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四年级英语下册期中复习调研试卷四年级英语下册期中复习调研试卷姓名姓名 班级班级 一、选择正确的字母一、选择正确的字母,补全单词,并在横线上写出其中文意思。补全单词,并在横线上写出其中文意思。( )1. h_ _ pital _ A. s, o B. o, s C. o, o ( )2. pl _ n _ _ A. a, a B. e, a C. a, e ( )3. p _ _ iceman _ A. o, l B. o, i C. l, o ( )4. fr_ _ nd _ A. i, e B. e, i C. e, e ( )5. b_ n_ n_ _ A. a, e, a B. e, a, e C. a, a, a二、将下列单词按要求归类。二、将下列单词按要求归类。 farmer, supermarket, plane, black, skirt, hospital, grape, white, dress, bus, mango, cook, A.颜色_ B. 水果_ C.职业 _ D. 场所_ E.服装 _ F. 交通工具_ 三、根据中文提示完成词组。三、根据中文提示完成词组。 1. 一位新学生 a new _ 2. 她的祖母 her _ 3. 你的朋友们 your _ 4. 一些桔子 some _ 5. 一位老工人 _ old _ 6. 穿着白袜子 _ _ socks 7. come down _ 8. 几岁_ 9. 一个红苹果 _ 10.我的哥哥 _ 11. be late for school _ 12.大眼睛 _ 13. some fruit _ 14. his job _ 15. 我的新朋友们 _ 16. 穿白色短裙的女孩 _ 17. 三个女服务员_ 18. 她的爸爸 _ 19. 他的姐姐 20. Let me see. 21. 两个公共汽车司机 22. the one in the white skirt _ 四、按要求写出下列各词。四、按要求写出下列各词。1. whos (同音词) _ 2. policeman (复数) _3. peach (复数) _ 4. they are ( 缩写) _ 5. are not ( 缩写) _ 6. waitress (复数) _五、从五、从栏中选出与栏中选出与栏相匹配的句子。栏相匹配的句子。A 组组. ( )1. We are late. A. Some rubbers. ( )2. Shall we go by bike? B. Lets hurry. ( )3. What do you want to be? C. Great! ( )4. These or those? D. I want to be a teacher. ( )5. Can I help you? E. The green ones. B 组组. ( ) 1. Excuse me, are you a teacher ? A. Theyre pears. ( ) 2. What are those? B. The tall one. ( ) 3. We are late for the party. C. Five yuan. ( ) 4. How old are you? D. Yes, lets hurry. ( ) 5. How much are they ? E. Im ten. ( )6. Which man is a cook? F. No, Im a doctor.六、按照正确顺序排列下列句子。六、按照正确顺序排列下列句子。A. Lets go to the library B. Yes. C. Great! But how? D. Are you free now? E. Shall we go by bike? F. All right. Lets go ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )七、连词成句。七、连词成句。1.there, woman, that, Whos, over _ ? 2.here, you, Are, a, nurse _? 3.climb, again, trees, Dont _!4.your, Is, sister, girl, that _? 5.with, the, eyes, boy, Whos, big _? 6.red, one,The, skirt, in ,the _.7.are, jobs, their, What _? 8. some, too, Id, grapes, like _. 9. like, some, Id, grapes, please _. 10. old, father, is,How, your _? 11. to, be, you, do,What, want_? 12. the, much, are, How, bananas _?八、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。八、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 (每空一词)(每空一词) 1那个大鼻子的男孩是谁?是我的弟弟。 _ the boy _ big nose ? _ my _ . 2她是你妈妈吗?哪一个?穿红色短裙的。 _ she your _ ? _ _ ? The _ _ a red skirt . 4你爷爷在哪里?他在书房里。 _ _ your _ ? Hes _ the study . 5. 他多大了?十岁。 How _ is _ ? _ ten . 6. 你是警察吗?是的。_ you a _ ? Yes , _ _ . 8. 冰箱 里的 那 些 是 什么?是 橘 子。 _ are _ _ the fridge ? Theyre _ . 9. 你想要些什么?我想买一些梨子。要多少公斤?两公斤。 What would _ _ ? Id _ some _ . How _ _ ? Two _ , please .九、完成对话。九、完成对话。(A)看图,完成下列句子。1. A: Look at that old man. B: Which one? A: The the black sweater . B: my grandfather .A: How is he ?B: About seventy.2. A: Excuse me , are you ? B: Yes, .A: Whats name?B: name is Li Bing .(B)根据上下文完成对话。A: Whos my
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