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湖南铁道职业技术学院学生毕业设计(论文)I摘摘 要要在农业中,潜水泵被广泛应用。但是由于长期工作在水下,工作环境十分恶劣,电动机烧坏的事故时有发生。而大部分是水泵绕组烧坏,其主要原因是水泵缺水运行。针对这一常见的故障,特设计了一种用于潜水泵监测保护的控制器。本文设计了两种保护工作模式,一种定位抽水工作方式:当水池水位低于下水位,自动启泵,当达到上水位自动停泵;在抽水过程中,若水泵缺水,水泵应自动停机,延时一定时间后再自动启泵,延时时间可以由用户根据水源情况,自己设定和修改。另一种是定时抽水工作方式:系统能根据设定的抽水时间间隔和每次抽水时间,自动启停泵。这样就可以很好的避免因水泵缺水,而导致水泵绕组烧坏。同时本文还介绍了智能潜水泵保护控制器的总体设计思路,并给出了详细的硬件电路图和软件流程。关键词:单片机 AT89C51;潜水泵;保护控制器湖南铁道职业技术学院学生毕业设计(论文)IIAbstractIn agriculture, submersible pump is widely used. But as a result of long-term work in underwater, work environment is very bad, motor burned-out accidents occur frequently. And most is water pump winding burn out, the main cause is the water pump operation. The common failure, specially designed for submersible pump monitoring, protection of the controller.In this paper, two kinds of protection work mode, a positioning pumping mode: when the pool water level below the water level, automatic and pump, when the water level to be automatic stop pump; In the pumping process, if the water pump, water pump should be automatic stop, delay time after the automatic and pump, delay time can be made by the user according to the water situation, setting and modification. Another kind is timing pumping mode: the system can set according to the pumping time interval and each pumping time, automatic start-stop pump. This can be very good to avoid because of the shortage of water pump, and lead to water pump winding burn out. At the same time, this paper also introduced the intelligent submersible pump protection controller of the overall design train of thought, and gives the detailed hardware circuit diagram and software flow chart.Key words : AT89C51 singlechip, Submersible pump ,Protection controller 湖南铁道职业技术学院学生毕业设计(论文)目目 录录摘 要.I Abstract.II 第 1 章 绪论.11.1 设计的背景和意义.11.2 潜水泵的研究及发展现状.11.3 本设计的主要工作.3第 2 章 总体方案.42.1 总体方案分析.42.2 系统总体设计框图.5第 3 章 硬件电路设计.63.1 电路设计.63.1.1 电源电路.63.1.2 无触点开关控制电路.63.1.3 微处理器电路.73.1.4 显示及水位检测电路.73.2 主要元器件介绍.83.2.1 核心控制部件 AT89C51 的性能.83.2.2 AT89C51 的引脚描述.93.2.3 三极管的背景.123.2.4 三极管的分类.123.2.5 晶体三极管的工作原理.133.2.6 固态继电器.15第 4 章 软件设计.16 第 5 章 调试.185.1 调试的设备.185.2 调试步骤.18湖南铁道职业技术学院学生毕业设计(论文)第 6 章 使用说明.206.1 使用方法.206.1.1 界面 0 A 0.
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