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英文摘要写作训练报告题目 图像视频水印算法研究 学号 姓名 班级 电信科 0801 班 日期 2011 年 12 月 28 日 英文摘要内容安排英文摘要内容安排研究项目:研究项目: 图像视频水印算法研究一、一、根据关键词查找中英文参考文献根据关键词查找中英文参考文献要求:要求:中英文文献各 10 篇,并将其存于文件夹中提交;参考文献要包括期刊文章、会 议文章、学位论文、书籍等内容。关键词:关键词: 图像水印;视频水印;软件水印参考文献:参考文献: 1张奎.数字图像水印算法研究D.太原:太原理工大学,2010. 2朱陶丽.基于 MPEG-4 的视频水印技术研究D.北京:北京交通大学,2010. 3卢静.基于变换域鲁棒视频水印算法研究D.海南:海南大学,2011. 4熊祥光.基于小波变换和 HVS 的图像与视频水印算法研究D.武汉:中南民族大学, 2010. 5唐宁.小波域自适应图像水印研究D.曲阜:曲阜师范大学,2010. 6明细细.抗几何攻击数字图像水印算法研究D.湖南:湖南大学,2010. 7张伟东,端木春江,李均波.一种抗几何攻击的数字图像零水印方案J.计算机与现 代化.2011 年第 2 期. 8同鸣,秦可臻,姬红兵.一种 AVS 压缩域视频语义鲁棒水印方法N.西安电子科技大 学学报(自然科学版).2011-2(第 38 卷第 1 期). 9王晶,王向阳.基于人类视觉系统的数字图像水印方法J.计算机工程.2011-7(第 37 卷第 13 期). 10张燕,朱俊平.基于小波域和图像融合技术的视频水印算法研究J.微计算机信息. 2011 年第 27 卷第 5 期. 11SONG Wei,HOU Jian-jun,LI Zhao-hong,HUANG Liang.Chaotic system and or factorization based robust digital image watermarking algorithm.J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2011) 18: 116124. 12Bi, N., Sun, Q., Huang, D., Yang, Z., Huang, J.: Robust image watermarking based onmultiband wavelets and empirical mode decomposition. IEEE Trans. Image Processing16(8), 19561966 (2007). 13Min-Jen Tsai.Wavelet tree based digital image watermarking by adopting the chaotic system for security enhancement.Multimed Tools Appl (2011) 52:347367.14Tsai MJ, Shen CH (2007) Wavelet Tree Group Modulation (WTGM) for digital image watermarking.Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2:173176.15Tsai MJ (accepted for publication in 2009) Dynamic Energy Enabled Differentiation (DEED) Image Watermarking Based on Human Visual System and Wavelet Tree Classification. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 16Bi, N., Sun, Q., Huang, D., Yang, Z., Huang, J.: Robust image watermarking based on multiband wavelets and empirical mode decomposition. IEEE Trans. Image Processing 16(8), 19561966 (2007). 17Licks, V., Jordan, R.: Geometric Attacks on Image Watermarking Systems. IEEE Multimedia Magazine 12(3), 6878 (2005). 18Mikolajczyk, K., Schmid, C.: A performance evaluation of local descriptors. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 27(10), 16151630 (2005). 19K. Wong and K. Tanaka, “Complete video quality preserving data hiding with reversible functionality”, In Proc.of ISCCSP, pp 1029-1034, March 2008. 20M. WANG, Q. PEI, K. FAN, “Integrality authentication schema of H.264 video based on the fragile watermark”, Journal of xidian University, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp.823-827 , 2007.二、二、摘要英译汉翻译摘要英译汉翻译1、英文原文:A DCT-domain system for robust image watermarkingAbstractAn adaptive watermarking technique is introduced in this work. A regional perceptual classifier is employed to assign a noise sensitivity index to each region. The watermark is inserted in the original image according to this index by using block DCT. The detection of the watermark is designed to achieve a desired false alarm probability. Digital watermarking has been proposed as a solution to the problem of copyright protection of multimedia data in a networked environment. It makes possible to tightly associate to a digital document a code allowing the identification of the data creator, owner, authorized consumer, and so on. In this paper a new watermarking algorithm for digital images is presented: the method, which operates in the frequency domain, embeds a pseudo-random sequence of real numbers in a selected set of DCT coefficients. After embedding, the watermark is adapted to the image by exploiting the masking characteristics of the human visual system, thus ensuring the watermark invisibility. By exploiting the statistical properties of the embedded sequence, the mark can be reliably extracted without resorting to the original uncorrupted image. Experimental results demonstrate that the watermark is robust to several signal processing techniques, including JPEG compression, low pass and median filtering, histogram equalization and stretching, dithering, addition of Gaussian noise, resizing, and multiple watermarking.Keyword: Digital watermarking; Copyright protection; Security; Image authentication中文翻译:中文翻译: 基于基于 DCT 变化域系统的鲁棒性图像水印算法变化域系统的鲁棒性图像水印算法 摘要摘要 文提出了一个自适应水印技术。采用区域感知分类器来对每一个区域指定一个噪声敏感系数指标,通过这种基于块的 DCT 变换的指标来把水印嵌入到原始图像,这种对水印的检测的目的是为了实现一个所需要的错误警戒概率。数字水印技术作为一种在网络环境中对多媒体数据版权保护问题的解决方法而被提出,它使得紧密联系一段数据文件代码来鉴别数据的创建者、所属者、授权用户等成为了可能。本文提出了一种新的数字图像水印算法:在频域中,往已选择的 DCT 系数集合中嵌入一段实数伪随机序列,这样,根据人眼的视觉隐蔽特性而把水印掩藏在图片中,从而保证水印的隐藏。利用嵌入的随机序列的统计特性很容易的提取出水印,而不用依靠完整的原始图像。实验表明,这种水印技术对于常见的 JPEG 压缩、低通和中值滤波、直方图均衡和展缩、抖动、加高斯噪声、尺度变换及多水印等信号处理技术有很好的鲁棒性。关键字:关键字:数字水印;版权保护;安全性;图像认证2、 英文原文:英文原文:TRANSPARENT ROBUST IMAGE WATERMARKINGAbstractWe propose a watermarking scheme to hide copyright information in an image. The scheme employs visual masking to guarantee that the embedded watermark is invisible and to maximize the robustness of the hidden data. The watermark is constructed for arbitrary image blocks by filtering a pseudo-n
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