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1TAA 致大鼠急性肝衰竭的胃肠功能及病 理改变作者:潘巧玲,刘小静,叶峰,牛迎花【摘要】 目的 了解大鼠急性肝衰竭时胃肠功能及病理组织学变化。方法 以硫代乙酰胺(TAA)腹腔注射 SD 大鼠制备急性肝衰竭模型,观察其一般情况、肝脏生化指标、肝脏与胃肠组织学变化及全胃肠道钡剂通过时间。结果 模型组大鼠出现典型消化道症状及肝性脑病,肝脏生化指标较对照组显著升高(P0.01),肝脏组织坏死、肠壁损伤。肠蠕动功能减低,较对照组显著延长(P0.01)。结论 急性肝衰竭大鼠确实存在着胃肠功能的障碍,且胃肠功能障碍与肝衰竭密切相关。 【关键词】 硫代乙酰胺;急性肝衰竭;胃肠功能障碍ABSTRACT: Objective To study the changes of gastrointestinal functions in acute liver failure in rats. Methods The acute hepatic failure rat models were induced by injection of thioacetamide (TAA). Then we observed symptom, index of liver function, trans gastrointestinal time (TGIT) and pathological changes of liver and gastrointestinal tissues. Results Typical performance of gastrointestinal dysfunction and hepatic encephalopathy, necrosis of liver tissue and injury of gastrointestinal tract occurred in the model group. The index of liver function was significantly different between the model and the normal group (P0.01). The TGIT in the model group was significantly longer than that in normal group (P0.01). Conclusion The results show that there are indeed gastrointestinal dysfunctions in acute hepatic failure rats, and gastrointestinal dysfunction is closely related to acute liver failure.KEY WORDS: thioacetamide (TAA); acute liver failure; gastrointestinal dysfunction尽管近年对急性肝功能衰竭(acute liver failure, ALF)治疗有了很大进展,但死亡率一直很高,因而深入研究其发病机制,开发和评价新的治疗方法仍然是亟待解决的问题。为了解胃肠功能障碍在急性肝功能衰竭发生发展中的作用,本实验2建立大鼠急性肝衰竭模型,观察胃肠功能的变化,为进一步研究 ALF 发病机制、开发和评价新的治疗方法奠定理论依据。1 材料与方法1.1 材料1.1.1 实验动物 清洁级健康 8 周龄 SD 大鼠,雌雄各半(购自西安交通大学医学院实验动物中心),体重 220-250g。1.1.2 试剂和药物 硫代乙酰胺(TAA)由天津市科密欧化学试剂开发中心提供(用生理盐水配成 40g/L 的溶液)。硫酸钡(BaSO4)由青岛市东风化工有限公司提供(用生理盐水配成 2000g/L)。1.2 方法 SD 大鼠 120 只,随机平均分为正常对照组(简称对照组)和急性肝衰竭组(简称模型组)各 60 只,均于实验前 3d 用全价营养配合颗粒饲料喂养。3d 后模型组腹腔注射 TAA 350mg/kg,24h 后按原剂量重复腹腔注射一次;对照组腹腔注射等量生理盐水,24h 后重复一次。于开始造模后两组各取 10 只观察其临床表现、病死率,同时分别于造模后 12、24、36、48h,从两组各取 10 只大鼠摘眼球取血检测肝功能,取血后脱臼处死,肉眼观察肝脏及胃肠病变,同时取同一叶肝组织、胃、十二指肠及空肠一段,100mL/L 甲醛固定、石蜡包埋制作病理切片,HE 染色,光镜观察。于造模后 36h 两组各取 10 只大鼠,禁食 12h 后,将钡剂注入胃腔,记录钡剂经肛门排出的时间。1.3 统计学处理 应用 SPSS13.0 统计软件包进行数据的统计学分析。测定数据均用s 表示,两组之间各指标比较进行独立样本 t 检验,以 P0.05 为有显著性3差异。2 结果2.1 临床观察 对照组大鼠活动自如,反应灵敏,自由饮食,大小便正常。48、60、72h 大鼠均无死亡。模型组大鼠腹腔注射 TAA 后 12h 出现进食减少(以剩余的食物和水为指标);24h 进食明显减少、腹部膨隆,可见胃肠型;动作迟缓(活动减少、四肢无力、行动缓慢),对声音、被动体位的改变反应减弱;36h 上述症状和体征明显加重;48h 拒食,腹部高度膨隆,可见明显的胃肠型,精神萎糜、嗜睡、共济失调(行走歪斜)、反应迟钝、疼痛反应减弱;60h 已无疼痛反应,昏睡、昏迷。除此,还有毛发疏散竖立、小便黄、鼻出血等症状。其死亡情况:48h 大鼠无死亡,50h 死亡 1 只,60h 死亡 3 只,70h 全部死亡。根据大鼠肝性脑病(hepatic encephalopathy,HE)的诊断标准,若大鼠出现嗜睡、反应迟缓、自主性活动减少、共济失调、昏迷等症状之一,即可诊断 HE。根据 HE 的诊断标准及消化系统症状,可以看出造模组大鼠均出现不同程度肝性脑病,且均出现胃肠道症状。2.2 组织病理学观察 对照组大鼠肝脏和胃肠组织肉眼及光镜观察均未见异常。模型组肉眼观肝脏可见普遍充血肿大,呈暗红色与白色相间。胃肠明显扩张、腔内充满未消化的食物、液体、气体,肠壁水肿、充血。光镜:肝组织结构不清,肝小叶结构紊乱,可见肝细胞高度水肿,气球样变,汇管区炎细胞浸润,以中央静脉为中心的肝细胞坏死(灶状坏死及大片坏死)明显,坏死区可见充血和炎细胞浸润,肝血窦扩张充血,有部分肝组织内肝细胞明显增生,可见核分裂相,病检结果示“急性肝坏死征象”;其肝组织病变程度参照熊益群1方法,分别描述为肝细胞水4肿(+)、气球样变( )、点状坏死伴门管区炎症细胞浸润( )、小灶样坏死( ),其肝坏死发生率 100%(表 1、图 1)。光镜下可见到胃壁、十二指肠壁上皮细胞脱落及炎细胞浸润,绒毛坏死脱落,而空肠壁可见黏膜上皮细胞坏死脱落,黏膜下层充血水肿,黏膜层炎细胞浸润明显(图 2),病检结果示“急性肠炎征象”。表 1 两组 48h 肝脏病变的程度(略)Table 1 Degree of liver pathological changes after 48h between the two groups-: Normal; +: liver cellular edema; : ballooning degeneration; : spotty necrosis with inflammatory cell infiltration in the portal area; : focal necrosis图 1 两组肝脏组织学的观察结果(略)Fig.1 Observation of liver pathologic changes between the two groups (HE20)A: The structure of normal hepatic lobules: the structure of hepatocyte and the width of hepatic sinusoid were normal. And central veins were clear; B: There was hepatocytes necrosis with inflammatory cell infiltration, hyperemia and hepatic sinusoid narrowing around the central vein; C: Hepatocellular edema: the hepatocyte was enlarged, and its endochylema was puffy and hypochromatic. And ballooning degeneration could be found; D, E: Hepatocellular necrosis: the structure of hepatic lobules was unclear. But karyorrhexis and karyolysis could be found. There was inflammatory cell infiltration in the zone of necrosis; F: Hepatocellular proliferation: karyokinesis phase could be found图 2 两组胃、十二指肠、空肠组织学的观察结果(略)Fig.2 Observation of the pathologic changes of the stomach, duodenum and jejunum between the two groups (HE20)A: Normal stomach: Mucosa, submucosa, muscular coat and serosa layers were clear; B: Normal jejunum: Mucosa, submucosa, muscular coat and serosa layers were clear; C: Normal duodenum: Mucosa, submucosa, muscular coat and serosa layers were clear; D: Jejunal epithelium showed necrosis, defluxion and obvious inflammatory cell infiltration; E: It showed inflammatory cell infiltration, villus necrosis and defluxion in duodenal mucosa; F: Inflammatory cell infiltration could be 5found in the stroma of jejunal villus. And its endothelial cell showed edema and necrosis 2.3 肝功能检测的结果 于不同时间点与正常组比较,模型组大鼠丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)、天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)、总胆红质(TBIL)都有明显升高,有显著性差异(P0.01,表 2-4)。表 2 不同时间点两组 ALT 检测的结果(略)Table 2 Liver function(ALT )of the two groups at the sequential times*P0.01 vs. model group表 3 不同时间点两组 AST 检测的结果(略)Table 3 Liver function (AST) of the two groups at sequential times*P0.01 vs. mod
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