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The Application of Group Cooperative Learning in Senior English Teaching作者姓名: 赵 俊工作单位: 贵州省贵阳市白云区第二中学职 称: 中教一级The Application of Group Cooperative Learning in Senior English TeachingAbstract: Cooperative learning, originated in the U.S.A. in the 1970s, is a creative and effective teaching theory and strategy system which is generally used in many countries in the world. Combined with the actual situation of Guizhou ordinary high school English teaching and the students in the school,the author put forward the “group cooperative learning” into high school English teaching and put it into teaching practice. The practice was undertaken for the purpose of finding a rational method of English learning to help senior students learn English more effectively, change their learning methods and attitudes towards English learning and improve their learning ability. Key Words: Group Cooperative learning Senior English teaching Teaching model IntroductionIn July 2010, new curriculum experiment came into the ordinary high school in Guizhou province. According to the new curriculum ideas, high school English teaching objectives include language knowledge, language skills, learning strategies, emotional attitudes and cultural awareness of learning, emphasizing the development of students comprehensive ability of using language, autonomous and cooperative learning.(Ministry of Education, 2003) Due to the traditional teaching mode, the ability of students cannot function effectively and they just accept knowledge passively. Thus, under the new concept of curriculum reform, to build a new type of teaching environment and develop an autonomous, cooperative and inquiry teaching and learning way become the theme of the class, which can not only realize the function of the teacher, but also manifest the students status. In order to adapt to the need of talent of future society, we should change our concept of education, teaching mode and students learning methods. Besides, the high school new curriculum reform emphasizes on the change of learning styles and mentions that the curriculum must serve for students life and the development.( Ministry of Education,2003) However, students had to accept the single, mechanical learning way for a long time. So it is necessary to change the students ways of learning English. Whats more, students should be encouraged to learn cooperatively under the guidance of teachers. Therefore the “group cooperative learning” becomes the focus of high school teachers and the study will be of important significance. In order to better implement the spirit of “Basic Education Curriculum Reform Program (Trial)” and fully carry out the task of “Guizhou Ordinary High School Curriculum Reform Experimental Implementation Plan (Trial), the author puts forward the “group cooperative learning” into high school English teaching and good results have been achieved. The Application of Group Cooperative Learning 2.1 The Teaching Philosophy of Group Cooperative LearningThe teaching philosophy of group cooperative learning is a new concept, which is a creative and effective system of educational theory and policy (Fu Yongshu, 2007), and its teaching philosophy is as follows: First, the groups focus on the cooperative learning between various factors in multidimensional dynamic interactive unity. Second, cooperative group learning highlights the affective functions of teaching and pursuits the cognitive and learning strategies, emotional attitudes and values to achieve harmony and unity in teaching. Third, group cooperative learning stresses that teachers as good guides and the students as good actors enable students to reflect their dominant positions. Fourth, group cooperative learning emphasizes the combination of group cooperation, competition and individual behaviors. Fifth, group cooperative learning emphasizes the criterion-referenced assessment.2.2 The Teaching Premise of Group Cooperative LearningAccording to social cohesiveness theory, cooperative learning group performance is based largely on group cohesion as a medium and efforts of the team members are motivated by the strong cohesion within the group. Therefore, the formation of cooperative groups is a prerequisite for group cooperative learning and also the fundamental to the success of group cooperative learning. First, the group size. According to my school class size, the group made up of 5-6 students is considered to be appropriate, because such a number could be sufficient to protect the expressing opportunity of each student in a group and can better take personal responsibility, reduce stress and promote positive group interaction. Second, the heterogeneous group. When dividing the class into several groups, the teacher should consider the students achievement, gender, ability, social and cultural backgrounds, different learning styles and other features completely, which ensure that the team members have differ
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