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1产前检查:prenatal examination 筛选测验:screening tests 普查普治:mass screening and mass treatment Passive immunity 被动免 疫 You application is under screening. 你的申请正在筛查中。 Easy delivery/ normal labour 顺产 Difficult delivery 难产 caesarean sizerin section 剖宫产: be in hospital 住院 be hospitalized 住院治疗 an inpatient procedure 住院过程 An inpatient procedure; an inpatient facility. 住院过程;住院设备 long-stay patients 长期住院病人 You must be hospitalized right now. 你必须立即住院。 He ought to he isolated hospitalized. 他应当隔离住院。 Go ahead and admit him. 赶紧收他住院。gravida rvid /pregnant woman 孕妇 You must hospitalize. 你一定得住院。 Do I need to be hospitalized? 我需 要住院吗? Mother had to go to hospital for her operation. 母亲不得不住院动手术。 hospitalization 医院收容,住院治疗 hospitalize 送住院; 使留医 He broke a leg and was hospitalized for a month. 他跌断了一条腿, 要留医一个 月。 hospitality .殷勤, 好客;(提供给客人的)食宿招待 I received the hospitality of the family. 我受到这家人亲切的款待。 Thank you for your kind hospitality. 谢谢你的盛情款待。 Parental care 亲代养育 Parturition 分娩(的过程) painless childbirth; painless labour 无痛分娩 the throes of childbirth 分娩的阵痛 The physical efforts of childbirth 分娩生孩子时身体的努力 While the culture of son preference and socio-economic development are the root cause, declining fertility reinforces the practice of sex selection through using techniques for sex identification and abortion. 死胎 stillbirth feotus, fetal death, dead fetus/foetus fi:ts (胎儿) 死产 neonatal mortality 缝合 stitch 早产 premature birth The mother has given birth to a premature baby. 那位母亲早产。 The premature baby is doing well. 那个早产的婴儿很健康。 新生儿畸形(先天畸形)congenital kndntl malformations Pregnant and prenatal care should be improved, and hospitalized delivery and breast-feeding encouraged. 加强孕期保健,提倡住院分娩和母乳喂养。 Pregnancy and delivery 孕产期 Birth control 节育 避孕 avoid pregnancy; contraception(避孕(法),节育(法) medical contraception 药物避孕 instrumental contraception 器具避孕 She is on the pill. 她按时服用避孕药丸。 The effective rates of contraceptives were calculated with Dixon method. 按 Dixon 法推算避孕有效率。 Contraceptive devices and sexual aids 避孕用具及性生活辅助用具 Article 19 Contraception shall play a main role in family planning. 第十九条实 行计划生育,以避孕为主。 Barefoot doctor 赤脚医生 保健员 health- care assistant; health worker2The pill is one method of birth-control. 服用避孕丸是一种避孕措施。 This agreement is done in duplicate. 本协议书一式两份。本协议书一式两份。 in duplicate ; with a duplicate copy 一式两份(完全一样的;二重的) in triplicate trplket一式三份 in quadruplicate kwdru:plikit 一式四份Teen(age) pregnancy is defined as a teenaged or underaged girl (usually within the ages of 1319) becoming pregnant. The term in everyday speech usually refers to women who have not reached legal adulthood, which varies across the world, who become pregnant. 产褥热 childbed (puerperal) fever(分娩后子宫复旧恢复到非孕状态,这种生理变化约需 42 天才能完 成,这段时间称为产褥期。自胎盘娩出后,产妇便进入了产褥期。 产褥热是由于产后致病菌侵人生 殖器官而引起的疾病,医学上叫产褥感染,是产妇在产褥期易患的比较严重的疾病。引起产褥感染的 主要病原菌为葡萄球菌,链球菌,大肠杆菌,肺炎双球菌等。 )fetal fi:tl heart rate 胎心(心率) caesarean section 剖腹产 Caesar si:z 凯撒 placenta plsent separation 胎盘剥离新法接生新法接生就是按照临产的规律,用科学的方法消毒接生。它要求产包、接生者的手、产妇的外阴部和 婴儿的脐带四消毒。它要求做到四严、五防、三不准。四严是:严密观察产程、严格执行无菌操作、 严格掌握阴道检查指征、严防乱用催产素。五防是:防滞产、防感染、防产伤、防出血、防窒息。三 不准是:不准发生新生儿破伤风、不准发生会阴度裂伤、不准发生产褥感染。高危妊娠 一、定义本次妊娠对孕产妇及胎婴儿有较高危险性,可能导致难产及或危及母婴者,称高危妊娠。具有高危妊娠因素的孕妇,称为高危孕妇。二、高危妊娠的范畴具有下列情况之一者属高危妊娠:(一)年龄18 岁或35 岁;(二)有异常孕产史者,如流产、早产、死胎、死产、各种难产及手术产、新生儿死亡、新生儿溶血性黄疸、先天缺陷或遗传性疾病;(三)孕期出血,如前置胎盘、胎盘早剥;(四)妊娠高血压综合征;(五)妊娠合并内科疾病,如心脏病、肾炎、病毒性肝炎、重度贫血、病毒感染(巨细胞病毒、疱疹病毒、风疹病毒)等;(六)妊娠期接触有害物质,如放射线、同位素、农药、化学毒物、CO 中毒及服用对胎儿有害药物;(七)母儿血型不合;(八)早产或过期妊娠;(九)胎盘及脐带异常;(十)胎位异常;(十一)产道异常(包括骨产道及软产道);(十二)多胎妊娠;(十三)羊水过多、过少;(十四)多年不育经治疗受孕者;(十五)曾患或现有生殖器官肿瘤者等。三、高危儿3具有下列情况之一的围产儿,定为高危儿:(一)胎龄不足 37 周或超过 42 周;(二)出生体重在 2500g以下;(三)小于胎龄儿或大于胎龄儿;(四)胎儿的兄弟姊妹有严重新生儿病史。或新生儿期死亡者。或有二个以上胎儿死亡史者;(五)出生过程中或出生后情况不良,Apgar 评分 04;(六)产时感染;(七)高危产妇所生的新生儿;(八)手术产儿。四、高危妊娠的重点监护早期筛选高危孕妇,重点管理监护,及时正确处理,是减少孕产妇及围产儿死亡的重要措施。对优生优育亦具有重要意义。重点监护包括孕妇和胎儿两个方面,对孕妇的监护已在病理产科中论述,本节主要阐述对胎儿的重要监护问题。(一)了解胎儿生长发育情况1妊娠图:将孕妇体重、血压、腹围、宫底高度、胎位、胎心,水肿,蛋白尿、超声检查的双顶径等,制成一定的标准曲线。于每次产前检查,将检查所见及检查结果,随时记录于曲线图上,连续观察对比,可以了解胎儿的生长发育情况。2子宫底高度测量:测量子宫底高度所得数据与胎儿出生体重相关。所以测量子宫底高度可以预测胎儿生长发育。从孕 2034 周,宫底高度平均每周增加约 1cm,34 周后宫底增加速度转慢,子宫底高度在 30cm 以上表示胎儿已成熟。日本学者五十岚等提出计算胎儿发育指数的公式:胎儿发育指数宫底高度(cm)(月份1)3计算结果3,表示胎儿发育不良;33 之间,表示胎儿发育正常;5 可能为双胎、羊水过多或巨大儿。 过过期期妊妊娠娠(prolonged pregnancy) 恶露 lochia luki 体温 (body) temperature 量试体温 take ones temperature Has she had her temperature taken? 她的体温量过了吗? jaundice dnds in premature infants 早产婴儿的黃疸病 (body) weight 体重 put on weight; gain weight 体重增加 lose weight 体重减轻 underweight 体重不足 weigh oneself or sb. on the scales 磅体重,称体重CARE: Tens of Thousands of Pregnant Women at Risk in Haiti Humanitarian Groups Response Targets Vulnerable Women and Children PORT-AU- PRINCE, Haiti, Jan. 18 /PRNewswire-US Newswire/ -CARE warned Saturday that pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and young children are at greatest risk in the wake of an 尾随,紧跟,仿效 earthquake that has devastated the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince and left
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