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Shelf life validation of microbiological media after autoclaving and RSE working solution 灭菌后的培养基及灭菌后的培养基及美国药典标准参考内毒素工作溶液美国药典标准参考内毒素工作溶液有效期的确认有效期的确认1.0Purpose目的目的 The purpose of this protocol is to validate the shelf life of media in sealed (bottle with silica gel plug and screw cap flask) and unsealed container ( Petri dishes) and USP Reference Standard Endotoxin (RSE) working solution. (concentration 10EU/ml) 该方案是确认装在密封容器(包括胶塞瓶及旋盖瓶)及非密封容器(培养皿)中的培 养基以及美国药典标准参考内毒素工作溶液(浓度为 10EU/ml)的有效期。2.0Background petri dishes: per plate will be filled with 8-10ml of agar media. 每种培养基准备三个批次瓶装的及倒好平板的(胶塞瓶及旋盖瓶每瓶装 400ml 培养基; 平板每个装 8-10ml 琼脂培养基)B. RSE working solution (concentration 10EU/ml).RSE 工作溶液 (浓度为 10EU/ml) RSE working solution (concentration 10EU/ml) of 1000ml volumetric flasks for three separate batches. 准备三个批次碘量瓶装的浓度为 10EU/ml 的美国药典标准参考内毒素工作溶液,每瓶 装 1000ml。4.2Test system 测试系统A.Microbiological media after autoclaving 灭菌后的培养基 2-8OC refrigerator 2-8OC 冰箱 pH meter instrument pH 计 Incubator 培养箱Water bath instrument 水浴箱 6-Place manifold for filtration 6 孔过滤岐管 Receiver canister 滤杯B.RSE working solution RSE 工作溶液 2-8OC refrigerator 2-8OC 冰箱 Water bath instrument 水浴箱 250oC dry heat oven250oC 干热烘箱 Vortex Mixer涡旋搅拌器 Calibrated 100 microliter pitetter with disposable tips 校正过的 100 微升取液器 Test tube racks测试试管架 Graduated Narrow- Mouth Erlenmeyer Flasks and stopper 碘量瓶 Calibrated timer经过校正的计时器4.3Test Organism 测试菌株AMicrobiological media after autoclaving 灭菌后的培养基 Pseudomonas Aeruginosa(CMCC10211&10104) 铜绿假单胞菌(CMCC10211&10104) Clostridium Sporogenes(CMCC64941) 生孢梭菌(CMCC64941) Escherichia coli (CMCC 44113) 大肠埃希菌(CMCC44113) Staphylococcus aureus (CMCC26003)金黄色葡萄球菌(CMCC26003) Bacillus subtilis(ATCC5230, CMCC 63501) 枯草芽孢杆菌 (ATCC5230, CMCC 63501) Candida albicans(CMCC98001) 白色念珠菌(CMCC98001) Aspergillus niger(ATCC 16404)黑曲霉(ATCC 1640)BRSE working solution RSE 工作溶液 USP Reference Standard Endotoxin (10,000EU/vial) USP 参考标准内毒素(10,000EU/vial) 5.0Design Qualification设计确认设计确认 NA 5.1Requirements Definition定义设计要求定义设计要求 NA 5.2Design Description / Formal Design Review 设计描述和设计复核设计描述和设计复核 NA 5.3Qualification Checklist or Testing 设计确认清单或试验设计确认清单或试验NA 5.4Design Qualification Review or Verification设计最终确认设计最终确认 NA6.0Installation Qualification安装确认安装确认 NA 6.1Feasibility Study (Risk Analysis / FMEA) 可行性研究(风险分析可行性研究(风险分析/FMEA) NA 6.2Description of Major Systems/Components 主要系统主要系统/组件描述组件描述 NA 6.3Installation Verification (Blue Prints/Process Flow or Wiring Diagrams/Requirement Definition & Design) 安装确认(蓝图安装确认(蓝图/流程或线路图流程或线路图/要求定义和设计)要求定义和设计) NA 6.4Critical Work Order Request 关键工作定单要求关键工作定单要求 NA7.0Operation Qualification 运行确认运行确认 NA 7.1Operating Procedures / Parameters 操作程序操作程序/参数参数 NA 7.2General/Preventative Maintenance Recommendation 建议的常规建议的常规/预防维护预防维护 NA 7.3Calibrations Requirements 校正要求校正要求 NA 7.4Conformance to GMP/Regulatory GMP/法规的符合性法规的符合性 NA 7.5Training Requirements/Documentation 培训要求培训要求/文件文件 Training related person if the verification results does not comply with the current specification. 如果确认结果与现有 SOP 不同,需要培训相关人员。 7.6Programmable Controller/Microcomputer Validation 可编程控制器可编程控制器/微型计算机的验证微型计算机的验证 NA 7.7Functional Testing of Product 产品功能测试产品功能测试 NA 7.8Chemical Evaluation 化学评估化学评估 NA 7.9Microbiological Evaluation 微生物评估微生物评估7.9.1Verification ofmicrobiological media after autoclaving 灭菌后培养基有效期的验证 AAfter autoclaving per sop-mt-11, initial pH adjustment and growth test(except agar plate) will be performed based on sop-mt-007, the eligible media will be use to validate shelf life. Store media until final term at 2-8OC (after 5 day in current store time), pH adjustment (except agar plate) and growth test will be conducted again and recorded on the appropriate forms of attachment VI. The test frequency as follow: 配制好的培养基按照 sop-mt-11 要求灭菌后,按 sop-mt-007 要求测试 pH 值及 进行生长实验测试(琼脂板除外),合格的培养基用于有效期确认。在储存条件 为 2-8OC 的温度下,保存到最终期限(现有保存期的五天后),再重新测试 pH 值(琼脂板除外)及做生长实验测试,把数据填在附件 VI 的表格中。各种培 养基的测试频率参照下表:Media 培养基Container type 容器类型Current store time 现有保存期The final store time (days) 最终保存期(天)petri dishesBottle with silica gel plugScrew cap flask0193667187T12 个月 T16 个月 T52 个月 T56 个月 T21 个月 F11 个月 T31 个月 T41 个月 B16 个月 Martin2 个月 Martin6 个月 M114 天 M114 天Remark: B1-Brain heart Impingement Broth 脑心浸液培养基 F1-Fluid thioglycollate medium 液体巯基醋酸培养基 M1-M-Endo agar M-Endo 琼脂 T5-Trypticase soy agar with lecithin and polysorbate 80 黄豆圩干酪素琼脂中加入卵磷脂和吐温 80T1-Soybean casein digest agar 大豆胰酶琼脂 T2-Soybean casein digest broth 大豆胰蛋白肉汤 T3-Thermal death time agar 致热死时间琼脂 T4- Thermal death time broth 致热死时间肉汤 Martin- Martin agar medium 改良马丁琼脂培养基 BMedia agar in screw cap flask may only be melted once using microwave prior to use .Two flasks with 400mls of media agar may be melted with 80% power for 20 minute. Perform growth testing after melting per SOP-MT-007. 旋盖瓶的琼脂培养基只能在使用前微波炉溶解一次,每次用 80%的火力 20 分 钟溶解两瓶 400ml 琼脂培养基。溶解后按 SOP-MT-007 进行培养基生长试验。 C.Growth test of agar plate: Dilute to a conc
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