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声声 明明本毕业论文是我在指导老师的指导下完成的,尽我所知,在本毕业论文中,除了加以标注和致谢的部分外,没有抄袭其他同学或其它学校的毕业论文,也不包含其他人已经发表或公布过的研究成果。与我一同做毕业论文的同学对本毕业论文做出的贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明。毕业生签名: 年 月 日 毕业论文使用授权声明毕业论文使用授权声明南通职业大学有权保存本毕业论文的电子和纸质文档,可以借阅或上网公布本毕业论文的全部或部分内容,可以向有关部门或机构送交并授权其保存、借阅或上网公布本毕业论文的全部或部分内容。对于保密论文,按保密的有关规定和程序处理。毕业生签名: 年 月 日摘摘 要要此次在毕业设计中进行数控加工中心的编程与操作,是在学完了数控机床及其应用和相关的大部分专业课,在计算机上进行模拟与仿真.在生产实习的基础上进行学习的一个重要教学环节.通过本题设计,提到数控加工中心的原理.零件编程所用的指令,并解释,加工的零件各部分尺寸精度和表面质量均达到零件的要求.在数控加工工艺设计中包括(零件图的工艺分析,毛坯的选择,工序划分,切削用量,走刀路线等).通过设计,我对数控加工中心的整个加工过程有了较全面的理解,经过在设计中选择刀具,我对数控铣床系统的特点与指令,刀具材料和使用的范围有了较深的理解,基本掌握了机床刀具的选用方法.经过编制零件的,基本熟悉了数控编程的主要内容及步骤,编程的种类,程序的结构与格式.另外还学会了在计算机上进行模拟,虽然课程设计比较复杂,但在设计过程中不断学习,在工艺方案确定后,加工程序也经过多次修改.最终完成了零件的加工由于能力有限,经验不足,数控技术发展迅速,设计中还有许多不足之处,希望各位老师多加指教,提出宝贵的意见.关键词:关键词:数控加工中心,编程,工序划分,加工程序,尺寸精度,数控技术发展。AbstractAbstractThis time carries on the numerical control processing center in the graduation project the programming AND-OPERATION, was in study the numerical control engine bed and its the application and the correlation majority of professional courses, carried on the simulation and the simulation on the computer Carries on the study in the production practice foundation an important teaching link.Designs through the main subject, mentions the numerical control processing center the principle The components programming uses the instruction, and the explanation, the processing components each part of sizes precision and the surface quality achieves the components the request.In numerical control processing technological design including (detaildrawing craft analysis, working procedure division, cutting specifications, route and so on) Through the design, I had amore comprehensive understanding to the numerical control processing center entire processing process, passes through chooses the cut ting tool in the design, I to the numerical control milling machine system characteristic and the instruction, the cutting tool material and the use scope had a deeper understanding, basically grasped the engine bed cut tool to select the method.After the establishment components processing procedure, has basically been familiar with the numerical control programming main content and the step, the programming type, the procedure structure and the form Moreover also learned to carry on the simulation on the computer although the curriculum designed quite complex, but unceasingly studied in the design process, after the craft plan determination, the processing procedure also passed through revises many times Finally has completed the components processing.Because ability limited, is insufficiently experienced, the numerical control technological development is rapid, in the design also has many deficiency, hoped fellow teachers advise, give the precious scomment.Key Words: CNC Machining Center、Programming, processes division, processing procedures, dimensional accuracy, numerical control technology development.目录目录摘 要.1 1AbstractAbstract.2 2目录目录.4 41 1、数控机床概述、数控机床概述.5 51.1 数控机床简介 .51.1.1 数控机床的产生及其重要性.51.1.2 数控机床应用范围及特点.61.2. 数控机床的工作原理与组成 .71.2.1 数控机床的工作原理.71.2.2 数控机床的组成.71.3. 数控技术的发展现状与趋势 .71.3.1 精度化.81.3.2 高速度化.81.3.3 高柔性化.81.3.4 高自动化.81.3.5 复合化.91.3.6 智能化.91.3.7 网络化.91.3.8 高可靠性.91.4. 我国数控产业现状及发展 .101.5 加工机床的选择.102 2、泵盖铣削加工工艺分析及程序编制、泵盖铣削加工工艺分析及程序编制.12122.1 数控加工中心工艺特点.122.2 分析零件图.122.3 程序编制.173 3、FANUCFANUC 0I-M0I-M 数控铣床的仿真数控铣床的仿真 .31313.1 数控模拟仿真的意义.313 2 手动操作机床.313 3 自动操作
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