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BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具第五册复习 Module 4 一、单项选择 ( ) 1 She is the _A fast B wins C winner ( ) 2 Can you run _?A fast B fasts C fastly ( ) 3 I can _basketballA play B plays C playing ( ) 4 He likes noodles, but he _use chopsticksA can B cant C / ( ) 5 Lets _A swim B swims C swimming ( ) 6 Can you row a boat? Yes,I _A row B cant C can ( ) 7 The bird is _in the skyA fly B flies C flying ( ) 8 I cant eat _treeA a B an C / ( ) 9 The ducks are _the puddleA on B in C of ( ) 10 What are you doing ? I_A swim B can swim C am swimming ( ) 11 _are sweetsA This B That C These ( ) 12 Can he play _football ?A a B the C / ( ) 13 This _can swimA bird B fish C cat ( ) 14 Can they _quiet?A be B are C do ( ) 15 Tom is _hamburgers and chipsA est B eats C eating 二、按要求写出下列单词的正确形式1 swim (现在分词) 2 win (名词) 3 rice (复数) 4 fly (现在分词) 三、句型转换 1 This fish can swim (否定句)2 I can run fast ( 一般疑问句)3 I can dance (对画线部分提问)4 Can you jump far? (肯定回答)四、阅读短文,判断对错 Alice and Amy are good friends. Alice can swim ,jump far and run fast, but Amy cant . Amy can sing, dance and play basketball, but Alice cant ( ) 1 Alice and Amy are sisters ( ) 2 Alice can run fast ( ) 3 Amy can swim ( ) 4 Alice cant singBatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具( ) 5 Amy cant jump far 五、选词填空 Feed throw flying eating 1 I am _a hamburger 2 She is _her kite 3 Lets_ the ducks 4 He can _it very far答案 一、1 C 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 C 8 A 9 B 10 C 11 C 12 C 13 B 14 A 15 C 二、1 swimming 2 winner 3 rice 4 flying 三、1 This fish cant swim 2 Can you run fast 3 What can you do 4 Yes, I can 四、1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T 五、1 eating 2 flying 3 feed 4 throw
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