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分类号 密级 UDC注 1学 位 论 文 基于 Moodle 的网络教学系统设计与实现 (题名和副题名) 栾玉飞 (作者姓名) 指导教师 刘启和 副教授 电子科技大学 成 都 张小威 高 工 乌鲁木齐铁路局信息处 乌鲁木齐市 (姓名、职称、单位名称) 申请学位级别 硕士 专业学位类别 工 程 硕 士 工程领域名称 软 件 工 程提交论文日期 2013.3.25 论文答辩日期 2013.5.18 学位授予单位和日期 电子科技大学 2013 年 6 月 23 日答辩委员会主席 评阅人 注 1:注明国际十进分类法 UDC的类号。 DESIG AND REALIZATION OF NETWORK TEACHING SYSTEM BASED ON MOODLE A Master Thesis Submitted to University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Major: Software Engineering Author: Luan Yufei Advisor: Liu Qihe School : School of Information and Software Engineering I摘 要 随着教育信息化改革的不断推进和计算机网络的普及,网络教育这种新兴的 教学方式被人们所熟知,并逐渐被广大教育工作者所接受。网络教学相比于传统 教学方式,为学习者提供了更大的学习空间,对提高学生的学习质量,培养学生 的创新精神和自主学习能力有很大的帮助。但是目前我国市场上的网络教学管理 平台型号众多、功能各异、相互之间在接口上也很难匹配没有足够的灵活性。而 Moodle(Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment)自引入我国以来, 因其强大的课程管理功能,良好的灵活性,源代码开放的特性为人们所热捧。在 Moodle 平台下教师可以通过对 Moodle 的功能进行二次开发,添加一个满足实际 需要的模块或插件,通过各个模块的最佳组合达到更好的教学效果。 在本文的开头部分对 Moodle 平台的特点及功能进行了阐述,提出了利用 Moodle 平台建立网络教学系统的理论依据。在对我校的网络教学系统进行详细的 系统需求分析之后,再通过对 Moodle 平台的功能特点和系统数据库进行详细分析, 对比具体的系统需求从中找出 Moodle 平台功能上的不足,然后以 Moodle 平台为 基础,对照系统需求分析, 制定了详细的设计方案和业务流程。通过对 Moodle平台原有功能进行拓展,在 Moodle 网络教学系统中加入两个新增模块,实现网络 教学系统在功能上的完备。 本文的后半部分主要描述了本次设计新增的两个功能模块的设计和实现过 程,首先,对两个新模块的系统结构和功能进行了分析,然后对两个模块未来在 系统中的使用情况进行了规划设计,最后从实际使用效果来看各项功能都达到了 预期的效果,满足了我校网络教学和培训的需要。两个新增模块的建立是对 Moodle 平台进行二次开发的一种尝试,从中积累了宝贵的经验。 关 键 词:Moodle,网络教学系统,网络学习 II ABSTRACT Following the increasingly development of information of education reform and computer networks popularization, network education, this new emerging method of teaching is popular with people, and its also accepted gradually by educational workers. Compared with traditional teaching methods, network teaching can provide greater learning space for learners, it can also provide greater help to improve the students learning quality, cultivate their creative spirit and autonomous learning ability. However, management of network teaching platform are various on currently market in our country, they have different functions and it is hard for them to match on the interface. Since the introduction of Moodle to our country, its warmly popular with people for its powerful management features, good flexibility and open source code. Under Moodle platform, teacher can add a module or plug-in to meet practical needs through the second development to Moodle, they can also achieve better teaching results through the best combination of every modules. There are elaborations to the function and characteristics of Moodle platform, the practical basis of founding the network teaching system at the beginning of this article. Through the detailed analysis to our colleges network education system and characteristics of Moodle platform, comparing the specific system requirements, we can find the weakness of Moodle platform in terms of function, and then looking Moodle platform as the basis, compare the analysis of systems demand, we can develop a detailed design and business process. Through the development of Moodle platforms original features, two new modules are added to network education system, we can improve the function of network education system. Description of design and the realization of the two new modules are appeared in the latter part of this article. First of all, I analyzed the system structure and function of this two modules, then carried out the design and plan of their using condition in the future, finally, through the effect of practical using, we can find that every function has reached the expected results, it has also meet the demand of network teaching and training in our college. The found of this two new modules were an attempt to the III second development of Moodle platform which has accumulated valuable experience. Keywords: Moodle , Network education system, Network learning I1V 目 录 第一章 绪论 . 1 1.1 研究背景 . 1 1.2 研究目的与意义 . 3 1.3 国内外研究现状 . 3 1.4 研究的方法 . 5 第二章 Moodle 平台概述 .
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