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BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具五年级期末检测试卷 英 语笔笔试试部分部分。一、判断下列各组单词划线部分字母读音是否相同,相同的打“”,不相同的打“”(5 分)例:1、bake make () 2、nice pink ()1、go no ( )2、zoo moon ( )3、sleep sweep ( )4、skip summer ( )5、she he ( )二、单项选择。从 A、B、C 三个答案中,选择一个符合句子的正确答案填入括号内。 (20 分)( )1、Can you read_ English?A、in B、with C、at( )2、My father is baking _ cake.A、an B、a C、the( )3、Peter is _ .A、hop B、hoping C、hopping( )4、A:“Nihao ma?” B:I come from _ A、China B、France C、India( )5、A:How much is the apple? B:_A、Three yuan B、Three yuans C、three yuan( )6、A:Where is my book? B:Its _ your bag.A、on B、in C、under( )7、A:Are you making a pie ? B:Yes ,I _ .BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具A、am B、is C、are( )8、A:Where are you going ? B:Im going _ school.A、at B、too C、to( )9、Its hot in _ .A、summer B、winter C、spring( )10、A:Have you got your tickert ? B:Yes I _ .A、has B、do C、have三、按要求写单词。 (5 分)例:1、a cake (复数)-(cakes) 2、make(ing 形式)-(making)1、a book (复数)-( )2、play (ing 形式)-( )3、hop (ing 形式)-( )4、a foot (复数)-( )5、girl (反义词)-( )四、把图片和句子正确的连起来。 (12 分)1、-Whats Anne doing ?-She is reading.2、Its cold in winter.3、-Where are you from ?-I come from China.4、Lingling is painting.BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具五、从栏中找出栏相对应的句子,将答案序号写在前面的括号里。 (14 分) ( )1、Nice to meet you! A、Yes,I can.( )2、Can you read? B、Nice to meet you,too.( )3、Whats she doing? C、Two yuan.( )4、How much is the orange? D、She is dancing.( )5、Where are you from? E、Good afternoon!( )6、Good afternoon! F、I come from China.( )7、Good bye! G、Bye-bye!
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