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六年级上册期中测试六年级上册期中测试一、按要求写词(12%)1.hot( 对应词) 2.eat( 对应词) 3.right(同音词) 4.whos(同音词) 5.you(复数) 6. she(物主代词) 7. isnt(完整形式) 8.dont (完整形式) 9. he (复数) 10.my mother(所有格) 11.they are (缩略形式) 12. cannot (缩略形式) 二、翻译下列词组(12%)1.这只老虎 2.八辆玩具公共汽车 3.两双鞋子 4.合上他的书 5.写新单词 6.没什么,不要紧。 7.一个英国钱包 8.在下午 9.谁的大毛衣 10.在 7:03 11.give me the water 12. Dont worry. 三、选择填空(10%)( )1.The dress too long. Try this on .A. are, one B. is, pair C. is, one( )2.-Are you hungry? -Yes, .A. you are B. I am C. she is ( )3. Here some juice for you. A. are B. is C. am( )4.- time do you get up ?- five fifty.A. Whats, At B. What, In C. What, At( )5. -Whose are they?- Nancys.A. scarf , Theyre B. scarfs , Its C. scarfs , Theyre( )6. Why you have lunch?A. are B. is C. dont( )7. Its time go to the cinema. Shall we go bus.A. lets , on B. we, in C. to , by( )8. -Where my umbrellas?- on the desk.A. is, Its B. is, Theyre C. are, Theyre( )9. You so funny. Your toy rabbit so funny ,too.A. looks, looks B. look, look C. look, looks ( )10.- I like . -Me, .A. puppet, to B. puppets, two C. puppets, too 四、左右配对(5%)( )1.This is Helens new shirt. A. How nice.( )2. Whose balloon is it ? B. Perhaps shes in the TV room.( )3. Wheres Miss Li ? C. Its fifteen.( )4.Whats thirteen and four? D. Its nice.( )5. Look at my gloves. E. Perhaps its Mikes. 五、完成下列句子。(16%)1. -怎么啦?-我渴了。- matter?- . 2. 这儿有给你的四条牛仔裤。Here pairs you.3. 我可以为杨玲拿一只玩具兔子吗?May toy for Yang Ling?4. 这是你的扇子吗? 不,可能是 Mike 的。- this ? -No, perhaps .5. 不要在你的书上画。Dont .6. 你几点钟读书? 8:25 - time do you ? - twenty-five.7. 刘涛在哪里?在教室里。 - Liu Tao? - the classroom.六、连词成句 5%1.this , ball, is, pen , new(.) 2.I , this, his, toy , think, panda, is(.) 3.you, have, that, short, one, can (.) 4.what, in, your, that, is, desk(?) 5.nine, are, running, on, dogs, the, sofa(.) 七、完成对话 5%A: _ the matter? _ _ ill?B: No. _ cold. Shall we _ the windows now?A: OK. And _ a sweater for you. Try _ on.B: Oh, _ so pretty. Thanks very much. A: _ _八、阅读下列对话,并选择正确的答案。5%David: Im hungry, Mum.Mum: Oh, Im sorry, David. What time is it now?David: Its six forty-five. Mum: Its late for supper ( 晚餐). What would you like for supper?David: Id like some milk and a hamburger.Mum: OK. Here you are.( )1. What time is it now?A. Its six forty-five in the morning.B. Its six forty-five in the evening.C. Its six oclock.( ) 2. whats the matter with David?A. Hes ill. B. Hes late. C. Hes very hungry.( ) 3. Is it late for breakfast?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. Its late for supper. C. Sorry, I dont know.( ) 4. what would David like for supper?A. A glass of water. B. Some hamburgers and milk.C. A hamburger and some milk. ( ) 5. What time do they often (经常)have supper?A. At six forty-five in the evening. B. At about(大约)seven oclock.C. Before(在以前)six forty-five.
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