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BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具4B 期末测试期末测试 听力部分:(30%) 一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10%) 1、A. mangoes B. lemons C. fruits 2、A. bus B. minibus C. train 3、A. hamburgers B. juice C. books 4、A. notice board B. blackboard C. cupboard 5、A .cup B. cap C. cat 6、A. The red clock is on the desk . B. The green pencil is on the desk . C. The blue pen is on the desk . 7、A. Come here and have an apple . B. Come here and have an orange . C. Come here and have a pear . 8. A. How many buses can you see ? B. How many planes can you see ? C. How many bikes can you see ? 9. A. I cant find my small toy tiger . B. I cant find my small toy dog . C. I cant find my small dog . 10. A. Its eight fifteen . Time to watch TV. B. Its seven thirty . Time to watch TV. C. Its nine fifty . Time to go to bed . 二、听录音,选出你所听问题的正确答案。(8%) 1. A. Its fifty . B. Its ten . C. Its sixty . 2. A. Theres a glass of milk . B. A glass of milk , please . C . Its in the glass . 3. A. Its in the music room . B. They are on the fridge . C. Theres a fridge . 4. A. A bike and a car . B. Milk and bread . C. Birds and a tiger . 5. A. I m sixteen . B. Its fifteen yuan . C. Theyre thirty yuan . 6. A. Yes, she is . B. Shes my friend . C. Hes my friend . 7.A. Theyre workers . B. No , they arent. C. Yes , we are . 8.A. Thank you . B. Some biscuits . C. Me, too . 三、听录音,完成填空。(6%)BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具1_ would you like ? Some _ and a _ of milk , please . 2. What _ his _? A _ . 3. _ the _ in the _ shirt ? Hes my _ , Tom . 4.What are these ? They are _ and _ . 四、听对话,判断所给句子是否正确,正确的用“T”,错误的用“F”表 示(8) ( ) 1.Its Teachers Day. ( ) 2.His school bag is on the desk. ( ) 3.They go to school by bike. ( ) 4.They go to school at seven.
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