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二九年六月The Graduation Design for Bachelors DegreeThe Design for the Mersure System of Cars Aircondition PerformanceCandidate:Han GaoSpecialty:Vehicle EngineeringClass:B05-17Supervisor:Associate prof. Cui HongyaoHeilongjiang Institute of Technology2009-06Harbin黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计I摘要近年来,随着我国工业技术的发展,汽车工业也飞速发展起来,并已逐渐成为我国的支柱性产业。人们对于汽车的要求已不仅仅停留在驾驶性能上,而是希望在驾驶的同时更加舒适。因此,车内的空调的性能现已成为衡量汽车舒适性的一项重要指标。本设计以汽车空调为研究对象,在对汽车空调的性能、特点、安装形式进行分析后介绍了一种由 51 单片机为微控制器的汽车空调工作效能检测系统。本设计主要包括信号采集部分,控制器部分,以及显示打印部分。本设计说明对各种器件进行的选择,以及各部分的电路图和硬件接线进行了设计。最终实现了对汽车空调的温度、湿度、风速的检测,测量数据可以通过 RS232 串口通讯将信号传送给 PC 机。用 51 单片机完成的检测系统具有结构小,制造成本低廉的优点,而且在使用时也特别的方便。非常适合用于各种场合下汽车空调的性能的检测。关键词:检测;信号采集;51 单片机;串口;控制黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计IIABSTRACTIn recent years, with Chinas industrial technology, automotive industry has developed rapidly, and has gradually become the pillar industry in China. It is the requirement for motor vehicles has not only remain in the driving performance, but at the same time driving more comfortable. As the car was driving in the outdoor specificity, therefore, whether the car air-conditioning outdoor environment with changes in regulation of the vehicle environment in which the driver has to feel comfortable is a measure of vehicle comfort an important indicator.The design of automotive air-conditioning for the study of automobile air-conditioner performance, features, install the form of analysis presents a single chip from 51 micro-controller for automobile air conditioning system performance testing. Including the design of the main part of signal acquisition, the controller part, and shows some print. Note the design on the choice of a variety of devices, as well as the various parts of the circuit wiring and hardware to carry out the design. The eventual realization of automotive air-conditioning temperature, humidity, wind speed of detection, measurement data through RS232 serial communication signals transmitted to the PC.Complete with 51 single-chip detection system has the structure of small, low-cost manufacturing advantages, but also particularly in the use of convenience. Very suitable for a variety of occasions for the performance of automotive air-conditioning test.Key words: Detection; Signal Acquisition; 51 Single-Chip Microcomputer; Serial; Control黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计目 录摘要 .IAbstract.II第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 课题的提出 .11.2 选题目的和意义 .21.3 汽车空调的发展方向 .21.4 设计的主要内容 .3第 2 章 汽车空调及其性能 测试简介 .52.1 汽车空调系统的组成及基本工作原理 .52.2 汽车空调的特点 .62.3 整车空调性能测试简述 .72.4 汽车空调工作效能检测系统的性能要求 .72.5 本章小结 .8第 3 章 检测系统的总体方案确定 .93.1 检测技术基础 .93.1.1 检测系统的基本组成 .93.1.2 检测技术的发展方向 .103.2 系统总体方案的确定 .113.3 本章小结 .12第 4 章 处理控制装置设计 .134.1 单片机 .134.2 51 系列单片机 .134.3 89C51 的功能 .
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