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591 论文网 www.591LW.comB B 公司积分管理系统存在的问题及对策公司积分管理系统存在的问题及对策摘摘 要要目前流行的 POS 积分管理系统给百货店客户提供了方便的服务平台。积分手段能够带给客户更多的实惠和利益,也能大大增强百货店在日益激烈的行业竞争中的竞争力。通过对积分的管理,百货店可以获得更好的信誉,增加客户流量,从而获得更多利益。POS 系统包括积分实绩更新、各店铺交易状况统计、会员价销售状况数据做成和 POS 详细积累处理功能等主要模块。积分实绩更新是按照由各店铺得到的 POS 交易信息累计会员的消费积分;各店铺交易状况统计是按照会员的消费记录统计各店铺的交易情况;会员价销售状况数据做成是按照会员消费记录统计会员价销售状况并做成统计数据文件;而 POS 详细积累处理是从 POS 详细交易信息文件读入详细交易信息再存入数据库。这些模块通过在日文 Windows 2000 系统上使用 C#语言和 SQL server 2000 数据库来实现,最终达成积分实绩更新及销售状况统计的功能。关键字关键字: : 积分;统计;POS591 论文网 www.591LW.comPoints Accumulative Management of POS System for A Store-Points updating and sale statisticsAbstractThe POS points accumulative management system of the department stores offers a convenient service platform for the customers of the stores. The point accumulation provides more boons and benefits to the customers and greatly improves the competence of the department store in the fierce market competitions. By managing the accumulative points, the department store can gain more credit, more customers and finally get higher profits.The POS system includes the following functions: the updating of the accumulative points; the counting of the department stores trading conditions; the statistics of the sales conditions of member price trading and the POS detailed accumulation processing function. The first function updates the consumption scores of the members according to the POS trading information from the stores; the second function counts the trading records of the stores according to the consumption records of the members; the third function counts the trading records of the member price and makes the results a statistic file; and the fourth function loads information of the POS detailed trading data and saves it in the database. These functions are built on the Japanese Windows 2000 system by the C# language and the SQL server 2000 database. This system will finally perform the accumulative points update and the trading condition summarization functions.Key words: Scoring; Statistic; POS591 论文网 www.591LW.com目目 录录论文总页数:30 页1 引言.12 模块需求分析.22.1 模块功能需求.22.1.1积分卡所包含的基本资料.22.1.2处理功能需求.32.2 客户对该模块的期望.32.3 模块其他需求.32.3.1开发环境需求.32.3.2人力资源需求.42.3.3时间需求.43 可行性研究.43.1 技术可行性.43.1.1C#技术的特点 .43.1.2Microsoft SQL Server 2000 的可行性分析.53.2 经济可行性.54 数据库设计.64.1 数据流程图.64.1.1积分实绩更新数据流程图.64.1.2各店铺交易状况统计数据流程图.74.1.3会员价销售状况数据作成数据流程图.84.1.4POS 详细积累处理数据流程图.94.2 数据库结构设计.94.2.1表名定义.
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