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Describe a place you have never been to but like to go someday.I have never been to a seashore town, which I think would be a beautiful place in the world. People say that the sky in there is blue and always full of sunshine. I can imagine how romantic it can ever be. I can lie on the beach and enjoy the charming ocean view when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing. Moreover, I could taste the best seafood in the restaurants beside the sea, like lobsters and crabs./ z( E7 l( x, ) L5 K2 8 E/ h) lDo you agree that childhood is the happiest (or precious) time in lifeI strongly agree that childhood is the happiest time in my life. Firstly, when I was a kid, I had little pressure as I have now. For example, I seldom worried about my study and future. And, I had no financial problem. Secondly, I owned more time when I was a little girl so I could do whatever I really interested in, like reading science fictions and doing some sports which I have no time to do now.# F$ M“ a: z- sFeatures of cafe or restaurant you like9 X p“ h“ AI prefer enjoying my food in a quite place wherever in a restaurant or cafe. Firstly, quite place is good for my appetite and I could take my time when I have food while I would finish my meals hastily if I were in a noisy cafe or restaurant. Secondly, I would like to go to those places with my good friends. So, we need a quite place to talk or the conversation among us would just like shouting to each other6 2 J% | 1 5 k. |有的人旅游时喜欢直奔目的地,有的人喜欢兼顾游览沿途景观,你preferI prefer going to traveling destination directly. Firstly, I would like to stay at one place for a period of time so that I could take my time to understand the history, culture and the people where I visited. Secondly, if people go to too many different places while they are on journey, this would distract their concentrations. Moreover, it will make people tired. As a result, people could not enjoy the place as they planned, just really in a hurry.一个人在团队工作中最重要的 quality/ o* B4 p# + |( l6 T$ cI think the most important quality of a person in a team is cooperation spirit. First of all, people who don t have this spirit would not understand sharing their minds with other people and could not benefit from others opinions, which leads the group members have no idea about each other. Secondly, a team will be more competitive and strong until everyone in the term works together and shares with each other. People say that: unity is strength. 喜欢看电视了解新闻还是读报纸或上网I prefer getting information by reading newspaper. First of all, I could take a piece of newspaper along with me wherever I go. Whenever Im free, I can read the newspaper to kill time or for fun. Secondly, I find it difficult for me to stare at the screen of a television or a computer LCD for a long time, because my eyes would feel uncomfortable. Moreover, I could choose the news Im interested when I read the newspaper, but the television just play all the time no matter I like it or not.$ K0 u$ v! r) l2 r2 S( 9 b! Q; # E5 F在这一百年之内有很多发明,说一个你觉得对你生活改变最大的! N- f8 f) |) R2 n+ C7 4 S3 H/ dThe invention changed my life most through the time is internet. First of all, when Internet was invented, people could find all kinds of information on it, like news, music, books or ads. It is convenient as long as people own computers. Secondly, communication among people becomes more frequently. We could chat with our family and friends, even a stranger on the Internet wherever they are on the line instead the long waiting of a letter or the expenses of a telephone.5 W1 T. : S$ k2 K, S “ K有些人觉得在大学的学习是很重要的,有的人觉得它并不怎么重要,你的观点?1 N/ E0 T: . B0 x/ B9 CI think the study in the university is very important for a student. First of all, the knowledge we learned in the university could effect our further development. Someone may want to get a Master or PHD degree while others would explore their own career. Secondly, contrast to the knowledge; the more important thing is the ability to learn by us. We should have this ability in case of we could not find a teacher. 2 v r3 w% Q) |/ b* w“ O: tDescribe a poem or a letter you wroteI have written a letter to my mother, which was homework from my teacher. In the beginning, I dont want to write the letter because I had quarreled with my mother the day before. However, after I returned home, I found my mother had already prepared the dinner for me and I felt so guilt about my thought. So I wrote the letter as soon as possible when I finished my dinner. In the letter, I told my mother how I love her and how moved by her patience and forgiveness. $ b; n; “ I8 H G u8 E. B6 ( u U6 N2 _7 w3 X# * M z8 2 VChoose profession that need you study independently or profession require you to work as a groupI prefer choosing a profession that requires me to work as a group. First of all, I believe that I could not finish all the work on my own even though I dont doubt my personal ability. So I need partners and co-workers to help me to do some w
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