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四年级英语下学期期末综合试卷(二)四年级英语下学期期末综合试卷(二)姓名姓名 班级班级 一、读句子填空。一、读句子填空。He likes donuts. She likes donuts. I like cookies and cake. You like cookies an ice cream. 1. _ favourite dessert is donut._ favourite dessert is donut, _._ _ dessert are the _. 2. I _cookies _ cake.You _ cookies _ ice cream.You like cookies, _. 3. _favourite dessert is cake._ favourite dessert is ice cream._ favourite dessert are _. 4. I like cookies, _ I dont like donuts.You dont like donuts _. 5. _like donuts, _ they dont like cookies.They dont like cake _.二、按要求写出单词的正确形式。二、按要求写出单词的正确形式。1. sheep(复数)_ 2. strawberries(单数)_ 3. small(近义词)_ 4. one(序数词)_ 5. sun(同音词)_ 6. twentieth(基数词)_ 7. tall(反义词)_ 8. too (同音单词) _ 9. cant(完整形式) _ 10. They are(缩写形式)_三、连线。三、连线。he hershe theirit ourthey hiswe myyou yourI its四、汉译英。四、汉译英。1.我喜欢水果。 2.你多大了? 3.我 1.4 米高。 4.你住在哪里? 5.你叫什么名字? 6.我喜欢打乒乓球。 7.你准备好去上学了吗? 8.该吃午饭了。 9.李明的铅笔在他的书上。10.现在几点了? 五、英译汉。五、英译汉。1. I like to play on the computer. _ 2. How tall are you? _ 3. My shirt is white? _ 4. Hows the weather today? _ 5. When is Spring Festival? _ 6. Whats he wearing? _ 7. What day was yesterday? _ 8. We are the same. _ 9. Whats your favourite food for lunch? _ 10. What do you like to do? _六、英汉互译。六、英汉互译。1. 我的椅子 2. 他的书 3. 我们的教室 4. 他们的课桌 5. 她的毛衣 6. New Years Day_ 7. International Workers Day_ 8. Childrens Day _ 9. National Day _ 10. Spring Festival_七、改错,画出句子中的错误,并改正。七、改错,画出句子中的错误,并改正。1. My adress is 942 Ninth Avenue. _ 2. How are you go to school? _ 3. This are pants. _ 4. Where are you live? _ 5. I live in Park Road. _八、用英语写出下列地址。八、用英语写出下列地址。1友谊大街 25 号 2中山路 191 号 3平安大街 2 号 4第一大街 100 号 5公园路 88 号
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