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(人教(人教 PEP)五年级英语上册)五年级英语上册 Unit 4-6 单元测试单元测试 3听力部分听力部分 40%1. 听音听音, 选择你所听到的内容。选择你所听到的内容。 10% ( ) 1. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening ( ) 2. A. 3:15 B. 8:30 C. 5:00 ( ) 3. A. windy B. winter C. cool ( ) 4. A. Halloween B. Thanksgiving C. New Year ( ) 5. A. what B. when C. where ( ) 6. A. second B. twelfth C. twentieth ( ) 7. A. skate B. skirt C. sky ( ) 8. A. October B. August C. April ( ) 9. A. shopping B. stopping C. sleeping ( ) 10. A. have a look B. make a cake C. fly a kite 2. 听问句听问句, 选答句。选答句。10% ( ) 1. A. At 7:00 in the morning. B. At about 5:00 in the evening. ( ) 2. A. Because I can swim in the lake. B. Summer is good, but I like fall best. ( ) 3. A. My birthday is in June. B. My brothers birthday is in May. ( ) 4. A. Its September 10th. B. Its October 1st. ( ) 5. A. Sure. B. Thank you. 3. 听音听音, 判断下面句子的正误判断下面句子的正误,打打“”“”或或“”“” 。10% ( ) 1. Mary is making a birthday chart for her family. ( ) 2. Uncle Sams birthday is in July. ( ) 3. There are three birthdays in October. ( ) 4. Grandmas birthday is on the same day with Mary. ( ) 5. Aunt Kates birthday is on June 1st. 4. 听音听音, 完成下列句子。完成下列句子。10% Its a sunny day. The students are having a good time. They are going on a field trip. Look! Chen Jie is w i . Zhang Peng and John are p c under a big tree. Mike is d w . Sarah is c b . Wu Yifan is t p of the ants. 笔试部分笔试部分 60%5. 判断下列单词中划线部分发音是否相同判断下列单词中划线部分发音是否相同, 打打“”“”或或“”“” 。10% 1. green glass ( ) 2. wait rain ( ) 3. chair hair ( ) 4. skate skirt ( ) 5. book school ( ) 6. China sheep ( ) 7. tree try ( ) 8. class car ( ) 9. small snow ( ) 10. sleep slow ( ) 6. 选择最合理的答案。选择最合理的答案。 15% ( ) 1. When do you have breakfast? At 6:30 . A. a.m. B. c.m. C. p.m. ( ) 2. before (之前) you go to bed. A. Brush your teeth B. Eat some cakes C. play computer games ( ) 3. I go hiking. A. Some times B. Sometime C. Sometimes ( ) 4. Fall is and cool. A. very hot B. windy C. cold ( ) 5. I can play with snow in . A. fall B. autumn C. winter ( ) 6. When its fall in China, its in Australia. A. fall B. spring C. winter ( ) 7. When is Childrens Day? Its . A. March 8th B. July 4th C. June 1st ( ) 8. Is grandmas birthday in June? . A. Yes, she isnt. B. No, she is. C. No, it isnt. ( ) 9. How many seasons are there in a year? . A. Twelve B. Seven C. Four ( ) 10. is the third month of a year. A. January B. March C. May ( ) 11. Where are kangaroo from? . A. China B. Canada C. Australia ( ) 12. Dad, there is a call for you. . A. Thank you. B. Youre welcome. C. Youre right. ( ) 13. I can the meals. I am the meals now. A. cook; cooks B. cook; cooking C. cook; cook ( ) 14. What are the monkeys doing? . A. He is swinging. B. They are swinging. C. Yes, they can swing. ( ) 15. Are the pandas climbing? A. Yes, it is. B. No, they are not. C. No, they are. 7. 用单词的正确形式用单词的正确形式, 补全句子。补全句子。 10% write swim do cow play 1. I am a report in the study. 2. The fish is in the river. 3. There are many and sheep on the farm. 4. Usually he football on the weekend. 5. They are morning exercises on the playground. 8. 连接相应的节日和日期。连接相应的节日和日期。 5% Womens Day Christmas Day Teachers Day Army Day April Fools Day March 8th September 10th December 25th April 1st August 1st 9. 连词成句。连词成句。10% like, best, do, season, which, you (?) is, date, what, the (?) eating, are, honey, the, they (.) time, long, a, sleep, can, I, because (.) is, in, dinner, the, mom, kitchen, cooking (.) 10. 阅读短文阅读短文, 选择。选择。10% Dear Bob: Its suuny today. My friends and I are playing on the beach (沙滩). Its very beautiful. The water is clean and blue. We are having a good time. Many birds are flying over the sea. Some are standing on the rock (岩石). Many people are swimming. Some people are lying (躺) on the beach. And some boys are playing football, too. My sister Mary is sitting on a chair and singing. My brother John is playing with sand (沙) and I am sitting on a rock and writing to you! What a nice day! What are you doing now? I hope I can get your letter soon. Best wishes! Sam ( ) 1. Whats the weather like today? Its . A. Saturday B. Sunday C. sunny ( ) 2. Sam and his friends are playing on the . A. beach B. far
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