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摘 要随着人们生活的水平不断提高,生活方式、饮食结构不断改变,习惯的变化和高节奏的生活导致了高血压、冠心病等心血管疾病成为常见病与多发病。要避免和减少高血压、冠心病这类心血管疾病给人类健康带来的严重危害,有效的旱期诊断治疗方法和设备,快速的发病后的救治手段都是非常重要的,这些也正是当前广大医学界专家正在共同努力研究的重点。而脉搏是人体活动最重要、最灵敏和最可靠的信息源,是反映人体健康状况的重要窗口,而对脉搏的提取速度又快,因此利用脉搏信号快速的发现病因也是一个有效的方法。本课题采用嵌入式与无线通讯技术,提出处理脉信号的新方案,即采集及处理与无线发送部分(前端系统)+无线接收与 PC 机显示部分(后端系统) 。 前端系统主要负责脉搏信号的采集和初步处理并发送,能够单独工作;通过无线接收和串口接口连接到 PC 机上显示,后端系统主要负责跟踪显示由前端系统传递来的信号。正是有了无线接收模块的作用,使得系统具备了远程监测的能力。本文论述了课题研究的现状和意义以及设计方案;介绍了主要的芯片的原理和他们的使用方法;阐述了硬件设计与软件设计方案;说明了相应软件的流程和方法,并解说了相应硬件与软件的调试。最后对所做的工作进行了分析和总结,指出了系统涵待改进和提高的地方,展望了系统今后的发展方向。 关键词 : 嵌入式系统;无线收发模块;串口;传感器 AbstractWith peoples lives has improved continuously, lifestyle, the changing structure of diet, habits change and the high tempo of life has led to hypertension, coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases became common diseases and frequently-occurring disease.To prevent and reduce hypertension, coronary heart disease such cardiovascular disease to the serious human health hazards, effective diagnosis and treatment of the dry method and equipment, rapid onset of treatment methods are very important, these are precisely the current The broad masses of medical experts are working together the focus of the study.The pulse of human activities is the most important and most sensitive and most reliable source of information, to reflect the health status of an important window on the pulse of the fast speed of extraction, use of rapid pulse signals that cause is also an effective method.The issue with the use of embedded wireless technology, network signal processing by the new programme,acquisition and processing and wireless transmitter part (front-end systems) + wireless receiver and PC revealed that some of (back-end systems).Front-end system is mainly responsible for the signal pulse of the collection and initial processing and send to separate work and a wireless receiver connected to the serial interface on a PC, back-end system is mainly responsible for the tracking system shows that the front end to the transmission signal.It is precisely because of the role of the wireless receiver modules, making the remote monitoring system has the ability.This article discusses the issue of the status and significance of research and design programmes;On the main chip and the principle of the use of their methods on the design of hardware and software design; note the corresponding software processes and methodologies and explain the corresponding hardware and software debugging.Finally, the work done by an analysis and concluded that the culvert system to be improved and increased local and looking forward to the systems future development direction.Key words: Embedded systems; wireless transceiver module; Serial; sensor目 录引言 .1 1 课题现状及研究意义 .21.1 课题现状 .21.2 研究意义 .3 2 方案论证 .42.1 方案选择 .42.2 系统框图 .5 3 主要芯片介绍 .73.1 光电传感器 .73.2 Atmega8515 .73.3 无线收发模块 .113.4 MAX232 芯片.13 4 硬件设计 .164.1 采集部分 .164.2 滤波部分 .164.3 放大部分 .184.4 555 施密特整形电路.194.5 下位机处理部分 .204.5.1 单片机复位电路.204.5.2 数码管显示部分电路.204.5.3 无线发送模块部分.214.5.4 单片机的晶振和中央处理部分.224.6 上位机部分 .224.6.1 无线接收模块部分.224.6.2 接收数据处理部分.234.6.3 串口部分.23 5 软件设计 .265.
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