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I摘 要 油井产量计量是掌握油井动态,分析油储层的变化情况,科学地制定油田开发方案的重要依据。是原油生产单位的一项重要日常工作。目前中国油井产量计量在动态周期性计量的基础上,普遍采用多井集中计量方式,对于单拉井,可采用静态计量方式,对于开采后期的油井,针对其普遍低产少气的特点,可采用活动计量或软件计量方式,其中软件计量应用最多的是页面恢复法、功图法。20 世纪末国内外研制开发的多相流量计可同时计量管道内油、气、水的产量,是油井产量计量技术的发展方向。现有的计量方法工人劳动强度大,准确度低,可靠性差。尤其超稠、特稠原油油井产量的计量,速度非常慢。项目针对超稠原油计量准确度低、不能实时计量的现状,采用称重的方式对原油进行计量。解决了稠油计量的准确度、可靠性、耐久性及实时在线计量的问题。采用垂直计量罐,在计量罐原油进口处安装伞状分离器,达到油气部分分离的目的。在翻斗上安装称重传感器,采用两个翻斗轮流计量。通过称出原油重量,得到原油产量。解决了油中含气造成假体积带来的计量误差。采用对称的两个独立料斗,通过称重传感器检测原油重量的同时,也检测到一条重量随时间变化的曲线,通过计算得到累计流量,再换算成产量,采用的翻斗称重法,即时消除油中含气和稠油残留造成的误差,实现了超稠、特稠原油油井的实时在线计量。关键词:油井产量,计量,料斗,采集IIAbstractOil well production measurement is to master the dynamic changes of the oil reservoir was a scientific program to develop an important basis for field development.Is an important crude oil production units daily.Chinas current oil production in the dynamic measurement based on periodic measurement, concentration measurement commonly used in multi-well method for pulling the oil wells, the static measurement method can be used for the extraction wells later, less gas for its generally low-yielding characteristics, can bemeasured using the activity or software metering, which is the most widely used software metering page restoration method, diagram method, developed by the late 20th century domestic and Multiphase Flow Meter can simultaneously measure the oil pipes, gas and water production, oil production ismeasurement technology development. The method of measuring the existing workers in labor-intensive, low accuracy, poor reliability. In particular, ultra-thick, especially the measurement of viscous crude oil production, the speed is very slow.Difficult to discharge the gas, you need to settlement more than 4 hours, can not achieve real-time online measurement. Measured by the vertical tank, the tank of crude oil imports to install umbrella separator to achieve the purpose of separation of oil and gas section.Load cell is installed in the dump, measured using two tipping rotation.Said a crude oil by weight, are crude oil production.Solve the resulting gas oil volume caused by false measurement error. Symmetrical hopper with two independent, the weight of crude oil by weighing sensor, but also detected a change IIIin weight with time curves obtained by calculating the cumulative flow, and then converted into production, the use of the dump weighing method, immediately remove the oil gas and heavy oil residues in the cause of the error, to achieve the ultra-thick, viscous crude oil special real-time online measurement.Details of commonly used oil production and application of measurement methods, production management for the oil field has some significance.Key words: Oil production off ,Measurement,hopper,AcquisitionIV目录1 1 绪论绪论 .11.1 方案论证 .11.1.1 国内外油井产量自动计量技术发展现状.11.1.2 几种典型自动计量方案对比分析.41.1.3 称重式油井计量方案的优越性.61.2 设计任务、过程与步骤.72 2 称重式油井自动计量装置总体设计称重式油井自动计量装置总体设计 .82.1 计量要求的参数指标 .82.2 计量原理与总体方案论证 .82.2.1 计量原理 .82.2.2 总体方案论证 .102.3 计量公式与精度分析 .113 3 计量罐的设计计量罐的设计 .123.1 计量罐总体结构设计与计算 .123.1.1 基本设计参数 .123.1.2 筒体尺寸计算与材料选择 .123.1.3 封头设计 .143.1.4 强度计算与水压试验 .15V3.2 开孔补强 .163.3 接管、法兰与人孔的设计选型 .293.4 其他部件的选型 .293.4.1 安全阀、观察孔 .293.4.2 支座设计 .303.5 焊接工艺 .333.6 密封设计 .344 4 自动计量装置中计算机数据采集系统设计自动计量装置中计算机数据采集系统设计 .364.1 计算机数据采集系统方案比较与选择 .364.1.1 基于 ARM 和 CPLD 的高速数据采集.364.1.2 基于 LabVIEW 和 PCI-5124 的数据采集.384.2 基于工控机与 PLC 结构的数据采集系统 .38总结总结 .42符号说明符号说明 .43谢谢 辞辞 .46参考文献参考文献 .471油井产量计量系统及计量罐单元设计1 绪论1.1 方案论证1.1.1 国内外油井产量自动计量技术发展现状油井产量计量设备经过长期发展,形成了型式繁多的结构,以满足各方面的特殊需要。准确掌握油井产量,根据产量变化及时掌握和分析油井生产工况的变化,对现阶段石油产业
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