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谈金融危机下金融工具会计准则的发展谈金融危机下金融工具会计准则的发展2目录摘要摘要.3Abstract.4一、研究背景一、研究背景.5二、后危机时代下衍生金融工具会计面临的挑战二、后危机时代下衍生金融工具会计面临的挑战.5(一)衍生金融工具的终止确认.5(二)衍生金融工具的公允价值计量.6(三)衍生金融工具的会计披露.6三、国际会计界的改革举措三、国际会计界的改革举措.7(一)国际会计准则理事会的改革举措.7(二)美国财务会计准则委员会的改革举措.7四、我国衍生金融工具会计准则的发展思路及建议四、我国衍生金融工具会计准则的发展思路及建议.8(一)明确金融工具终止确认标准.8(二)完善金融工具公允价值计量模式.9(三)规范金融工具信息披露.9五、我国衍生金融工具会计发展的相关建议五、我国衍生金融工具会计发展的相关建议.10(一)关于制定相关会计准则的建议.101.准则的制定要带有一定的“超前性”.102.准则的制定要立足于我国的国情,批判地吸收外国先进经验.113.准则的制定要充分听取各方意见.11(二)关于我国衍生金融工具会计内容的建议.121.关于会计确认方面的建议.122.关于会计计量方面的建议.123.关于财务报告方面的建议.12六、结论六、结论.13参考文献参考文献.14致谢致谢.163摘要2008 年由美国一起的金融危机以来,全球金融衍生品市场正处于深刻变革之中,作为金融体系里的一个重要枢纽,衍生金融工具会计也深受其害,与之的相关的会计准则规范无论是在总结经验还是发展方向上都要不断思索出新的发展计划,使新的会计准则可以更好的适应我们各国经济的发展,也能更好的对各国的金融市场起到监控的作用,使世界的金融市场可以健康稳定的发展。由于我国作为世界上经济发展最快的国家,我国经济能否健康发展牵动着世界经济的发展,虽然对金融工具的研究起步较晚,但发展很快,在面对这样的经济危机后,我国应该对我国将来会计工具的发展进行新的一些修改,同时也应该吸收和借鉴国际上各国会计组织的先进经验,但在修订和完善会计准则过程中应坚持适度谨慎的原则,制定一个符合我国基本国情和经济健康发展更全面的会计准则。【关键词关键词】金融危机;衍生金融工具;会计准则 4AbstractIn 2008 by the United States since the financial crisis, global financial derivatives market is under profound changes, as an important hub of the financial system, derivative financial instruments accounting also suffering, the related accounting standards specification in both summing up experience and development direction are thinking out new development plans, make the new accounting standards can better adapt to the development of our national economy, also can better to play a monitoring role of financial markets, the financial markets can be healthy and stable development of the world. Because our country as the worlds fastest growing economy countries, our country healthy development of the economy can affect the development of world economy, although the study of financial instruments started late, but development soon, in the face of such economic crisis, China should to our country accounting tool for the development of new changes in the future, at the same time also should absorb and draw lessons from the advanced experience of international accounting organizations from all over the world, but in the process of revision and improvement of accounting standards should adhere to the principle of moderate carefully, and make a accord with Chinas basic national conditions and economic healthy development of the more comprehensive accounting standards.【Key words】The financial crisis; Derivative financial instruments; The accounting standards5绪论 2008 年美国爆发次贷危机,从而危机迅速蔓延全世界,引发了整个国际金融市场的动荡和恐慌。这次危机不仅对国际金融市场产生了强烈的信贷紧缩效应、国际金融体系积累的系统性风险得以暴露,而且与之相关的金融会计理论和实务也受到了很大冲击。虽然金融工具会计不是造成本次金融危机的罪魁
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