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S p a c e T e l e s c o p e S c i e n c e I n s t i t u t ea n n u a l r e p o r t|99Science Preprint Lists | 47Views | 3News | 7Reviews | 15Science Essays | 45Directors Office | 16 Program Management Office | 17 Development, Technology, and Innovation Projects | 18Administration Division | 19Missions Directorate | 22 Hubble Division | 23 Archive, Catalogs, and Data Services Division | 27 Next Generation Space Telescope Division | 29 Engineering and Software Services Division | 30Science Directorate | 34 Science Division | 35 Science Policies Division | 35 The Library | 37 Office of Public Outreach | 38Computing and Information Services Division | 41Strategic Communications Office | 43Directors ForwardTHE LAST YEAR OF THE MILLENNIUM, 1999, saw the Hubble Space Telescope experience major highs and one major low. On the high side, the science results continued to be superlative, including the successful conclusion of the key project to measure the expansion rate of the Universe and its age. A well-cited study of important discoveries placed Hubble number one in importance for space science missions since the space age began; an update shows Hubble still in the lead. Public interest in our mission remains strong. The Institute web pages receive about 3.5 million hits per month, only 0.5 million less than CNN. The staff at the Institute remains excited about the mission 10 years after it was first launched.On the low side, we lost a fourth gyroscope since the second servicing mission in early 1997, which led to a loss of science observations for about one month. This deep low was offset by the high of the servicing mission in December, when seven heroic astronauts restored the Hubble to a condition even better than it was in before the fourth gyroscope failed. A power control unit had developed a loose contact, but in the course of replacing equipment the astronauts unexpectedly also made that problem disappear. Sometimes even delicate space instruments benefit from a little jostling! The astronauts exploits capped an excellent year for the Hubble program.At the Institute, preparations for the future drove much of our activity. In 1999, as described in this Annual Report, we formulated a plan to operate Hubble for about two-thirds of the cost of the current opera- tions. This plan will free up resources to support the Next Generation Space Telescope. Our Low-Cost Operations plan will be phased in over the next six years or so. We then reorganized the Institute to high- light tasks needed for the new mission and to strengthen the science culture that underpins our service to the community. At the same time, we supported NASAs third visit to Hubble to repair the failed gyroscopes and upgrade important systems.Our Annual Report contains three major sectionsViews, News, and Reviewsfollowed by two science essays and a list of Institute science publications. This content is organized to engage both the casual reader and the reader who wants in-depth knowledge about the way we carried out our work. I would be pleased to have feedback on what you like and do not like about the Annual Report, and what we could add to make it more interesting for you. In keeping with the thrust of our new age (see Views), your remarks will be most helpful if sent electronically to svwbstsci.edu. We hope you find our 1999 Annual Report most enjoyable.Steven Beckwith Baltimore, Maryland | 28 February 2000|1A well-cited study of important discoveries placed Hubble number one in importance for space science missions since the space age began.ViewsTHE DAWN OF THE NEW MILLENNIUMcoincides with a societal shiftfrom industry to service, from capital and equipment to knowledge. We are moving into the information age, where success will dependmore on intelligence than physical strength. It was not very long agothat the most important attribute for survival was immunity to diseasefollowed closely by strength and coordination; now, success inlifes competition will depend more on IQ and EQ1. As communication pathways expand to encom-pass the civilized world and knowledgebecomes the new coin of the realm,our horizons grow from those ofthe tribe, the state, and thenation to encompass theentire world. And thisshift has happenedin one generation.1Emotional intelligence, deemed an essential attribute of managers and leaders.v i e w s|3The Impact of www.stsci.edu.As communication pathways expand to encom- pass the civilized world and knowledge becomes the new coin of the realm, our horizons grow from those of the tribe, the state, and the nation to encompass the entire world.throughs are made by teams working with computers rather than by rugged individuals working at telescopes. We have all become more specialized. The theories are esoteric and require a great deal of effort to master. Data analysis requires enormous investments of time, as the data rates are climbing almost exponentially. Ju
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