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1 Lesson Fifteen Unreality of TV Art Buchwald (阿特 .布赫瓦尔德)Learning Guide 电视是 20世纪影响人们生活的重要发明,然而电视也带来不少问题,尤其是对青少年。许多人认为电视对青少年的负面影响莫过于暴力。而本文作者认为,电 视节目给青少年展现的是一个虚幻世界,使他们在耳濡目染、潜移默化之中,变得不能面对现实,这才是电视对孩子们最大的毒害。一、 词汇1.unreality n. 不真实(性)2.reality n. 现实real adj. really, adv realize v 实现3.violence n. 暴力4. present v. 显示,展现;描述N. 礼物Adj. 当前的,在场的5. show n. 节目,表演6.television show 电视节目7. show v. 上演(戏剧等),放映(电影)Show 短语HYPERLINK “app:dsdetail:on show“|on show展览着,在公开展出露面;露出;揭露领入;领人炫耀;卖弄外表上;有名无实地脱口秀;访谈节目2 时装秀;时装表演会假装给人家看;装病贸易展览;内部预映娱乐业;娱乐性行业(等于showbiz)8. park v. 停放(车子等)N. 公园9. very adv. 真正地,完全地10.back v. 使倒退,使后退;倒退,后退Back up 支持,倒退,11.available adj. 可得到的;可利用的,现成的12.block n. 街区;建筑群13. distorted adj. 被歪曲的,被曲解的14. doorman n. 门卫15.screen n. 荧屏,屏幕16.nonsense n. 胡说八道,废话;无意义的话或行为17.rain-swept adj. 大雨滂沱的18.gangster n. 匪徒,歹徒19.kid n. (口语)小孩;年轻人20. bandage v. 用绷带包扎21.defend v. 为, 辩护22.defendant n. 被告23.innocent adj. 无罪的,无辜的24.plead v. (法律)辩解25.guilty adj. 有罪的,内疚的短语 be/feel guilty of 对. 感到内疚 , 犯.罪e.g. e.g.I had a guilty conscience about not telling her the truth. 我因为没有告诉她事实真相而感到内疚。e.g. You look guilty.你看上去心虚3 e.g.He confessed himself guilty of theft.他承认自己犯了盗窃罪。26.D.A. abbr. (美 District Attorney ? t ?:ni 的缩写)地方检察官27.harm n. 损害,伤害28.harmful adj. 有害的29.advertisement n. 广告30.mouthwash n. 漱口剂;洗口药31.mate n. 伴侣二、课文分析Para. 1 Page 343 1. Dr. Heinrich Applebaum recently completed a study on the effects of television on children. It is not about violence, but about how television gives children a false sense of reality. Applebaum博士最近完成了一项关于电视节目对儿童影响的调查报告。(这种影响)不是暴力,而是电视节目给孩子们造成对现实的错觉。A study 研究B on 关于( .理论的研究)C effect on 对.的影响D not,but 不是, 而是E sense 感觉,感官Para. 2 Page 343 2. Dr. Applebaum told me, “The greatest danger of television is that it presents a world to children that doesnt exist, and leads them to expect things that never happen.“ Applebaum 博士告诉我: “ 电视对孩子的最大危害是它呈现了一个非真实的世界,使得他们期盼着永远也不会发生的事。“ A that it presents a world to children that doesnt exist, That 引导一个表语从句。没有词汇意义,但是不能省略。B present 呈现,展现4 C lead to 导致通往Para. 3 Page 343 3. “I dont understand, Doctor,“ I said. 我说: “ 我不明白,博士。”Para. 4. Page 343 4. “Well, let me give you one example. Have you ever seen a television show where a person in a car doesnt immediately find a parking place on the very first try?“ “ 那么我给你举个例子。你看见过电视节目中坐在汽车里的人不能头一次就马上找到一个停车的地方吗?”A give sb. An(one) example 举例B . “where a person in a car doesnt,“是定语从句,修饰a television show C . parking place 停车位D. on the very first try:头一次(试做某事)E. very 常用来强调某些形容词的最高级形式以及像first,last ,same等词。e.g.They are the very people who worked such wonders. 正是这些人创造了这样伟大的奇迹。e.g.You are the very person I m looking for . 你正是我要找的人。Para. 5 Page 343 5. “Come to think of it,“ I said, “I havent.“ “ 真的,想想还真是的,” 我说, “ 我是没看见过。”A. Come to think of it:相当于汉语的“ 真的 “ ,“ 想想还真是如此“。“回头想想”e.g.We must hurry. Come to think of it, we only have two days left. 我们要抓紧时间,的确,只剩下两天了。e.g. Come to think of it. there is some truth in what he said. 细想一下,他的话有些道理。e.g.Come to think of it, I suppose that is my fault. 细想一下,我觉得是我不对。Para. 6 Page 343 6.“Not only is there always a parking place, but the driver doesnt even have 5 to back into it. There are two parking spaces for him when he needs one. “那里不但总有一个空车位,而且开车的人还不必费事把车倒进去。当他需要一个车位时,总有两个车位空在那里。A. Not only.but (also).不仅 .而且 . 如果连接两个句子,而且not only 位于句首时。句子要倒装。e.g.Not only did he make a promise, but also he kept it. 他不仅作出了许诺,而且履行了诺言。e.g.Not only is he learned(有学问), but also he has a good character. 他不但有学问而且品行也好。7. Children are being led to believe that when they grow up they will always be able to find a parking place available when and where they want it. 这样,孩子们就被引导着相信当他们长大后,无论何时何地想停车,他们都能找到车位。A. Children are being led to believe 这是现在进行时的被动语态。把他改成主动语态就应该是:These TV shows are leading children to believe. Lead sb. To do sth. 导致某人 / 引导某人做某事B grow up 长大C be able to 可以表示将来(或者通过努力)能, can 就没有这种用法。D a parking place available 现存的停车位Available adj. 能得到的,能获得的,现存的,在场的,有。e.g. My bicycle is not available, and it is being repaired. 我的自行车现在不能用,因为正在修理。e.g.Laundry services are available.提供洗衣的服务。e.g.Are there any seats available?这儿还有空座位吗?e.g.I have less time available.我时间少了很多。e.g.Is this vacancy still available? 这个工作还空缺吗? e.g. No suitable work was available.找不到适当的工作。8. You can imagine how bad they will feel when they discover that in real life they can drive around a block for three hours and still cant find 6 a place to park their car.“ 你可以想象到当他们在现实生活中绕着一个街区开了三个小时的车还找不到一个车位时,会是多么糟糕。”Para. 8 Page 344 9. “I never thought of it, but its true. What else do they show on television which gives a distorted picture of the real world?“ “我从来没有想到过,但的确是真的。还有哪些电视节目扭曲地反映了现实活?”A. Think of 想到B distorted adj. strained or wrenched out of normal shape扭曲的,变形的e.g.Pain had distorted her face. 痛苦扭曲了她的脸。(或:她的脸都痛歪了。) E.g. Why is it so distorted? 为什么它是如此失真?e.g.You have distorted my motives. 你曲解了我的动机。e.g.The reporter distorted the facts. 记者们歪曲了事实。e.g.His face was distorted
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