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五年级英语上册五年级英语上册 Unit 1 基础知识和重点过关基础知识和重点过关姓名姓名 班级班级 分数分数 一、听音,连线。一、听音,连线。 (10 分)分)shortyoung tall strongoldpretty strict funny thin kind二、根据词意写出相应的单词。二、根据词意写出相应的单词。(10 分分)1高的_ 2强壮的_3矮的_4瘦的_ 5积极的_6老的_7滑稽的_8亲切的_9聪明的_10严格的_三、破译密码,组成句子,并抄写在横线上。三、破译密码,组成句子,并抄写在横线上。(10分分)四、将下列词意相反的词连起来。四、将下列词意相反的词连起来。(10分分)tallbigthinyoung activesmallshortquietold strong五、读一读,连一连。五、读一读,连一连。(5分分)He isWho isWhat isShe isWhosShesWhatsHes六、看图判断对错。六、看图判断对错。(10分分)1The monkey has a long tail2The panda is very thin3Our music teacher is tall and strong4My grandma is very old5The clown is very funny七、选词填空七、选词填空(12分分)1一What is Mr. Zhao like ? 一_ is old2一Whats Miss Sun like? 一_ is young3一Whats Chen Jie like? 一_ is short4一Whats Mike like? 一_ is thin5一Whats Amy like? 一_ is tall6一What is Zhang Peng like? 一_ is strong八、找出字谜中的八、找出字谜中的4个单词,用它们组合成一个问句,并抄写在横线上。个单词,用它们组合成一个问句,并抄写在横线上。(8分分)_?九、从九、从B栏里找到栏里找到A栏的正确答语。(栏的正确答语。(10分)分)AB1This is Mr. Hu,our new English teacherAHow do you do?2Who is your math teacher?BNice to meet you3Do you have a new English teacher?CYes,I do4Is he strict? DNohe isntHe is very kind5How do you do? EMiss Wang is十、教师节来啦十、教师节来啦!老师这里有几个祝福语,请给你喜欢的老师做一张贺卡吧老师这里有几个祝福语,请给你喜欢的老师做一张贺卡吧!(15分分)Happy Teachers Day !I love you!You are the best,still my best teacher!Three cheers to a Wonderful Teachers Day!You are our rolemodel !请设计出你的贺卡:参考答案参考答案一、Look,this is my family photoThis is my fatherHes strong and strictThis is my motherShes tall and thinThis is my grandmaShes old and kindThis little boy is my brotherHes young and funnyWhos this short but pretty girl? HahaIts me! (答案略)二、略三、Do you have new teachers?四、略五、略六、l5 七、lHe2She3She4He 5She6He八、like,is,what,he;What is he like?九、l5 B E C D A十、略
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