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Unit 45 &6 period:Grammar 教学目标:lTo understand the purpose of using connectives of reason2To use “because” to give a reason for something3To use “because of ” to give a reason for something 4To show results with “so”5To use “hope” and “wish” correctly 二教学重难点: words: groundPhrases:Sentences:1. Ricky helped with the charity show because he wanted to raise money for Project Green Hope.2Ricky was nervous because of the TV cameras.3There was a lot of work so I was very busy.4I hope (that) you will like the show.5I hope to see the charity show.6I wish (that) I would be the host of the next show. 7I wish (that) the pop stars would invite me to lunch. 8. I wish (that) I could fly. 9. I wish (that) I were Richy. 10. I wish you a happy holiday. 11. We wish you good luck. 三教学方法:Listening and speaking 四教学手段tape-recorder and multimedia 五教学过程:Step 1:Leadin 1.introduce myself Im Zhang Ping, you can call me Miss Zhang. Ill teach you till your teacher, Miss Cai, come back from the USA. This is my first time to teach fun with English , so you need your help, if there is any trouble. I didnt teach for about half a year because I had a son last winter. I love my son because 板书 he is very lovely. I wish 板书 I could stay at home 板书 for more time, but your English teacher has gone to the board, so 板书 I have to come back to teach you. I hope 板书 we can get well on with. 2.free talk T: I like F4 because theyre very handsome. Who is your favourite sports star/music star? S: is my favourite pop star. T: Why do you like him/her best? S: Because I like him/ her because he/she板书 3.ask some more questions like this Step 2 :pretask. l. Turn to page 60. Lets think of Ricky. Q1: Why did Ricky help with the charity show? (Because he wanted to raise money for Project Hope). Q2: Why couldnt Ricky sleep the night before the show? ( Because he was too excited). Step 3 :Whiletask Task1 1.T: When we ask for reasons, we use why. When we give reasons, we can use because. T: underline the sentences that contain the word because. 2.Ask two students to read out one example each from the grammar table at the top of page 64. 4.Explain the context of the exercise. Daniel is asking Sandy about the charity show. The words on the pieces of paper are reasons from Sandys notes. Ask students to work on their own to write answers to Daniels notes. Remind them that each sentence must contain the word because. Read out each of Daniels questions. Ask volunteers to answer the questions using because. Repeat the answers clearly and ask students to check their own work.Task2 1. T: Look at the Bb, we say: Ricky helped with the charity show because he wanted to raise money for Project Hope.板书We also can sayRicky helped with the charity show because of the money. Im fatter than before because I had a baby five months ago. 板书We also can say Im fatter than before because of my baby/him.T: We can also use because of to give a reason for something. When we use because of, it is followed by a noun or pronoun. T: Look at the grammar table at the top of page 65. Show students that we can use because of to answer questions with why, e.g. Why did Ricky have to speak loudly? ( Because of the noise.) Why was Ricky nervous? (Because of the TV cameras.) T: Read the words above the speech bubbles in part B1, the first part says what happened, and the second part is the reason. Please use because of to make sentences. Ask three volunteers to read out their answers T: part B2 Amy and Shirley are looking at pictures of a flood. Amy is answering Shirleys questions about it. Please write answers to Shirleys questions using because of or because. Select two students to play the roles of Shirley and Amy. Task3 T: I like F4 because theyre handsome. F4 are very handsome, so I like them. I like him/ her because he/she板书He/She is ,so I like him/her. 1.Tell students that we can use so to introduce a result. Read out the two examples and explain that the first part ( There was a lot of work/ I wanted to help the poor) is a fact, and the second part(I was very busy/I donated some money.) is a result of that fact. 2.Explain that like because, so can be used to give a reason for something, but the order is different from a sentence with because. In other words, we can give the information in the example sentences using because as follows: I was very busy because there was a lot of work. I donated some money because I wanted to help the poor. 3.Ask students to rearrange the words in Part C1 to make sentences. Remind them that the first part of the sentence should be a fact and the second part should be a result. 4.Once students have finished, ask three students to read out one sentence each. Correct errors and mispronunciations. 5.Ask students to read through Kittys letter in part C2 for overall meaning first. Then ask them to fill in the blanks using bec
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