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Unit 3 Section B 导学案 NO.14班级 姓名 小组 得分 学习目标:1 掌握 4 个单词、2 个短语23 使用说明: 一自学 1 单词(拼读-记忆-听写)2 通读 Section B 明白要求,阅读 Section B activity 3a,勾划短语,标注不明白的地方,尝试回答 文后问题。3 独立完成导学案并上交 二正课 1 课前单词检测(5)2 听力(10)3 阅读 Section B activity 3a(朗读-复述-理解) (15)4 导学案讨论释疑(10)5 整理、背诵(5) 自学检查 一 Finish off Section B activity 1a, at least 3sentences二翻译下列短语新课标第一网1 上课迟到 2 考试合格 3 很早做完考题 4 目前 5 晚点参加考试 6 对 有好处 7 担心你会考不及格 8 向 学习 9 前几天/几天前 10 对 要求严格 三用所给词的适当形式填空1 The sun cant (see) at night as usual2 If you dont study hard, you (not pass) the exam.3 We feel like (drink) beer.4 The shirt looks (well) on me.5 We cant decide when (arrive)6 I would like to (reply) to the letter.四用适当的介词或副词填空.1 I disagree some of your idears.2 Before Spring Festival, the Chinese families clean their houses 3 He has been working on a new project these days and didnt have a day 4 Staying is not good your health.5 It takes time to do things playing computer games.6 Is Mr Li very strict you and his work?7 Its very kind them to pick me up the railway station and drive me home.8 You can improve your English reading more.9 Do you often stay home school nights?五主动、被动语态互换。(A-6 B-4 C-3) www.xkb1.com1 The students clean the classroom every day.2 Marys room must be kept clean.3 She gave me twenty yuan last week.4 I saw a man go into the room just now5 You cant see the stars in the daytime.6 Must I do all the exercises?7 A present was bought for me by my sister反思、小结:
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