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提高智力的五个方法Your brain needs exercise just like a muscle. If you use it often and in the right ways, you will become a more skilled thinker and increase your ability to focus. But if you never use your brain, or abuse it with harmful chemicals, your ability to think and learn will deteriorate。大脑就像肌肉那样需要运动。如果你经常用正确的方法动脑,你就会成为一个思维更 灵活的人,而且还能提高注意力。但如果你从不动脑,或者滥用有害的化学品伤害大脑, 那么你的思考能力和学习能力就会退化。Here are 5 simple ways anyone can squeeze a bit more productivity out of the old gray matter。了解以下 5 个简单的方法,任何人都可以从长时间不用的大脑中挤出那么点儿创造力。1. Minimize Television Watching将看电视的时间减到最少This is a hard sell. People love vegetating in front of the television, myself included more often than Id like. The problem is watching television doesnt use your mental capacity OR allow it to recharge. Its like having the energy sapped out of a muscle without the health benefits of exercise。这个需要强制执行。人们喜爱在电视机前虚度光阴,包括我自己在内,更多时候这并 非我所愿。问题是,看电视并不会使用脑力或者给大脑充电。这就如同没有经过对健康有 益的锻炼,就把肌肉中的能量消耗掉一样。Dont you feel drained after a couple hours of TV? Your eyes are sore and tired from being focused on the light box for so long. You dont even have the energy to read a book。看了几个小时电视之后你不感到筋疲力尽吗?如此长时间地盯着灯箱,你的眼睛会又 疼又累。你甚至没有精力再去读一本书了。When you feel like relaxing, try reading a book instead. If youre too tired, listen to some music. When youre with your friends or family, leave the tube off and have a conversation. All of these things use your mind more than television and allow you to relax。当你想放松一下时,试着去读一本书。当你太累了时,听听音乐。当你跟朋友或家人 在一起时,关上电视跟他们说说话。所有这些事都比看电视让你更多地运用了大脑,并且 能让你得到放松。2. Exercise运动I used to think that Id learn more by not exercising and using the time to read a book instead. But I realized that time spent exercising always leads to greater learning because it improves productivity during the time afterwards. Using your body clears your head and creates a wave of energy. Afterwards, you feel invigorated and can concentrate more easily。我过去认为,与其运动还不如用这些时间来读本书,这样能学到更多。但我后来意识 到,花时间做运动总是让你学得更好,因为在运动之后,它提高了我的学习效率。用你的 身体来理清思路,创造大量精力吧。运动过后,你会感觉精神焕发,更容易集中精力。3. Read Challenging Books阅读有挑战性的书Many people like to read popular suspense fiction, but generally these books arent mentally stimulating. If you want to improve your thinking and writing ability you should read books that make you focus. Reading a classic novel can change your view of the world and will make you think in more precise, elegant English. Dont be afraid to look up a word if you dont know it, and dont be afraid of dense passages. Take your time, re-read when necessary, and youll soon grow accustomed to the authors style。许多人喜欢看畅销的悬疑小说,但是通常这些书并不能开发智力。如果你想改善思维 和写作能力,你应该读一读那些让你集中精力的书。阅读经典小说会改变你的世界观,会 让你用更简洁、更优美的英语思维来思考。别担心,遇到不认识的生词就去查,也不要怕 那些大段的文字。别着急慢慢来,必要的时候可以再读一次,这样你就会很快习惯作者的 写作风格的。Once you get used to reading challenging books, I think youll find that you arent tempted to go back to page-turners. The challenge of learning new ideas is far more exciting than any tacky suspense-thriller。一旦你习惯了阅读具有挑战性的书,我想你会发现自己忍不住再回去翻看那些令人爱 不释手的书。学习新思想所带来的挑战,比任何俗气的悬疑惊悚片要令人兴奋得多。4. Early to Bed, Early to Rise早睡早起Nothing makes it harder to concentrate than sleep deprivation. Youll be most rejuvenated if you go to bed early and dont sleep more than 8 hours. If you stay up late and compensate by sleeping late, youll wake up lethargic and have trouble focusing. In my experience the early morning hours are the most tranquil and productive. Waking up early gives you more productive hours and maximizes your mental acuity all day。没有什么比缺乏睡眠更难让人集中精力的了。如果你早点儿上床并且睡眠不超过 8 小 时,你就能最大限度地恢复活力。如果你熬夜并通过睡懒觉来弥补,那么你起床的时候就 会昏昏沉沉,很难集中精力。根据我的经验,清晨的几个小时是最安静、最富有成效的。 早起让你拥有更多高效的时间,并且让你一整天保持最强的敏锐感。If you have the opportunity, take 10-20 minute naps when you are hit with a wave of drowsiness. Anything longer will make you lethargic, but a short nap will refresh you。如果有机会,困意袭来的时候小睡 10 到 20 分钟。再睡久一点就会让你感到昏昏沉沉 了,但是小睡片刻会让你神清气爽。5. Take Time to Reflect花点时间反思Often our lives get so hectic that we become overwhelmed without even realizing it. It becomes difficult to concentrate because nagging thoughts keep interrupting. Spending some time alone in reflection gives you a chance organize your thoughts and prioritize your responsibilities. Afterwards, youll have a better understanding of whats important and what isnt. The unimportant stuff wont bother you anymore and your mind will feel less encumbered。通常我们的生活太繁忙了,以至于我们被压得喘不过起来,甚至还意识不到这一点。 全神贯注变得困难起来,因为总有无法摆脱的想法一直打断你。花些时间独自反思一下, 会给你一个机会来调理思绪、按优先顺序安排自己的职责。随后,你将更好地了解到哪些 事情重要、哪些不重要。不重要的事情将不会再烦扰你,你的大脑也会感觉负担没那么大 了。Im not saying you need to sit on the floor cross-legged and chant ommm. Anything that allows a bit of prolonged solitude will do. One of my personal favorites is taking a solitary walk. Someone famous said, “All the best ideas occur while walking。” I think he was on to something. Experiment to find the activity that works best for you。我并不是在说你需要盘腿坐在地板上,嘴上不停地吟唱经文。任何能让你稍微长时间 独处的事情都可以。就我个人而言,我最喜欢做的就是独自散步。有个名人说过,“所有 最棒的点子都是在散步时产生的。” 我认为他的观点非常有意思。尝试去发现对你最有效
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