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毕业论文资料学 院: 水利水电与建筑学院 专 业: 水利水电工程 年 级: 2009 级 学 号 日 期: 2013 年 4 月 云南农业大学教务处 制水 利 水 电 与 建 筑 学 院本科生毕业论文 包包罗罗水水库库大大坝坝工工程程初初步步设设计计BaoLuo Reservoir Dam Project Preliminary Design 黄洁荣指导教师: 王福来 助教云南农业大学 昆明 黑龙潭 学 院: 水利水电与建筑学院 专 业: 水利水电工程 年级: 2009 级 论文提交日期:2013 年 4 月 26 日 答辩日期: 2013 年 5 月 12 号 云南农业大学2013 年 4 月包包罗罗水水库库大大坝坝工工程程初初步步设设计计黄洁荣(云南农业大学水利水电与建筑学院,昆明 )摘摘 要要通过对云龙县包罗水库大坝工程初步设计,使我们对新建水库设计有一定的理解,也对整个水利水电工程行业设计有一定的了解,为毕业后工作打下扎实的基础。结合包罗水库地形、地质情况完成云龙县包罗水库水库挡水建筑物(大坝)的平面布置,在此基础上完成挡水建筑物工程初步设计。通过完成云龙县包罗水库挡水建筑物的初步设计,使我了解并掌握了水库工程挡水建筑物的平面布置,建筑物结构体型布置与分析计算;使设计成果直接用于工程,较好地发挥生产效益和社会效益也使我们对水库新建步骤及其内容有一定的了解和认识也使我了解到水利水电工程行业设计都应该要按照规范进行,一切都要有依据。通过完成云龙县包罗水库挡水建筑物的初步设计,我对工程设计、计算、绘图、编写设计说明书及计算书的能力有一定提高,巩固了大学四年里所学的知识,为我毕业后的工作打下了扎实的基础。关键词:关键词:水库区;坝址区;工程地质;水利水电工程;设计规范;堆石坝;天然建筑材料。Baoluo Reservoir Dam Project Preliminary DesignHuangJieRong(Yunnan agriculture university institute of water conservancy and hydropower and architecture,Kunming )ABSTRACTThrough to the yunlong county baoluo reservoir dam project preliminary design,Enables us to new reservoir design have a certain understanding, also for the whole water resources and hydropower engineering design industry has a certain understanding, to lay a solid foundation for after graduation work.Topography and geology in baoluo reservoir yunlong county reservoir water retaining cover reservoir (dam) the plane layout of buildings, on the basis of the complete water retaining structure project preliminary design.By completing yunlong county baoluo reservoir for preliminary design of water retaining structure, made me understand and grasp the reservoir project plane arrangement of the water retaining structure, the structure size layout and calculation; Directly used in engineering designs, better play to production efficiency and the social benefits also make us to reservoir construction step and its contents have certain understanding and also made me understand to the water resources and hydropower engineering design should be carried out in accordance with the specification, everything all want to have the basis.completing yunlong county baoluo reservoir water retaining structure preliminary design, I for engineering design, calculation, drawing, writing, design specification and calculation ability have certain to improve, to consolidate what they have learned in the university four years of knowledge, for after graduation, I work has laid a solid foundation.Key words: Reservoir area; Dam area; Engineering geology; Water conservancy and hydropower engineering; Design specification; Rockfill dam; Natural building materials.目目 录录1.基本资料.11.1 坝址区自然条件.11.2 地址概况.11.3 建筑材料.11.3.1 防渗粘土料 .11.3.2 粘土的物理性质指标 .21.3.3 坝壳料(风化料) .21.3.4 坝壳料(风化料)的物理性质指标 .21.3.5 堆石料 .21.3.6 堆石料的物理性质指标 .31.3.7 反滤料 .31.3.8 反滤料的物理性质指标 .32.坝型确定及其坝轴线选取.33.坝型选择.43.1 均质坝.43.1.1 斜墙坝 .43.1.2 面板堆石坝 .53.1.3 心墙坝 .53.1.4 粘土心墙土石坝比较 .53.2.包罗水库工程规模 .53.3 包罗水库水工建筑物级别.53.4 枢纽建筑物布置.64. 大坝结构尺寸确定.64.1 确定坝顶高程.64.2 坝顶宽度选取.104.3 坝坡坡度初拟.104.4 坝体排水设备选取.114.5 包罗水库大坝防渗体.125.土料设计.136.坝体结构分析.136.1 渗流计算.136.1.1 计算方法 .136.1.2 假设条件 .146.1.3 计算断面与计算情况选择 .146.1.4 计算结果 .156.1.5 渗流计算成果简图如下 .156.2 坝坡稳定分析计算.
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