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摘 要 I摘 要 伴随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,跨国公司的避税现象愈来愈突出,并呈现出了逐步扩大的趋势,跨国公司避税问题成为一个十分敏感话题。如何做好反避税工作,一直都是国内外众多机构、专家与学者的热门话题。在我国,由于反避税工作起步较晚,经验还不够丰富,到目前为止与发达国家还有很大的差距。 本文从实践的角度出发,选择了秦皇岛市涉外反避税问题作为反避税研究的切入点,探索新形势下反避税的措施和手段,进一步加大涉外反避税对策的研究力度。本文在对前人研究进行归纳和总结的基础上,对秦皇岛市涉外反避税现象进行了分析,对加强涉外反避税管理工作提出了具有实践价值的对策和措施建议。 通过本文研究对于我国建立科学的反避税制度体系具有探索意义, 也对提高我国税务部门反避税工作的行政效率具有一定的作用。 关键词 外资企业 反避税 税收审计Abstract IIAbstract In the process of the integration and globalization of world economy, the phenomenon of tax avoidance is becoming more and more serious, and has the tendency of expansion. Tax avoidance is a very sensitive topic to every country because it relates to the national benefits. In this article, on basis of theories of Tax Avoidance and Anti-Avoidance, the author has thoroughly studied the actions of Avoidance and the measures of Anti-Avoidance, And has made a scale analysis and the economic analysis to the Tax Avoidance of multinational corporation in Qinhuangdao city, on this foundation, the author will continue his research as to the present development of the Anti-Avoidance situation in our country and the existence questions. On the basis of overseas experience, the author will give some proposal and innovation in view of improve the Anti-Avoidance development in our country. This article findings, will provide the theoretical analysis basis for the Tax Anti-Avoidance in our country, and will provide the policy-making support for the making of the corresponding measure formulation as to Tax Anti-Avoidance. before the action of the New Enterprise Income Act, we can find the problem promptly, and launch the indication direction for the better development of the Tax Anti-Avoidance in our country. Key words multinational corporation Tax Anti-Avoidance Tax Revenue Audit目 录 III目 录 第 1 章 绪论1 1.1 选题背景1 1.2 研究的目的和意义2 1.3 国内外反避税研究现状 3 1.3.1 国外反避税研究现状 3 1.3.2 国内反避税研究现状 5 1.4 研究思路 7 1.5 本文研究内容7 1.6 本文主要创新点7 第 2 章 反避税概述和我国涉外企业常用避税手段9 2.1 国内反避税研究的意义 9 2.2 国内反避税对税收管理的要求9 2.3 当前我国反避税工作中存在的问题10 2.4 我国涉外企业避税常用手段 10 2.4.1 利用个人所得税避税 10 2.4.2 滥用税收优惠政策避税 12 2.4.3 利用转让定价避税 13 2.4.4 利用国际避税地避税 14 第 3 章 秦皇岛市涉外避税现状分析15 3.1 秦皇岛市涉外避税情况介绍 15 3.1.1 秦皇岛市涉外避税数据分析15 3.2 秦皇岛市涉外企业避税新特点17 3.3 秦皇岛市涉外企业避税的动因分析 18 3.4 秦皇岛市涉外企业避税产生的影响19 3.5 秦皇岛市涉外反避税工作中存在的问题20 3.5.1 当地政府部门认识出现偏差20 目 录 IV3.5.2 机构设置及人员配备存在问题20 3.5.3 反避税管理规程有待建立21 第 4 章 秦皇岛市涉外反避税对策措施22 4.1 国内反避税措施借鉴22 4.1.1 天津市国税局涉外反避税经验借鉴22 4.1
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