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BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具单元习题试卷一一 预习作业预习作业把下列短语译成英语1.产生足够的水_2.在火星上植树_ 3.火星上的交通_4.在地球上(2 种)_5. 确信(2 种)_6. 对于早期移居到火星上的人来说_ 7. 从地球到火星 _8. 搬至火星_ 9. 发送一个太空机器人到火星_ 10. 生活在火星这颗行星上_ 11. 在将来_12. 努力使这个梦想成真_ 13. 去火星的旅途 _14. 愿意搬到火星上_二二 当堂训练题当堂训练题 Fill in the blanks:1 I dont know_(if, whether) he will come tomorrow.BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具The teacher asked _(if, whether) we had finished the experiment.Everything depends on_ (if,whether) we have enough money。I dont know _(if, whether) the movie star will come or not.2 Nobody knew whether he _(can) pass the examThe teacher said that the earth _(go) round the sun.He told me that Japan _ (be) an island country.Could you tell me when we _(visit) the History Museum?3 David will fail the test again if he _(not,study) hard.,If you _(think) it over,you will have a good idea.三三 当堂检测题当堂检测题一 把正确的句子写在横线上1. I dont know if will the students arrive on time._2.Daniel is still not sure he wants to go to Mars._3.Simon wants to know that if we need to wear special boots on Mars._4.Danie is wondering that there are shopping malls on Mars._BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具5.The students want their teacher to tell them if do they have to bring some water with them._二二 用适当的连词填空:用适当的连词填空:1.I dont know _he will go there or not.2. Can you tell me_it snows in winter in you hometown.3.I wonder_they got the tickets.4.Would you please tell me _”Harry Potter” is an interesting book?5.He told me _he had two brothers.三三 汉译英汉译英1科学家任然不确定是否能在火星上种植物。_2我们想知道是否有人愿意搬到火星上去。_3我不知道他明天是否要来。假如他来的话,他会打我电话。_4. 请问他身体康复了吗?_BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具_5. 你知道她是否还住在北京?_
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