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毕毕业业设设计计(论论文文)说说明明书书论文名称:论文名称: 荔枝的储藏及加工技术荔枝的储藏及加工技术 地地 市:市: 平顶山市 准准 考考 证证 号:号: 4 姓姓 名:名: 吕清慧 学学 科科 专专 业:业: 食品与科学工程 指指 导导 教教 师:师: 李市场 河南省高等教育自学考试2013 年 6 月1荔枝的储藏及加工技术荔枝的储藏及加工技术摘摘 要要荔枝是我国南方的亚热带名果,味佳、色美、营养丰富,深受人们的喜爱。但是由于果实的生理、形态特征和盛夏高温季节成熟,它“一日而色变,二日而味变,三四日外,色、香、味尽去矣” ,是最不耐贮藏的果品之一,荔枝的收藏时间短且其耐贮性差,使其在大规模商业化生产、运输、发展上遇到很多难题。论文主要对荔枝营养功效,生产特性,生产保鲜的现状进行了概述,并通过分析总结,提出了荔枝的储藏保鲜的发展方向。关键词关键词:荔枝;储藏保鲜;加工技术2Litchi Storage and Processing Technology ABSTRACTLitchi is Chinas southern subtropical fruit, good taste, color beauty, nutrition is rich, loved by the people. But because the fruit physiological, morphological characteristics and the summer high temperature season, it “one day and discoloration, two days and three or four days, taste, color, flavor, having to do the“ fruit, is one of the most resistant storage, litchi collection time is short and the Storability of difference, so that the encounter a lot of problems in the development of large scale commercial production, transportation, on. The main results, on litchi production characteristics, status of production of fresh were summarized, and through the analysis and summary, and puts forward the developing direction of the storage and preservation of litchi.Key words: Litchi; Storage preservation; Processing technology1目录目录摘摘 要要.1ABSTRACT.2目录目录.1前言前言.1第第 1 章章 荔枝的概述荔枝的概述.31.1 荔枝的简介.31.2 荔枝的主要品种.3第第 2 章章 荔枝的营养价值荔枝的营养价值.52.1 荔枝的成分.52.2 荔枝的功效作用.52.3 荔枝的食用方法.52.4 荔枝的宜忌.6第第 3 章章 荔枝的生理特性荔枝的生理特性.73.1 呼吸强度大.73.2 失水速度快.73.3 易产生褐变.73.4 采后生理特性.7第第 4 章章 荔枝的保鲜技术荔枝的保鲜技术.94.1 常温储藏保鲜法.94.2 低温储藏保鲜法.94.3 气调储藏保鲜法.94.4 速冻储藏保鲜法.94.5 硫处理保鲜法.104.6 缸藏保鲜法.10第第 5 章章 荔枝的加工技术荔枝的加工技术.115.1 蜜饯荔枝肉.115.2 荔枝干.115.3 荔枝酒.
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