laotze Says follows that of the last_52_ 3General order (将军令), but Wu says that the two songs have very different _53_.“The new song is not the Chinese traditional style. Instead, its electronic music,“ he said, “Ill never be _54_ by following the same route. Ill keep trying new things and seeking after _55_ in my work.“36A. important B. effective C. helpfulD. useless37A. receive B. followC. adoptD. protect38A. natural B. usual C. frequent D. extraordinary39A. Stand B. Feel C. StayD. Be40A. hearingB. listening C. feelingD. touching41A. Art B. MusicC. Painting D. Dancing42A. interest B. emotions C. passion
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