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1 英语泛读教程 3(第 3 版)Unit 1 Text :The Art of Creative Thinking Words and phrases: 1. sphere n. an area or range of interest or activity; a round shape in space; ball-shaped mass; solid figure all points of which are equally distant from a center. (兴趣或活动的 )范围,领域,界限;球,球形(体)e.g. A well-known personality in the sphere of broadcasting.广播界的著名人物近义词: circle: a group of people connected in an informal way by common interests. 具有共同兴趣或利益的人形成的圈子, 界, 社会集团She has a large circle of friends.她交际范围很广。In political circles there is talk of war. 政界人士在谈论战争。2. distinguished. adj: having excellent quality or great fame and respect. 卓越的,著名的,受人尊敬的a distinguished politician 一个卓越的政治家distinguish, verb, to see, hear, or notice as being separate, or distinct; recognize clearly, to recognize differences; to behave or perform well. 辨认出,看(听)清楚;使具有特色,使有别于 ;表现突出。Small children cant distinguish right from wrong. 小孩子不能明辨是非。2 She distinguished herself in the debate. 她在辩论中表现(口才)出众。Elephants are distinguished by their long trunks. 大象因其长鼻子而有别于其它动物。3. exhaustive,adj, through; including all cases or possibilities. 彻底的,包揽无遗的。After an exhaustive search the missing document was found. 经过彻底的搜寻,意识的文件找到了。比较:exhausted; exhausting; exhaustive 4. constituent, n, any of the parts that make up a whole; a voter, member of a constituency.成分,构成部分,要素;选区的一个选民。The constituents of gunpowder/cement 火药 /水泥的成分SYN: COMPONENT : one of the parts that together make a whole machine or system. 成分,组成部分,零部件The components/component parts of a camera.照相机的部件Revenues from oil are the biggest single component in the country s income. 来源于石油的收益是这个国家中收入中最高的一项。5. bestow, (on,upon) (formal ) to give ,(正式 )给予,赠予,授予。Several gifts were bestowed on the royal visitors. 有好几样礼物赠给皇室宾客。6. canvas:strong, rough cloth used for tents, sails, bags, etc. (a piece of this used for ) an oil painting. 帆布;(画在帆布上的)油画,画布. We spent the night under canvas.(in a tent)我们是在帆布帐篷里过夜的3 The artist showed me her canvases. 那位画家给我看了她的油画。形近词 canvass, v. 游说,拉选票;调查(民意)征求(意见)7. invisible : that cannot be seen.看不见的,隐形的OPP: VISIBLE 8. conjure sth up: to make sth appear as a picture in your mind; SYN: EVOKE. 使呈现于脑际,使想起。That smell always conjures up memories of holidays in France. 那种气味总是会勾起人们对在法国度假那段日子的回忆。Conjure: to do clever tricks such as making things seem to appear or disappear as if by magic. 变魔术, 变戏法; 使。 。 。变戏法般的出现或消失。He conjured a delicious meal out of few leftovers. 他居然用剩下的几样东西做出了可口的一餐。Conjuror: a person who performs conjuring tricks. 变戏法的人。 SYN: MAGICIAN. 9. hitherto, adv. (formal) until now; until the particular time you are talking about. 迄今;指导某时。A hitherto unknown species of moth. 迄今仍未知种类的蛾。10. synthesis: the act of combing separate ideas, beliefs, styles, etc; the natural chemical production of a substance in animals and plants 综合,结合; (物质在动植物体内或人工的)合成。The synthesis of art with everyday life. 艺术与日常生活的结合。protein synthesis 蛋白质的合成synthesis of penicillin 青霉素的合成4 11. cast about/around for sth: (written) to try hard to think of or find sth, especially when this is difficult. 苦苦思索,四处寻找。She has been casting around/about for a good excuse to go to New York. 她绞尽脑汁想出去纽约的借口。12. analogy: a comparison of one thing with another thing that has similar features. 类比,类推,比喻。The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump. 老师打了个比喻,把人的心脏比作水泵。There is no analogies with any previous legal cases. 以往的法律案件没有哪一宗可以与本案类比。13.extract:verb, noun verb: to remove or obtain a substance from sth, for example, by using an industrial or chemical process. 提取,提炼;to choose information from a book, a computer etc, to be used for a particular purpose.选取,摘录,选录; to take or pull sth out, especially when this needs force or effect. (用力 )拔出或取出。to extract essential oils from plants 从植物中提取香精油. The article is extracted from his book. 本文选自他的新书。The dentist may decide that the wisdom teeth need to be extracted. 牙医可能会以为智牙需要拔掉。extraction 提取,提炼,开采oil/mineral/coal extraction 石油,矿物,煤的开采。5 14. venom: the poisonous liquid that some snakes, spiders produce when they bite or sting you. ( 毒蛇,蜘蛛等分泌的)毒液15. hierarchy: a system, especially in a society or an organization, in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest. 等级制度(尤其指社会组织)Like most other American companies with a rigid hierarchy, workers and managers had strictly defined duties. 16. ready-made: prepared in advance so that you can eat or use it immediately.预制的,已做好的,成品的,现成的a ready-made suit 成品套装ready-made pastry/pizzas 已做好的糕点、比萨17. organist;a person who plays the organ 风琴演奏者,风琴手18. safety razor: a razor with a cover over the blade to stop it from cutting the skin. 安全剃刀,保险刀。19. undertaker: (also funeral director) (American English also mortician) a person whose job is to prepare dead people to be buried or cremated, and to arrange funerals. 殡葬承办人;殡仪服务员。20. parking meter: (also meter) a machine beside the road that you put money into when you park your car next to it. 停车收费器。21. aeronautical:relating to the science or practice of building and flying aircraft. 航
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