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六年级英语上册六年级英语上册 Lesson 15-16 练习练习姓名姓名 班级班级 【本讲教育信息本讲教育信息】一、教学内容: Lesson 15Lesson 16二、单词:1. grandpa(外)祖父(口语)2. enjoy享受的乐趣;喜欢3. farming耕种4. fishing钓鱼5. tool工具6. flower花7. raise喂养;饲养三、词组:1. on a farm2. some interesting hobbies3. plant flowers4. grow vegetables5. keep/raise animals6. some geese7. be good at(do well in)8. go fishing9. the whole day10. make tools11. read books12. play cards13. take pictures四、句型:1. My grandpa enjoys farming.2. My grandpas hobby is fishing.五、语法: 继续学习动名词六、重难点分析:1. He enjoys farming. 他喜欢种田。 farming 在这里是动词,表示种田、务农、经营农场、从事畜牧的意思。2. He enjoys planting flowers and growing vegetables. 他喜欢种花和种菜。 在这里 plant 和 grow 都作“种植,栽培”解。我们还可以说:grow flowers and plant vegetables.3. keep 的用法。 (1)饲养 (2)保存/留 (3)系动词,保持 (4)不停地做某事 (5)keep off4. 辨析 also 和 too 5. Sometimes he goes fishing for the whole day but catches nothing. 有时他钓一整天鱼却什么也没钓着。6. Different people have different hobbies.七、知识链接: 一个词具有两种词性:1. park2. farm 3. plant4. paint5. cook6. glue7. colour 8. play9. show10. clean11. number八、语音:ar【模拟试题模拟试题】 (答题时间:(答题时间:40 分钟)分钟)一、语音判断:一、语音判断:( )1. live life ( )2. farm arm ( )3. want watch ( )4. plant plate ( )5.grow yellow ( )6. keep sleep ( )7. nothing son ( )8. catch watch ( )9. Peter excuse ( )10. table vegetable二、用所给词的适当形式填空:二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. My grandpa is a _. He likes _.(farm)2. Jimmy and his friends enjoy _ in the third house. (play)3. There _ some money in the box .(be)4. Everybody _ hobbies.(have)5. Mr. Brown is good at _ on a computer.(work)6. Would you like to tell us a _ story?(fun)三、用适当介词填空:三、用适当介词填空:1. Dont talk loudly(大声地)_ a bus.2. Today Mary goes to school _ her mothers car.3. Your pen is _ the books. So you cant see it.4. Father is asking John _ his study.5. Im going to buy a new type _ model plane for my brother. 四、选择填空:四、选择填空:( )1. He often goes to Chengde _ holidays.A. of B. about C. for D. to ( )2. He has some interesting books _.A. read B. to read C. reads D. reading ( )3. Can I _ your bike for two days?A. borrow B. keep C. ride D. drive ( )4. They work _ a farm.A. in B. on C. at D. to ( )5. Is the bike there _?A. his B. him C. he D. hes ( )6. _ you know his name?A. Doesnt B. Cant C. Dont D. Isnt ( )7. I _ think he _ right.A. not is B. dont, is C. do, isnt D. not, is ( )8. How about _ a rest?A. have B. to have C. having D. has ( )9. He _ how to sing in English. A. know B. to, know C. knows D. knowing ( )10. He often _ people.A. interview B. interviews C. interviewing D. to interview ( )11. Whats your _ hobby?A. father B. fathers C. fathers D. fathers ( )12. _ is his favourite.A. Watch TV B. Watching TV C. To watch TV D. Watches TV ( )13. He likes playing _ his friends.A. at B. and C. to D. with五、组句:五、组句:1. he, enjoy, pictures, collecting(.) _ _ _ _.2. like, drinking, the , in , blue , woman , tea(.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _.3. the, sometimes, he, piano, play, the, in, evening(.)4. a, he, have, of, lot, hobbies(.) _ _ _ _ _ _.5. enjoy, books, he, reading, music, about(.) _ _ _ _ _ _.六、补全对话六、补全对话,每空一词每空一词:Jim: How _(1)people are there in your family?Bob: Therere four . Theyre my father, my mother, my sister and I.Jim: What do you like _(2)in your free time?Bob: I like _(3)in the small river near my home.Jim: What_(4)your father enjoy _(5)?Bob: He likes _(6)old coins(港币)and _(7)fishing.Jim: Whats your mothers _(8)?Bob: She likes _(9)clothes for us.【试题答案试题答案】一. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 二. 1. farmer farming 2. playing 3. is 4. has 5. working 6. funny 三. 1. in 2. in 3. in 4. about 5. of 四.1.C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. B 13. D 五. 1. He enjoys collecting pictures. 2. The woman in blue likes drinking tea. 3. He sometimes plays the piano in the evening. 4. He has a lot of hobbies. 5. He enjoys reading books about music. 六. 1. many 2. doing 3.swimming 4.does 5. doing 6. collecting 7. going 8. hobby 9. making
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