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六年级英语上学期期中考试卷六年级英语上学期期中考试卷姓名姓名 班级班级 分数分数 一、找出与音标相对应的单词。一、找出与音标相对应的单词。 (16 分)分) 二、圈出你所认识的单词。(二、圈出你所认识的单词。(9分)分)三、下列句子中各有一处是错的,你能圈出来并改正吗三、下列句子中各有一处是错的,你能圈出来并改正吗?(24分)分)1. I go to school by a bike.A B C D2. Stop at a green light.A B C D3. Where are the cinema, Sir. A B C D4. I is going home this weekend.A B C D5. What are you going do tomorrow?A B C D6. I often reads books on Saturday. A B C D7. I am going to be nurse.A B C D8. She is going to buy a dictionary in the hospital.A B C D四、在各组中圈出不同类的那一项。(四、在各组中圈出不同类的那一项。(5分)分)五、你能帮苹果宝宝找到家吗五、你能帮苹果宝宝找到家吗?(9分)分)六、你知道该如何使用六、你知道该如何使用“a”,“an”和和“the”吗吗?试一试吧试一试吧!有些地方并不需要有些地方并不需要填哦!(填哦!(11分)分)1. I have book. Its interesting book.2. We go to school on Mondays.3. moon looks like banana.4. I often play basketball with my friends.5. She can play piano very well.6. woman is my mother. Shes English teacher.7. She is university student. She is American.七、补全对话,根据提供的首字母填入所缺的字母。(七、补全对话,根据提供的首字母填入所缺的字母。(18分)分)1. What a you g to do today?I a g to pl the violin.2. I he going t buy a book? Y ,he is.3. Wh are th g ?Theyre g t the park.4. A the girls g t do their homework?N , they a .八、阅读理解。(八、阅读理解。(8分)分)A: Excuse me, madam. How can I get to the Science Museum?B: Oh. Its far away from here. Youd better take a bus.A: I like walking.B: Well. You can go straight down this street till you come to Zhongshan Road. Turn right at the traffic lights you can see a cinema. Turn left at the cinema then walk straight for 5 minutes. You can see a fast food shop ahead. Then turn right, you can see a big white building on the right. It is the Science Museum.A: Thank you so much.B: Youre welcome.根据对话填写路径:A. Zhongshan RoadB. a fast food shopC. a cinemaD. the Science Museum参考答案参考答案一、略二、tonight today evening tomorrow morning Sunday weekend next week Friday三、lDbikeCon 2AGoCred 3Bis 4BamAHeShe 5Dto do 6Bread 7Da nurse 8Dbookstore四、lplane 2hamburger 3Wait 4tomorrow 5A B C五、place:library canteen teachers officecolor:brown orange yellowverb:watch walk read六、la an 2 3The a 4 5the 6The an 7a an七、lre oing m oing ay 2s o es 3ere ey oing oing o 4re oing o o rent八、ACBD
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