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南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 I 摘 要 能让人眼感受真实三维影象的立体显示器可以广泛应用于各种场合, 包括工业领域、商业领域、医学领域、建筑和艺术领域等,在军事上有着尤其重要的应用价值。本文基于 SynthaGram 自动立体显示器,对其显示过程中的图像放大处理方法开展了相关研究。 首先,本文分析了自动立体镜三维显示技术的基本原理,及其对图像放大、采样合成的要求。总结了当前已有的各类主要插值放大算法,根据自动立体镜三维显示需要兼顾快速性和清晰度的要求, 选择了基于图像轮廓边缘处理类型的放大算法作为本研究中放大图像的技术思路,以保持对图像视觉效果至关重要的图像轮廓信息。 其次, 受热耗散能使温度分布光顺的启发, 提出了一种新的轮廓线光顺算法,没有增加轮廓线的点数,程序编制简单,计算量小;对基于轮廓线的插值也进行了改进,在轮廓线附近区域提出了更能考虑颜色过渡效果的新算法。通过MATLAB 编写的试验程序,在多个算例中分别对本文提出的轮廓线光顺算法和基于轮廓线插值的新算法进行了检验, 处理结果的对比分析表明两部分新方法都是成功的,放大处理后的图像轮廓清晰光顺、图像色彩过渡真实自然。 然后,本文以 Visual C+为开发环境,完成了最近点法、单线性法、双线性法和本文新插值方法等 4 种方法的编程,得到了程序 BmpInterpolation。用该程序可以实现了对单幅位图文件的读取和插值放大,通过单色和彩色图像、照片图像、三维渲染图像等放大处理算例的检验,说明了本文的方法和程序是成功有效的, 新算法明显优于几种简单插值放大方法的轮廓清晰度, 且具有很好的快速性,兼顾了自动立体镜三维显示的快速性和清晰度要求。 最后,本文进行了新算法与 SynthaGram 系统的软件开发工具包(SDK)有关功能的整合,通过纹理贴图和 Direct3D 的相关函数实现了图像的放大和叠加,完成了在自动立体三维显示中对新插值算法的应用。 关键词:三维显示,图像放大,高清晰度,光顺,插值 三维显示中的图像放大相关技术研究 Abstract 3D display system can be applied to many wide-ranging field, such as: industry, business, medicine, architecture and art etc. Especially, It is very important to military application. This paper investigated the image procedure of 3D display based on the SynthaGram auto-stereo-display monitors. Firstly, foundational mechanism of auto-stereo-display was presented. The requirements for image processing in auto-stereo-display, high image resolution and fast procedure speed, were deduced from such mechanism. The interpolation based on the refinement of shape-profiles was adopted for image magnifications as fast as possible, after analysing main advanced methods of image magnifications. Secondly, a new algorithm of smoothness shape-profiles was studied by analogy the thermal diffusion. The new method can decrease the cost of computation because of its simpler algorithm and smaller number of points in shape-profiles. Moreover, interpolation based on such smoothed profiles was also improved for higher accuracy. The comparison was performed through MATLAB platform in a series of cases, and the results show that both of two improvements are successful. Thirdly, the new method and nearest-neighbor method, single linear interpolation, bilinear interpolation were coded by VC+, and a MFC application, BmpInterpolation, was achieved. Many kinds of examples were tested using BmpInterpolation, including single color images and true color images (24bits), photos and images after 3D rendering by 3DMax. The comparison between new method and the others indicates that the new method can not only get higher quality of images but also match the requirement of procedure speed. At last, integration of the new method and relative module of SynthaGram SDK was conducted. By using the Texture and other Direct3D functions, the realization of the new image technology developed in this paper was fulfilled successfully. Keywords: Three Dimensional Display, Image Magnification, High Resolution, Smoothness, Interpolation 承诺书 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文的研究成果不包含任何他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体, 均已在文中以明确方式标明。 本人授权南京航空航天大学可以有权保留送交论文的复印件, 允许论文被查阅和借阅,可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本承诺书) 作者签名: 日 期: 三维显示中的图像放大相关技术研究 图 清 单 图 1.1 理想的 3D 显示器性能需求.1 图1.2 SynthaGram204自动立体显示器.6 图 2.1 基于视差栅栏成像法的显示技术示意图.11 图 2.2 基于凸透镜成像法的显示技术示意图 .12 图2.3 理想中的真三维显示器. 13 图 2.4 微透镜阵列成像.14 图 2.5 多柱面透镜显示屏示意图.15 图 2.6 可视区域.15 图2.7 SynthaGram显示器纵面示意图.16 图 2.8 SynthaGram 显示器正面示意图.16 图 2.9 Image Creation 图像生成.17 图2.10 9瓦片格式Nine-tile format.18 图 3.1 一维小波变换.24 图 4.1 轮廓点排序说明图.28 图 4.2 理想轮廓线与数值轮廓线.28 图 4.3 一维非均匀温度场通过热扩散后在不同时刻的温度分布. 29 图 4.4 轮廓线坐标值的对比.
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